A low profile?

Worth fighting for


I slyly dodged the group of girls that were chasing me. Jesus. What's wrong with these people? I walked into the library doors and started looking for her between the book shelves. Finally, I spotted her and was pretty surprised to see her sleeping in the corner of a wall with her blonde hair covering her face. As I started to approach her I heard a loud noise heading towards me.

OMO! OMO! IT”S DONGHAE OPPA!” A group of girls squealed. Oh my god... I'm screwed. They started to run towards me until a voice interrupted them.

I guess a library isn't a place that has peace and quiet.” I turned to see Jessica getting up from her nap and she started walking towards me, she was right in front of me. “So you're Donghae. The guy who keeps on staring at me during class right?” My eyes widened. Oh snap, how did she know? I thought she was asleep during classes. She started to look at the girls that were crowded in front of me. They were all biting their lips and I swear the room was getting hotter by the minute. She took a step closer to me.

I guess you got some irritating women problems.” She stated. I nodded and still couldn't keep my eyes away from her beauty. “Yah, you girls all like Donghae right?”She asked bravely. The group of girls replied with what seemed obvious, yes. “Well, I'm sorry. I guess I'm about to crush a majority of your dreams. Donghae's my boyfriend.” There was a silence after that. Did she just say that?

AS IF! That's BS!!” The girls yelled. A girl stepped forward from the groups, I think she was the leader,

Prove it then!” She dared. Jessica smirked and lolled her head to the side.

If I prove it. Will you girls stop chasing Donghae and never distract me again?”She asked. The leader nodded her head slowly. Jessica smiled. Suddenly she grabbed my shirt and pushed me into the book shelve. She caressed my cheek and jawline and leaned forward. She pressed her soft lips against mine. OMG! Was this happening? Her strawberry lips were so soft and strong at the same time. I responded and started kissing her back. She pulled back and grabbed my hand. She started to run with me. Her hair flowed from side to side. It was a beautiful sight.


We hid in the dance studio and she let go of my hand once there were no signs of the girls chasing us.

Can you stop looking at me now?” She laughed. She started to walk off without saying anything.

Jessica!” I called before she reached the door. She stopped and turned towards me. “Why did you kiss me? Didn't you say that you wanted a low profile?” She smiled and replied,

Sometimes you have to get out of your bubble. Well at least you're safe from those girls. Jessica Jung... You just helped a stranger by giving him a kiss in front of so many girls...” She laughed at her actions and then walked out of the studio. Damn! I didn't get to have a casual convo with her... Why was she so familiar?


Jessica's POV

I walked out only to be stopped by someone. I froze. Did he go to this school? I smiled at him and he replied.

Guess who's here? I didn't think that you would come to this school.” He was sure happy.

Do I see some extra bicep muscles? You're working out more often right?” He walked over to me and gave me a tight hug. I was filled with warmth.

So did you come here for me?” He whispered in my ear. I brushed my lips across his ear and replied,

I've got a more tastier pray to feed on.”


Donghae's POV

As I was walking home from school the images of Jessica's kiss flashed through my mind. I found myself asking myself again why her face and presence were so familiar. I needed to know who she was, I needed to know her past, she couldn't be just some stranger; she had a calm warmth around her. I felt happier around her. Sure Yoona always made me happy...but Jessica was something else. Even though I've known Yoona for more than 10 years already it felt like I knew Jessica longer. As I was walking and daydreaming at the same time I suddenly felt a hard thing crash into me. The impact made me feel like I just hit by a car. I fell back on the concrete ground and groaned.

Oh, sorry buddy.” A recognisable voice apologised. I looked up to see the one and only Taeyang, the tank. His face was also surprised when he realised who I was. “Lee Donghae...” He smiled and held out his hand towards me. I grabbed it and he pulled me straight up. Had Taeyang the tank just help me up? He was like all cold and would never bother to help other people. After that incident, I was REALLY scared of him. No wonder my friends were so surprised to hear me by around him.

Thanks.” I said to him. Suddenly I heard a pair of footsteps come closer. It was Jessica. What the?

I guess I bumped into you while running away from Jesse. Sorry man.” He apologised once again. It seemed like he was a completely different person from before. I glanced at the two of them. Were they dating or something? Jessica had an irritated look on here pale face. She made no eye contact.

Taeyang was wearing a white tank top, a new era cap and some jeans while Jessica wore short jeans and a white singlet.

I guess I'm meeting you again.” Jessica said coldly.

I guess so... You already got changed, did you two go home early cause you guys had no periods?”

Nah, we decided to wag.” Taeyang answered casually. Jesus, I guess they're a bunch of rebels.

Yah, Taeyang! Didn't you promise me that you would piggyback ride me if I caught up to you?” Jessica questioned Taeyang. He gave a cheeky smile. They suddenly excluded me and I felt gloomy. I felt like I was in primary school or something getting upset over something like this.

Since you insisted on me carrying you I guess I have to.” In a swoop Taeyang grabbed Jessica's waist and tossed her playfully on his shoulder. I startled. He laughed nefariously as Jessica started punching his back..

YAH TAEYANG!!! LET ME DOWN!!!”She screamed. He started bending down to drop her but then reversed back and pulled her back on his shoulder. “TAE!! Let me down already!”

Fine fine fine, as you wish ice princess.” He bent down and released her waist. Jessica gave the biggest and scariest death glare at Taeyang but he kept on smiling. So her nickname is ice princess? I guess it suits her. Suddenly she looked at me coldly and asked,

Do you happen to have parents that you know of?” Huh? Why on earth would you ask someone that so suddenly. I replied cautiously,

Uh, no... When I was 5 years old my mother died and my father left me on the streets. Until Yoona's family took me in and I've been living with them ever since.” Jessica frowned.

How did your mother die?”

I never found out. I have a very brief memory of my childhood life. Can't really remember what my parents were like. Don't really remember if I had friends or not...” Jessica blinked and couple of times and looked at Taeyang. What were they doing? Are they trying to hunt me down?

Woop, I guess we should be heading off.” Taeyang interrupted. He bent down right in front of Jessica signalling for a piggyback. Jessica smiled and jumped on his back playfully. Taeyang stood up and bowed to me before heading off.


Taeyang's POV

I started jogging back to Jessica's place. When we were a few blocks away from her house I slowed down to a steady walk.
“So is he the next on the list?” I asked seriously. She shook her head and replied,

No, but he's the main guy on my assigned mission.” The atmosphere became serious.

So is he going live or die?” Jessica kept quiet and didn't say a word. I stopped.

I don't know yet. Jonghyun's uncle is looking for someone. I think he might be the one he's looking for. No idea what he wants to do with him...” To be honest I didn't really care if he were to die or not. I only cared about Jessica's safety. Nothing else.

Jonghyun eh? You always seem so depressed when you mention him. Are you missing him?” I began walking again. I guess she still can't get him out of her mind. “Why don't we visit him sometime?”

However she didn't respond.

I don't think I have the guts to see him again. He's too busy anyway... And after that incident with Kibum I don't think he wants to see me.” Kibum that selfish guy. I hated his guts, I wanted to kill him for so many reasons but Jessica didn't want me to touch him at all. As I arrived at Jessica's front door she jumped off my back. Before she left I encouraged her,

Jonghyun would want to see you. Even though he's very busy, I'm sure he'll want to spend some time with you. Kibum is Kibum, you are you. Just because you're related doesn't mean he won't want to see you. Jjong's not like that, trust me.” Jessica's aura suddenly turned happy. She gave me the sweetest smile and skipped into my arms.

You're so cool Taeyang. I love you.” She squeezed my ribs and kissed me on the cheek before she left. I love Jessica so much. She's the only one who actually brings me to life. I can express myself to her. If anyone were to hurt her I would kill that person without any hesitation.

I started to head home rethinking about what happened with Jonghyun and Jessica. That foolish guy, why did he choose to live a normal life when he knew that he had to take over anyway? Krystal wouldn't have died and Jessica would not feel so guilty and pained. Krystal was like a younger sister to her. Suddenly a bunch of black bikes caught my eyes. They were no ordinary black bikes. They were covered with infamous tattoos. ! He's at Jessica's place now, this is the only place he parks when he visits. My instinct told me to run back to her house and I did.



Sorry for the long wait guys. I've been quite busy and meh holidays are nearly over D; 

I'm not a very good writer overall and my editing skills are not that great either >< 

On the other hand, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. ^^ 


P.S If there's anything that you guys are very confused about or don't understand, feel free to ask me in the comments section

Happy Australia Day :D

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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/137855/asiankpop-ocean-graphic-shop-open-graphicshop).... And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k