The first meeting?

Worth fighting for


Donghae's Pov.


Life was simple. It was like a game, you had to play by the rules and do the right things to fly past life. It was as simple as that, no worries, no conflicts. My life had one simple rule. Don't get yourself into a big puzzle. End of story. Sure, I had friends and was a pretty big 'hottie' at my school. But it was so troublesome getting into other people's stories so I remained cool and didn't bother to reply to those crazy girls who usually crowded around me.


As I sat there snoring away in class a soft voice whispered to me,

Donghae, teacher's coming around to check our work.” It was Yoona. She was a very fragile young lady who could she the world differently from other people. She was one of the many friends that understood me and made my life simpler. She cheered me up every time I was bored and made me.... enjoy life. I lifted my head off from the table and rubbed my eyes.

Don't worry. I did it for you already.” She smiled. She was too nice, overwhelmingly nice. I sometimes wondered why she didn't have a boyfriend. I wouldn't really mind if she was my girlfriend. Those two words meant nothing to me. Boyfriend and girlfriend, who on Earth created those words? They sounded so childish and stupid. People go crazy about it. I especially hate the word 'LOVE' it even made me laugh a couple of times thinking about it.

I have an announcement to make!” the teacher tapped her table with what seemed like a cooking spoon. “There will be a new transfer student next week on Monday. Be nice to her and don't let her feel isolated.” She commanded. The class didn't really bother paying attention to transfer students or any of the announcements.


As the bell rang I lazily got my bag and headed out to lunchtime. As usual, when I arrived there I was crowded by a heap of girls. They screamed,

Donghae Oppa!” I ignored them and looked into the distance. Surprisingly a whole cake was popped right in front of my face. My eyes followed the arm that was holding it.

Oppa, please accept my cake. It's my impression of love given for you. I baked it myself.” I examined it. Damn, did it look deliciously yummy. I took it from her hands and said thank you.

When I sat down with the group Eunhyuk laughed at me.

Your that hungry Donghae?” he asked mockingly. Suddenly Sooyoung popped out of no where.

OMO! Is that cake?! Gimme some, or die!” I smiled at her and munch! I started to stuff the yummy cake in my mouth dissolving it slowly in front of Sooyoung's face.

I guess it's the end of Donghae's life.” Siwon and Tiffany said in unison. I glanced at Sooyoung only to see her sleeve's rolled up and her eyes giving me the most venomous death glare i've seen. I quickly sprinted out of my chair from Sooyoung as she came charging at me.


Yoona put a bandage on my left jawline and blew on it.

I knew it was a bad idea for you to eat cake in front of Sooyoung. You know she's obsessed with Cake and sweet things. Her room is full of sweet posters.”

Oh well. At least the group has fun together.” I sighed. “I want it to stay like this forever somehow. To be a group, to have fun, to laugh, to be relaxed. “ Yoona smiled at me as I said those words. I had to admit, I did like the group even though we were a bit retarded in some areas we stayed as a group of friends and supported each other. The group contained the funniest and unique people. Sunny, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Tiffany, Siwon, Sooyoung, Yoona and me. The perfect 8. But there were always other people, just friends like Minho, Yuri, Kibum, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, KangIn and so on. But out of those people Kibum freaked me out, he was distant from other people, he usually wagged class or we would see him entering class halfway through with bruises and dry blood all over his body. I think he's in some gang or something. But it was none of my business as usual.


The weekend had ended already and it was Monday. I did my usual routine. Wake up, take a shower, brush teeth and so on. When I reached the school gates my friends were already there. Sooyoung spoke first and called out,

LEE DONGHAE! QUICKLY GET YOUR OVER HERE!” I took a deep breath and walked towards her looking at the bruises that were on my arms. When I reached them they smiled and nodded at Sooyoung. She looked irritated at first but then relaxed. She sighed,

Sorryaboutyesterdayyoudeservedit.” She mumbled. She looked up at me and suddenly frowned,

What's with that plain expression?” I blinked a couple of times confused. Yoona stepped in.

Donghae usually has that poker face expression. He probably meant that he doesn't care about what happened yesterday.” She explained. I knew I had a lost twin.


Everyone was lolling on their table or chair as the teacher blabbered on about something. Until a knock broke the silence. Our heads turned to the door and awaited for the person to enter. We were all surprised that it was a girl who came in.

Oh, come in and introduce yourself.” the teacher suggested. She strolled to the front and stood there. She was beautiful. A pale skin complexion, luminous blonde locks, perfect lips, icy eyes and a foxy type face. Some of the guys cheered which annoyed the girls.

I'm Jessica Jung. I transferred here because it was necessary decision made by my dad. I'm here to pass my VCE examinations and go into Uni. I recommend that you don't bother me or approach me.” She announced. The guys stopped cheering. I ignored her presence and continued to sleep on the table.

There's a seat in the corner next to Donghae. He's the guy with the rolled up sleeves.” The teacher directed. I told myself that I wouldn't interfere with anyone else but as she walked towards me I found my eyes following her. Her face was so familiar. Had I seen her before? Her eyes flicked towards me and away. She took her seat. I examined her one more time only to notice a scar across her collarbone. Her eyes flicked towards me and I looked the other way. During the class I couldn't help but stare at her. My eyes were caught by her somehow. When the class ended I still sat there with my hands in my pockets and chewing the gum in my mouth, I waited for her to leave but she was resting her head on the desk still... Actually she was like that for the whole class. As I stood up and started walking towards her desk I was stopped by a call,

Donghae!” I turned to look to see who it was. It was Yoona.

Oh Yoona. Is there anything wrong?” I asked and turned my head to look at Jessica. She started to move slowly. I was worried that we were waking her up by talking to loud.

No, why would there be anything wrong? I was just wondering if you could help me something.”

Hm? What is it?”

UH.... It's kinda a secret so....” As she was about to continue I stopped her and said,

Yea sure. I got it.” As we were about to leave the classroom we were stopped by a delicate and what seem like angelic voice.
“You guys are sure noisy alright. Can't I get some peace and quiet? Or do I need to go to a library?” We stared at Jessica as she lazily got up from the desk. I was speechless, she was just so beautiful and recognisable in a way. She looked directly into my eyes venomously. Yoona looked irritated. Jessica stood up, grabbed her bag and walked out of class.

She seems like the anti social type I guess. Anyway your friends with Taeyang right?”

Who? The top guy from combat club?” I asked. Why would she want to know him? “ Why would you want to know him? I heard he's a rebel outside and a gang leader or something.” But she quickly retorted,

No! It's not me who wants to know him... It's...” I sighed,

So you want his number?”She nodded quickly. I smiled and patted her head. I slipped my hand into her pocket and grabbed her phone. I installed the number and gave it back.


As I was heading out of class to get our books for the next double period I bumped into someone's shoulder. I looked to see who it was only to find I tank guy with a faux hawk giving me a death glare. It was Taeyang. The 'GOD' of chocolate abs in the school. He was like me actually; he didn't mind other people's business and ignored a lot of people. Man, do we have a lot of students in gangs. He didn't wear uniform pants at all, he always wore jeans and had his shirt ed with a tank top underneath. But he never got in trouble for it, the teachers were some what scared of him. Suddenly he looked at me and asked,

Your Donghae right? You look tier than I thought.” What? Had he just said that?

You don't look that tough either. Leader of the combat club, leader of a gang. I thought you would be more 'better' than this.” I said harshly. He smirked and looked somewhere else.

Before you give people my number you should consider the consequences.”He warned. “I happen just to get a text message from a girl called Yuri. I recommend that you tell her that I'm not interested in relationships. I'm here to pass my VCE and head to University.” He didn't even bother looking at me and walked off to his class. He was just like her, pass VCE and head to University. The bell rang and I quickly headed to class. I took my seat next to her again. She was already at it. Sleeping on her desk.


Halfway through class the door was opened and Kibum walked in. The teacher didn't bother looking and had an irritated look on her face. Kibum's seat was next to Jessica too so he threw his bag on the desk and sat down. Everyone looked at the bandages on his biceps and chin. He took a glance at Jessica and looked away.


Class ended quickly for once and everyone started heading out. Again, I found myself staying behind class waited for her. Kibum got up from his seat and patted Jessica's head. Did he just do that?! Jessica slowly got up with an irritated look but it changed once she found out that it was Kibum. It turned into her dull doll like face. She got her bag and walked out with Kibum. I then noticed that I was the only one there.


I got my can of coke from the cafeteria and headed back to my usual place with the group.

Hae, you sure are late. What took you so long?” Siwon asked. Two girls passed me and I could her them squeal. I sighed. Yoona looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

Is something wrong Donghae?” She asked worriedly.

Huh? Oh, nothing's wrong. I met Taeyang at recess.” The group became quiet and stared at me.

You talked to Taeyang?!” Sunny almost yelled. Sungmin nudged her. Sooyoung dropped her ice cream spoon from her hands. Siwon and Tiffany raised their eyebrows. Even Yoona looked surprised.

So what was he like?” Sooyoung asked eagerly. As I was about to reply Eunhyuk intercepted me.

He's cool isn't he? His got some nice dancing skills.” I looked at him flabbergasted. He knew that type of guy?

You know him? He's a bit intimidating.” I confessed. The girls awed. Jessica suddenly popped up back in my head.

Oi guys, can you hold on a minute. I'm gonna go somewhere.” As soon as I said that I ran off.

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OMG!!! It's been so long since I posted my foreword. Sorry for the long wait and thank very much to my dear subscribers that have been staying with me all this time. This is the first time I'm using Asianfanfics so consider me a newbie. This story is also something new to me, it's not usually my genre. I'm pretty young I think... so I'm not a very good writer overall so I apologize.




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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k