Past Memories

Worth fighting for


Jessica’s POV

As we arrived back to my place, the atmosphere became tense again. My sleepless eyes wanted to rest.

“Did you have fun before?” Tae asked me. I turned towards him and looked into his eyes. He had been by my side all this time… all the hardships and inconsiderate things that I have shared and done to him. I admired his love towards me. To think some random person could even make my dead heart restart again in a couple of weeks changed my view on people. I hated myself not being able to fall in love with Taeyang. I realised that we both needed other people to make us happy and smile.

“Tae… Can you come in my room for a moment?”

As soon as we closed the door, I pushed him onto my bed and placed myself carefully on top of him. I kissed him fiercely. I ran my hands over his developed jawline multiply times. My hands slowly descended down his tank top and pulled at it. Together we ripped it and threw it away. Soon, I started to lift up my shirt, but was intercepted by warm hands. He pulled away from me and hugged me tightly as I sunk my head into his chest.

“Stop this Sica… Don’t do this to yourself.” He had already realised that I had been hurt. I was so lost in my own feelings and slowly lost myself. Growing up was so complicated, as time passed things became rough. I had to live alone for 5 years without parents. My only support was Taeyang and the man I loved. Sometimes I wished I deserved more, but my childish self was left behind after my mother had been murdered right before my eyes. It was so hard. The feelings that I had kept for so long inside my heart erupted. Tears came rushing out of my eyes. I wanted to stay in this warm chest forever.


Yoona’s POV


I walked in the dark alleyway. My heart wanted to stop. The images of Donghae and Jessica replayed through my head. I was so fooled that he had loved me. After that kiss I was definite about it. How could he just kiss some girl he had only known for a couple of weeks? I was frustrated and sad. All the things that indicated that I loved him… Was it all a joke to him? My heart wanted to shatter in a million pieces. Our first kiss meant… nothing.

Suddenly, I heard a group of boisterous people heading towards my direction.

“Look what we have here…” they giggled.

“Wha-at do-do you want?” I stuttered. One of them grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall. Before I could scream, somebody grabbed the guy and slammed him to the ground. The other guys rushed at the mysterious person. Some quick kicks had taken them to the ground. He turned around and grabbed my hand. He guided me out of the alleyway and started to walk away.

“Wait… Who are you?” I asked. There was no reply. He was gone.


Taeyang’s POV


I walked into headquarters and saw my boss. He noticed me and looked up and smiled,

“Taeyang, is there anything wrong? Everything’s gone alright?” I nodded and he frowned, “Stop lying, what’s wrong already? I’m not use to you acting like this.” He continued with his rough voice. I didn’t know how to reply. To think that the man who had hurt Jessica so much was right before my eyes was unbelievable, to think he was my best friend and boss…

“Jjong, why did you leave her?” I asked coldly. He blinked and furrowed his eyebrows.

“I don’t know who you’re implying. I’ve left a heap of people.” He replied. That made me feel frustrated.

“Jjong, you know who I meant. The girl that you’ve hurt so much. The one you truly love? You could forget her that easily?” He gave a long sigh and stood up.

“I wasn’t the one who killed Krystal. I cherished her every moment. The idea of being able to live a normal life meant the world to me. She was the one Tae… and now she’s gone.” He spoke. I hated when he did this. Lying about his feelings in order to make the people around him was his hobby.

“Jjong! Stop lying…What about Jessica?!”

“She wasn’t the one. I was lost in my feelings towards her. I left because I didn’t love her…” I had had enough. I walked to towards him and grabbed him by the collar. I pushed him against that wall and glared at him.

“How could you do this? KIM JONGHYUN! How could you lie to yourself this much? Can’t you see that it’s hurting both you and Jessica?!” I yelled at my boss. Normally I would never do something like this to Jonghyun. But after months of seeing Jessica cry by herself, I exploded. “She cries every night because of you!”

He looked to the floor with sad eyes. I could tell he was nearly as hurt as Jessica.

After seconds, I let go and fell on my knees in front of him.

“I’m sorry boss. My actions were selfish and disrespectful… I was just venting … Please forgive me.” I apologised. I couldn’t believe I would do such a thing to Jonghyun. Then, Jonghyun pulled me up.

“Taeyang, it’s alright. You’re not the only you who’s done mistakes.” He said sincerely. Jonghyun was the man I respected most. He was a gentleman and kind man. To think he was born in such a cruel life made me feel sorry for him. This job did not suit with his personality. He sat back down on his chair.

“Tae, there’s no designated missions for you now. You can just relax.” As soon as he said that he began to write again. I bowed my head. But before I could walk out the door, Jonghyun said,

“Eunhyuk’s on mission now. Trying to get info on Mr Lee, the leader of Lee Mafia. Apparently, he is planning to attack us sometime with Kibum.”

“Eunhyuk is friends with his son. Will he be involved?” I asked politely. Continuing to write, he asked,

“What’s that have to do? Is he important?”

“He’s the one that brings happiness to Jessica easily. She’s slowly falling in love with him I guess.” Jonghyun stopped writing. “I’m just making sure that he isn’t in danger. He’s not even aware that he’s the son.”

“Don’t tell him. You’ll make his life miserable.”

“I won’t, because it would hurt Jessica if I did.” Then, I walked off.


Jonghyun’s POV

As soon as Taeyang walked out the door, I sighed. Jessica Jung, do you have any idea how much I think about you? My heart stung when Taeyang had said that she had cried because of me.  Nothing could take us back into time. Our memories vanished into thin air. What we were withered away like a flower. I leaned back on my chair and thought about what we were…



On a freezing winter day, Jonghyun stood there waiting for the light in is life. He couldn’t wait. He rubbed his hands together and slipped them in his pockets. Even 4 layers of clothing could not keep him warm. But he still waited. He turned around, only to find an ice princess in front of his eyes. Her beautiful figure was outstanding. Jonghyun’s beat raced a thousand miles and his manly smile drew on his face. He shuffled towards her.

“Sica, how’s your day been?” He asked politely.

“It was pretty boring. I couldn’t stop thinking about you!” She replied with her squeaky voice. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

They started to stroll to a nearby coffee shop. Half of their faces were covered by their woolly scarves.

As a gentleman, Jonghyun pulled the chair out for Jessica. She liked how much of a gentleman Jonghyun was. He had always let her win everything and made her laugh so easily. As they warmed up in the café, Jonghyun ordered two cappuccinos.

“I’m so cold.” Jessica said in her aeygo filled voice. Jonghyun couldn’t stop smiling; he loved how cute Jessica was. They started to talk about what they had done throughout the day and who much they missed each other. They became themselves when they were with each other. All their worries would disappear and was filled with happiness. As Jessica took a sip of her warm cappuccino, some foam remained on her delicate lips. Jonghyun looked at her strangely and Jessica soon realised what was on her lips. She rolled her selves down and was about the wipe them. But Jonghyun intercepted and held onto Jessica’s chin softly. He leaned forward and wiped the foam off of her lips with his mouth. Slowly he leaned back and held onto Jessica’s hand. She sat there, not even saying a word. She was simply too surprised and her heartbeat was increasing dramatically. Jonghyun grasped onto Jessica’s hands,

“Sica, it’s been 3 years since I’ve known you… My mind is filled with you every moment of the day. The times when I’ve been down, you would always be there for me… Jessica, will you accept my proposal to be my girlfriend? Because, you are the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you.” Jonghyun asked sincerely. He didn’t know exactly what to say to her. Jessica sat as her angelic smile appeared on her face.

“Why not? I’ve been waiting for soooo long!” Both of them couldn’t contain their joy, so they stood up and hugged each other tightly, while screaming like little girls… Everyone looked at them like they were lunatics, but that didn’t stop them. They were finally together.




Tears were overflowing from my eyes and I had a hard time breathing. The memories and solace that I should’ve treasured were gone. Nothing was left. I slammed the table with my fist and rested my forehead on the table. The tears couldn’t stop.

“I’m sorry…” 


Heyo ;D This is a short chappie and is pretty lame >< But i hope you enjoyed it ;D 

Thank you to all my subscribers! You've kept me motivated with your awesome comments <3

choki2lovejessi: Wow! I didn't expect people to really like the scene where Kibum hits Donghae xD Here's the update ;D but it's pretty short ;~; Haesice all da way <3

AyraLovesKibum: Thank you! I hope i will be able to update more often! But meh mid term exams are coming up so it's gonna be tough x.x I will try my best to update!

munchtgrl: Sorry about Yoonhae! I'm more of a Haesica person <3 But i hope that you will enjoy the story ;D

Prides: YAY! New reader ^^ Yuri plays an important part in this story later on >< 

kyuhyunswifey: Thanks for supporting Worth Fighting For! I can see that you are enjoying this story a lot <33

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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k