Day and Night

Worth fighting for


Donghae's POV

I woke up only to find myself in the most awkward position. I leaned my head a bit so I could see the time. Holy mother of Jesus! The bus is nearly here. I got up and speedily did my bed, brushed my teeth, fix my hair and checked myself out in the mirror. I ran downstairs and forced my breakfast down my throat. I scanned the room only to see Yoona's mum washing the dishes and her dad already working on his project.

“Where's Yoona Mrs Im?” I asked urgently. She smiled at me and replied,

“Oh, she went to school early to do something with her friends.”


I ran as quickly as possible not caring about anyone who was in my way. From afar I could hear and see the bus heading towards my bus stop. When it's doors were closing I sprinted and tapped the door furiously. I took the nearest seat and started listening to my ipod. When we reached school I started walking towards my classroom. As I slowly opened the door a rush of noise hit my eardrums.

“SURPRISE!!!” A bunch of people yelled at me. I startled as a heap of confetti was thrown at me. When my vision was regained I saw Yoona in the middle of the crowd smiling at me. What was going on? My eyes widened in confusion.

“Happy birthday Donghae!” Everyone called. It took a while for those words to reach my brains. It's my birthday...

“Donghae! Come here, blow out the cake quickly!” Yoona called. Spontaneously I started walking to the creamy cake. In the corner of my eye I could see Sooyoung her lips.

“3....2....1!” I blew out the candles and everyone clapped. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands collide with the back of my head. In a matter seconds I found my face covered in cream. Everyone cheered like wild animals and started heading towards the extra cake to eat it. I could hear the girlish laughs coming from Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Siwon. I started wiping off the cream on my face and in a sudden movement I lunged towards them and wrapped my arms around their necks. As soon as I saw Yoona approaching I pushed the guys out from my arms and walked towards Yoona.

“You obviously did this right? Is this why you left early?” She giggled.

“How did you know?” She asked. I totally ignored the question and started smiling at her. We started walking towards the corner of the classroom and I jumped onto a desk while Yoona just stood in front of me.

“Why are you so nice to me?” I asked, almost yelling because of the noise.

“Because you're so nice to me. Without you I would be nothing Donghae.” She said sincerely.

“Really? Cause without you I’d be nothing too.” I smiled. She had done so much for me for the past years. I have to admit that I needed her. She deserved much more than me. I needed to give something back.

“Anyway, Happy 19th Birthday!” Yoona congratulated. I smiled and started leaning towards her lips. As our lips were about to meet, the door opened. The teacher told everyone to shut up. I started to lean back from Yoona. The teacher looked at Yoona.

“It's already been 30 minutes Yoona. You guys have to stop partying now guys.” Suddenly everyone started to clean up which took about 10 minutes and everyone sat down like a party had never happened. The teacher looked at me and gave a slight bow. I pushed my chair back a bit and lolled my head backwards.


When it was already 1 hour into class, the door slowly opened. Kibum strolled in casually not making any eye contact with anyone. The teacher didn't bother to say anything. 5 minutes following that, Jessica and Taeyang walked in together and sat down. Everyone dropped their jaws in shock. They were probably thinking 'Why would Jessica, a transfer, walk in class together with the 'tank,' Taeyang?' Now this was making it obvious that they're in a relationship of some sort.


When class ended I waited for Jessica to start leaving. As she started walking out of class I grabbed her wrist and she lazily turned around.

“What do you want?” She asked irritated. Actually I had no idea why I had just grabbed her. She shook my hand off. “If you don't have anything to say then I'll be going first.”

“No, wait!” I called after her. However, out of nowhere Taeyang walked next to Jessica and looked at me venomously. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. I think he was indicating that she was his or something. But before I could respond, a fourth person joined in.

“You should let Jessica talk with him instead of having your presence glued to her all the time.” Kibum spat. What the hell is going on? Do the three of them know each other? Obviously, they do.... but what? Taeyang unwrapped his arm around Jessica's shoulder and grabbed Kibum's collar.

“Who do you think you are trying to order me around. Since when did you ever care about Jessica again?” Taeyang spat back. I stood there just staring blankly at them. This was obviously not the time for me to be there. Jessica looked at the two of them, irritated to the max. Suddenly Kibum threw a punch towards Taeyang but Taeyang bobbed down. Guess what? I fell back shuffling all the tables behind me. I screamed in pain and held onto my noise. As soon as the blackness started to clear, I could hear Jessica laughing her lungs out. Then I could feel a rock hard hand patting my back.

“You alright there Donghae?” Taeyang asked while still laughing.

“Take him to the nurse. He's bleeding too much.” Kibum's calm voice said and walked out of class.

Taeyang started to lift me up onto his back. I found myself not able to move my body properly.

Does Kibum have metal hands or something. It was just a punch and I'm bleeding like crazy.

“Come on Jessica. Stop laughing now.” Taeyang told Jessica. Just like that Jessica stopped laughing.

She walked to stand next to me and Taeyang.

“You alright there, Lee Donghae?”


We started walking into the crowd of people as they all stared in shock. They started to make a pathway for us as if we were celebrities.


Yoona's POV


I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes. In everyone's eyes. Donghae was hanging lifelessly on Taeyang's back. He was hurt, his nose constantly kept on bleeding and it was dripping onto the floor. Who could've done this to him. Was it Taeyang? Or... My eyes were fixed on the feminine figure walking beside them. Jessica. She was definitely in our class. I'm sure that I wrote her name on an invitation card. But why were they carrying a hurt Donghae? I needed to get to him quick.

However the bell rang and everyone started to head to class and I had no other choice but to follow them.


Jessica's POV


This was irritating the crap out of me. I sat there staring at Donghae who was lying down resting.

“Do you guys know how this happened?” The school nurse asked. I ignored her.

“No. He bumped into pole while he was walking.” Taeyang made an excuse. Why is he so good at making excuses?

“I guess one of you guys have to bring him home. I'm sure at your age that you can take care of yourself.” She informed. Immediately Taeyang bowed his head.

“I guess I'll be heading to class now.”

“YAH!” I yelled. What was he thinking leaving me to bring Donghae home? He moved next to my ear and whispered.

“I know Donghae wants to talk to you and I know you want to too. Anyway, I'm not gonna be around annoying you anymore.” He chuckled evilly. I frowned at him but as usual he smiled, kissed me on the cheek and left. Damn, I wanted to bash him up so bad. I looked at Donghae.

“Come on, get up. I'm not going to carry you.” The nurse looked at me shocked. Donghae slowly got up with the icepack on his nose and followed me out.


As we got to the school gate he started to slow down dramatically. He rubbed his forehead with his hand and dropped the icepack. I walked to him staring at the massive amounts of blood on the icepack. It seems like he's tired from blood loss.

“You okay?” I picked up the icepack and tossed his arm around my neck for support. He pointed to which direction to go to his house.

When we finally got there I opened the door and had the instinct to go upstairs. I opened the blue door and dropped him off carefully.

“I guess I'm heading off.” I told him.

“Wait! Don't go yet.” He called after me. I stopped opening the door and looked at him. He sat up in slow motion. “Thank you.” I bowed my head to him and started to leave again.

“Do you have a purpose?” I froze. How did he know?

“For what?”

“Coming to this school. Was it really only to finish VCE and head to Uni?”

“No. I came here to see a certain someone.” I clarified. He look at me analysing my facial expressions.

“And is that certain someone me?” I glared at his eyes.

“Yes. It's you.” He smiled and even giggled a bit. I blinked my eyes in utter confusion. “Then I'm going to go home now. Take care.” However I stopped and spotted a frame containing what seemed like a family photo. Two adults, Donghae and a girl. Wait... That girl. Isn't her name Yoona or something? “Is she your sister?” I asked.

“Who? Oh. Yoona. I'm living at her house with her family. Those are her parents. They're practically my parents as well.”

“Since when have you been living here?”

“When I was 5. They kindly took me in like I was their own.”

“What's your relationship with Yoona?”

“She's great. She's taken care of me still we were young. She's one of people I treasure most in this world.” I smiled at the thought how we both have people we treasure in this world.

“Let me walk you out.” he kindly offered.

“No. Stay here.”


Donghae's POV

“No stay here.” She commanded. But I persisted and tried to stand up. She walked up to me and stared. When I stood up straight until my body suddenly refused my control and I fell back. Jessica attempted to catch me but I was too heavy so we both fell back on the bed. Her arms were keeping the distance between us. Her body lying on top of mine and our eyes stared at each other. She kept a blank face while my eyes were bulging out.

“I... I.. I'm sorry...” I apologised. She stood up slowly and started going out. Surprisingly she stopped and turned to look at me.

“It's your birthday today right?” How did she know?


“Your girlfriend left an invitation on my desk this morning.” She answered. Girlfriend? Was she talking about Yoona?

“Oh.. She's not my girl-”

“It's none of my business.” She interrupted me before I could say girlfriend and walked out.


I took a 2 hour nap. As I was laying there I could hear the door open and Yoona's fast footsteps running up the stairs. She pushed my door open and panted.

“Are you alright? Why were you on Taeyang's back? What happened?” She asked. I smiled.

“I'm fine. Taeyang carried me to the nurse and I... walked into a pole accidentally.” I smiled.

“BABO!” Yoona yelled. “I thought you were really hurt...”

“I was. Too much blood was coming out constantly. That's why I have to go home.” I walked up to me and gave me the tightly hug.

“I'm sorry. This has been a terrible birthday.” I laughed,

“It wasn't your fault anyway. Is there something Yoona can do to make Mr Donghae happy?”

She burst out in giggles.

“Sorry for the late notice 'Mr Donghae' but you have a party to go to.”

Huh? Party? What party? “Your birthday party! It's tonight. I invited the whole year level by the way.” WHAT? The whole year level? I probably didn't even know half of them.

“When is it?” I asked slowly.

“In about two hours so... maybe at 6? The actual party starts at half past 6 so...” Once she answered me I stood up and pushed her out of my room to get changed,

“YAH!” she screamed. I locked the door and opened my cupboard. Sigh- I guess a suit would be fine. My hair's always perfect and my body is already smoking hot.


When I started to head outside I was greeted by Yoona who was in a white dress. She was beautiful, extremely beautiful. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure it was Yoona. She was definitely an angel. I smiled.

“You look beautiful.” She laughed and replied,

“You don't look too bad yourself Mr handsome man.” Yoona applauded. “Well come on. Let's go already.” She pointed to the black limousine which was parking in front of the house. I stared in awe. Yoona grabbed my arm and dragged me into the limousine.

“Donghae! What's up man?” Eunhyuk's loud voice called. In the limo were Siwon, Tiffany, Eunhyuk, Hyoyeon, Sungmin and Sunny.

“Happy birthday!” They all yelled. I couldn't help but smile.


As soon as we reached the club they pushed me into a lonely room near the entrance. I sat there what seemed like forever. After 30 minutes of nothing I heard a knock on the door.

“Come on now birthday boy. It's your time to shine.” Yoona informed. She took my arm and walked me into the dark room. As soon as I entered tons of people were yelling and cheering. Yoona clutched onto my arm tightly. I looked around examining the people, I never knew that there were so many people in my year level and they all seemed to know me. We walked onto the stage and stood in front of the birthday cake.  Then the traditional “Happy Birthday” song was sung. I couldn't tell what was happening. Suddenly, a knife was passed to me to cut the cake. Without thinking a descended the cut into the cake and my eyes wandered around the whole place.

“Donghae….Donghae, you there? Donghae!” Siwon's voice made me realise that I had reach the bottom of the cake. “You know what this means Donghae? You have to kiss the girl closest to you!” Everyone immediately pushed Yoona into my arms. I looked at her with a blank expression and she was blushing a dark red.

“KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!” The chanting began. After a couple of chants I relinquished.

I took Yoona's face into my hands and pulled her towards my lips. After about 10 seconds I pulled back and everyone started cheering. I couldn't help but enjoy myself.

“OK everyone! Let's party!” Tiffany's loud voice yelled into the microphone. Yoona gave me one of her most cheerful smiles that I've ever seen.

“Happy birthday!” She yelled. I returned it with a smile.

“So are we going to dance or what?” I asked. I grabbed her arm and pulled her on the dance floor.  The old me wouldn't do anything like this but this is the new me. Shouldn't a person get out of there bubble? I started of with some popping and spinning moves and then moved on to sliding around the whole place. I didn't even know what I was doing, but people were obviously cheering at me. However, the one person I didn't to expect to bump into was right in front of me, Taeyang. He grinned. I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Is that all you got Donghae?” He asked and in a flash he was already in a front of the school's dance group. I guess he's their lead dancer. They started off with bboying and as I was about to join in I saw her. Suddenly everything and everyone was blurry besides her, I could only see her. But as I approached her there were a bunch of girls with their hands on their hips. It seemed as if they were yelling at her. From where I was I could hear,

“YAH! I thought you were his girlfriend. Look who just got cheated on!” “You thought you were so high because you were dating Donghae Oppa!” “He probably never even thought about you!” The girls were echoing each other. Jessica just sat at the bar and continued drinking. I walked between the group of girls and Jessica. They all went silent and squealed my name.

“Don't you girls have something else to do? Jessica and I would like to have our own conversation.” I informed them. They all gasped and slowly walked away whispering in each other’s ears. I turned towards Jessica but she totally ignored my presence and kept drinking. I sat on the chair next to her and took her glass of wine and drank it. She looked at me irritated. I smiled back and she stood up in the other direction and started to walk away. However, I intercepted her and ran to the other side and rested my hand on the table. When she turned the other way I used my other hand and rested it the table so she was trapped in my arms. I leaned in towards her,

“I thought you said you didn't want to come to this stupid birthday party.” She glared at me,

“I had spare time and was bored.” I leaned in closer but what surprised me was that she seemed like she wasn't nervous at all, she was very calm and kept her icy face. Then she grabbed my arms softly and guided my body to the seat next to her. “There. This is a more rational posture to have a conversation.” I giggled. I seriously thought she was going to throw me across the room.

“First of all, I didn't need your help to get rid of those girls. Secondly, you owe me a drink.”

“You helped me get rid of those girls, now I'm helping you,” I replied politely.

“I guess you enjoyed that birthday kiss before,” she surprisingly said.

“Uh... She was the closest girl anyway so... wait...Is Jessica Jung jealous?” She looked at me like I was stupid and rolled her eyes.

“Why on Earth would I be jealous? Especially you.” I laughed. “Why are you so different now? Why are you so happy? Is there something wrong with you?” She asked impolitely.

“Didn't you say that you needed to go out from your bubble sometimes?” she suddenly ignored me again. There was a long silence until I stood up and grabbed her wrist.

“Come on now. Aren't you gonna dance? It seems like your boyfriend is having fun on the dance floor.” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“Boyfriend?” She asked dumbfounded. I pointed to Taeyang, who was having the time of his life. No one had ever seen his carefree stage; he was always serious and scary at school. They sure had a shock.  “Wow, wow, hang on there pretty boy, he's not my boy -” Interrupting her speech I grabbed her hand and said,

“It's none of my business!” I said and yanked her onto the dance floor. She looked at me irritated.

“I can't dance for man.” She said quietly. I smirked. I grabbed her petite waist and spun her around.

“Now you can.”

I stared into her sleepy eyes as we swayed side to side. They had so much meaning in them, so much more to them. I wondered what she had been through, her sad eyes… I began to move closer to her foxy face. Her cold eyes glared at me. My nose brushed against hers.

“What’s wrong? I can’t sense any happiness coming from you.” She stared and replied,

“I told you to stay away from my business. I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to get involved in it.”

“What if I couldn’t resist? What if I wanted to? Would it kill me?” She frowned and kept silent for a couple of seconds. We were so close to each other; a little movement forward would make our lips touch.

“It could…” My eyes widened, I didn’t expect her to reply with that. I could simply get killed by joining her story? What could possibly make her life that complicated? I hesitated to reply, so I remained quiet.

“That’s why I’m warning you to stay away from me. It’s better for both of us.” Right at that moment, I had decided to move forward. Our lips touched each other and remained there without movement. As I slightly moved back, I asked,

“Does this kiss mean nothing to you? Do you think I’m not already involved in your story?” I caressed my cheek. Before we could go on, we were interrupted.

“Donghae?” Yoona asked. I pulled away from Jessica and smiled at Yoona.

“Yoona, is there something wrong?” She looked at me and then Jessica. She looked at me again. “This is Jessica, she’s the new girl. One of my friends actually.” Yoona smiled.

“Well nice to meet you.” She said to Jessica. Being the cold ice princess, she looked away. “It’s getting late Donghae. Should we all call it a night?” It was already 2am.

“Sure. Can you do me a favour by calling a taxi for them? You look pretty tired to Yoona. You should get some rest. It’s been a great night, thank you.” I could tell she didn’t want to leave, but she reluctantly starting to call the taxi. As I was about to ask Jessica something, we were interrupted yet again. Taeyang stared at Jessica and made no eye contact with me whatsoever. Jessica started to walk away with him without a word to me. Why were they so tense? It’s probably a family thing. 


Imma back yet again ;D I apologise for the long wait, especially to my subscribers. 

I promise to all my readers that i will update more often after June 18th XD 

With love TheVampireBunny16 <3

P.S. If you are unsure of what something means cause of meh bad wording then... SORRY T_T

I'll try my best and hope to improve <3

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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k