
Worth fighting for


Donghae’s POV


“What?! You’re kicking me out?” I raised my voice. “After all we’ve been through?” I glared at the man opposite of me. He was as close to a dad that I had. Mrs Im looked worriedly at her husband.

“Donghae, calm down. I think you need to spend time alone… It’s just that we think you should move away from our family. You have your own family, you just need to find them.” He answered calmly.

“What? My parents are f***ing dead! Where do you think I should go? Live out in the streets like I use to? You were the closest thing to a dad that I’d ever had… You were my family.” My eyes began to tear. In my lifetime, I never thought that anything like this would happen. I thought that they cherished me like their son. My eyes slowly drifted to a figure of a shadow behind the wall. It was Yoona. Did she already know about this? Could she just stand by and watch me leave?

“Donghae, as your guardian, I’m asking you to leave my house. I can’t guarantee the safety of my family when you are still living here. I’ve already discussed this Yoona.” He demanded. I snared,

“If you think I don’t belong here then I’m gone. I’ve always wondered why you took me in the first place.”

“I’ve packed your stuff already.” He said, looking to the floor. Mrs Im became teary and I could hear Yoona’s cry from the room. I grabbed all my belongings and walked out, leaving my only place of survival.


Taeyang’s POV


It was night time and the weather was reaching freezing point. Damn! Wearing a tank top, jeans and a scarf wasn’t the best idea then. I walked into Jonghyun’s home and closed the door of my room. I opened my wardrobe and looked at my clothes. They had been filled with Jessica’s presents for me. She stuck a note on my wardrobe saying, ‘Warm clothes Taeyang, warm clothes!’ I smiled thinking about her. I grabbed her favourite jacket that she bought for me and slipped it on. I was planning to go to for a late snack.


I walked out the house only to find Jonghyun standing there. I bowed my head in respect and began to walk off.

“Taeyang, where are you going?” Jonghyun intercepted me. I froze at the spot and told the truth.

“I’m just going for a late night snack.”

“Are you planning to stop by someone’s place?” He asked coldly. I glanced over at him. He was wearing a suit and had a very depressing look. His eyes were sleepless and his body became loose.

“Uh, I wasn’t planning to. But if you want me to I can.” I suggested, trying to lighten up his mood.

“You don’t need to. You can go now.” He said and walked in the house. He was definitely in a bad or sad mood. It was Krystal’s birthday after all.


I walked along the street lights and gnawed at my scrumptious burger. ‘Nom nom nom’ I soon realised a dark figure sitting against a wall. I cautiously walked to it. As I got closer, I saw a suitcase next to him and he looked like he was in a terrible state. He was blocking his face with a hoodie. I crouched down and nudged him. No response. I nudged him again. His head slowly rose up and I was shocked to see who it was.

“Donghae? Is that you?” I asked. He barely opened his eyes and looked at me. He soon returned back to his same posture and I panicked. He need a place to stay so I lifted me on my back and carried his suitcase with my occupied hands. “Hang in there buddy. We’ll get you to a nice place.” I said to him.


Jessica’s POV




I stared at him not being able to look away. His perfection and gentlemen like figure still remained the same. However, his perfect brown hair had grown longer and his jawline became more defined. That same suit from a year ago remained stained in his everyday life now. A bouquet of white flowers was held in his hand and his knees were on the ground. Out of all places and times, I had to meet him here. It was no surprise to find him at my own best friend’s grave.


It was Krystal’s birthday today, her 17th. I wished she were still alive. Her presence and personality made me feel like she was my actual sister. How much I wanted time to travel back so that I could treat her better as an older sister. I was a bad one. I selfish person I was.


As Jonghyun slowly got up from his knees while placing the flowers on top on the grave, I hid behind the wall. I couldn’t bare seeing his face again. We promised each other that we would forget all the memories of us. Jonghyun was too perfect for me. If it weren’t for me then Jonghyun and Krystal would’ve lived happily ever after.

 “I’m sorry…” I heard Jonghyun say sincerely and began to walk off.


End of flashback-


I sighed and fiddled around with my favourite Pikachu plush. My desire to see him again made my mind go crazy. I grabbed my handbag and gushed out the door.


I couldn’t believe it when I found myself walking towards Jonghyun’s house again. It was late, but I never took notice of the time anyway. It seemed like it never passed. I could never put myself to sleep easily; it was just a difficult task to complete with my current life. I nearly reached the front door but noticed a figure on top of another. As it approached me, I was surprised, however I kept my blank face.

“Sica?” Taeyang asked. I analysed him and the person that he was carrying. It was Donghae. “He’s okay, just a bit tired.” Taeyang clarified. I nodded. Who was I to care about him anyway? I was a criminal. I couldn’t just stand here, so I began to walk back home. How pointless was that?


Jonghyun’s POV


I glanced over at Taeyang, who was carrying someone.

“Jjong, can he stay here for the night?” He asked. Being the person I was, I nodded and continued to work on the files. However, I was curious to see who Taeyang was carrying, so I began to walk quietly to his room. Before I entered, I knocked on the door and opened it. Taeyang simply stared at me and said,

“This is Donghae, the person I mentioned to you a while ago.” So it was him. Mr Lee’s son. I walked up to him and analysed him carefully. It surprised me to see that he was the type of person to hide his true feelings and personality. He was definitely not Jessica’s type though… He was short.

“Take care of him before he leaves.” I told Taeyang.  He bowed in respect and I walked off.


I found myself standing in the same place for the past year. I could be easily killed in this area, but that didn’t bother me. All my crimes and the selfish things I had done to the people around me made me want to die. Especially Jessica and Krystal. As the lights from her room turned off, I smiled and began to walk away. Until I was interrupted. 

“So you dare to come here after what you’ve done huh?” An arrogant voice asked. I looked up to see the one man I disliked. Kim Kibum. I glared at him. Things began to worsen when he pointed a gun to my head.

“Is this really a reasonable way to do it? To kill me? You clearly know that she didn’t love you being like this. It’s a fair game now. Krystal’s dead… Taeyeon’s dead… Does it mean we both should be dead?”

“SHUT UP! You don’t know how much she meant to me… She was my everything…”

“She was my sister goddammit! She meant a lot to me too. Too lose Krystal as well… “My eyes began to water. It hurt so much thinking about Taeyeon and Krystal being dead.

“Why didn’t you do anything about it then? You just banished him out from your organisation! You didn’t even dare kill him! He f****n killed your sister!”

“I’m planning to… He’s currently in Mr Lee’s team…” He glared at me and then flicked his eyes towards Jessica’s house. He pointed the gun at me again.

“Leave now.” He said coldly. I bowed my head and began to walk off. However I was interrupted by her. I startled. She simply looked at me with unfamiliar eyes. Her eyes moved towards Kibum and tilted her head.

“Lower the gun Kibum. We have neighbours you know.” She said. Her high pitched voice was gone. It was like she was a different person. Without making eye contact with me she pointed a gun to my head.

“Didn’t you hear him? Leave and never come back.”

“Sica…” I began to move my arm to touch her shoulder, but a loud sound shot passed me. She missed me.

“You didn’t shoot me…”

“But I don’t mind to.” She said pointing the gun right at my temple. I looked to the floor and bowed my head before I walked away from her yet again.


Kibum’s POV


I turned my head to stare at Jessica as she remained an emotionless face. But when Jonghyun was out of sight, tears began to cover her face. I walked over to her and said,

“You should’ve shot him. Remember the words your father said after your mother died, ‘When you’re the daughter of this organisation, you show no emotion to others. You kill without hesitation and take responsibility for all your actions.’” She walked passed and nudged my shoulder on the way.

I sighed.

“I’m sorry for killing Krystal, Jess. I had to protect you…” 


Heyo! Gosh it's been a while since I've updated >< I hope you guys enjoyed the chappie ;D It's not that great though. T_T I actually had a hard time writing up this chappie and ending up deleting small parts. This chappie will answer some questions so... yeah ;D 

Much love to subscribers and silent readers out there! <3

choki2lovejessi: Heyo there! The person Kibum talked to is definitely a funny and hungry person who loves to eat heaps of sweets. That person will be revealed in the next chappie. Sorry about the Jongsica and Donghae pairing >< I spent a lot of time debating on which couple to choose. I'll see how the story developes and I'll decide soon! And YES! There will be  A LOT of Jongsica moments for you to enjoy! ^o^ Here's the update.

AyraLovesKibum: Heyo! Here's another short Kibum's POV. As you can see he's actually a good person that acts like a baaaddd person. Is it Yoona, Sooyoung or a random? This will be revealed in the next chappie! Honestly, the couple i picked to be together in the end might not even be together and it can completely be a different couple. >< I'm thinking on making a poll for you guys to vote near the end =o Thanks for supporting! 

kyuhyunswifey: Heyo! The 'dead lover' is definitely snsd's... TAEYEON! ;D Though she's actually dead, there will be quite a few flashbacks of her and Kibum. Donghae's such a sweat guy right? xD I'm really grateful that you enjoyed the 'left and right' part! I thought it was pretty lame >< LOL! I actually wanted your 'delusional babble' of Jongsica to go longer! I was spazzing about it cause i thought the same too ^^ Found meh Jongsica buddy! XD Thanks for supporting! 

P.S I haven't clearly decided on the character who plays the role of Taeyeon's killer. So i made a poll for you guys to vote! I picked random names that came up in my head while making the poll >< The character is a selfish person who can betray anyone easily. He's arrogant and has a liking to Jessica. He doesn't have any close friends and he enjoys manipulating people. He's the antagonist and he will probably have a bad ending! Please choose wisely! If there is a particular person that you might suggest please comment! I might end up picking that person ^^

P.S.S After reading choki2lovejessi's comment, i realised that i had put in the wrong name for the poll! Thank you choki2lovejessi! I've changed it to Taeyeon and have looked at the results. I'll still take the results into consideration! Stupid me >< SORRY! 


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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/137855/asiankpop-ocean-graphic-shop-open-graphicshop).... And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k