Finding you

Worth fighting for


Kibum's Pov


So you want me to use Jessica?”

You're more bright than I thought. Find him and bring him here.” His low voice ordered. I stared into his eyes mockingly and replied,

And what will you give me in return?”

A life.” I furrowed at his words.

The one who killed Taeyeon.” he chuckled. A bullet shot through my chest and rage began to fill my arms.


My desire to kill that man took over and I agreed willingly. I left the building surrounded by my men who were willing to take a bullet for an incompetent leader. I was planning to visit her one last time. Jung Krystal.


I stared at her grave, feeling pity for her miserable life.

Krystal. Are you there? Your oppa is here. I'm sorry. If only you knew what you did was pointless.”





She's your half sister Jessica which ultimately means she will be staying here from now on.” Sica's dad informed. We both stared blankly at the girl holding onto a small luggage, covering her face with her long black hair. Sica glanced over at me and nodded confidently. I slowly walked over to the girl and she jumped me, locking me into a neck hold. Furiously I turned the tables and with all my strength I grabbed her neck and held her down. Jessica startled and pushed me off her.

"What are you doing?!” Her piercing scream echoed the room. I frowned as the girl carefully stood up and revealed her face.

Her name is Kystal, she's my thrid wife's daughter.” Mr Jung's hoarse voice said. He shooed us away with a glare and we awkwardly moved downstairs. I stood between the two, scanning her every movement in case she would attack Jessica. As commanded, she headed to her room quietly with the help of Jessica. I leaned against the wall and waited outside.

Careful with her Sica.” I warned before leaving for Taeyeon.


As I arrived to a nearby cafe, I could see Taeyeon shaking her head to the rhythm of the music. I entered and crept slowly behind her, closing her eyes and kissing her head.

How's my dork?” I asked as I sat down. Taeyeon rolled her eyes which I could never get tired of.

Explain yourself! Why were you late!?” She growled. I leaned over to pinch her nose and took a sip of my warm cappuccino.

Something surprising occurred just before.” Taeyeon frowned and began to listen intently. “A new family member joined us. Jessica's half sister to be correct.” Taeyeon's face scrunched up and blinked her eyes in confusion. I had to admit, our family problems were never ending.

I grew up living side by side with my mother without a dad. I was told he died a couple months after I was born due to some accident. When I was 10 years old, my mother was diagnosed with blood cancer and suddenly my life took a twist. Regularally, groups of suited men visited my mother and I at the hospital constantly and my mother told me to wait outside as they were conversing. I was a curious little guy, so I crept behind the curtains and eavesdroped. Then, I overheaded the conversation being undertaken.

He's too young for all of this.” My mother's delicate voice squeaked.

But Ma'am, it's for the benefit of your son. After your death, he'll be sent to the orphanage and will live a lonely life. We'll take care of him.”

And make him live the life of as a part of the mafia? Are you crazy? He is not the father anyway!”

Even at the age of 10, I understood everything and my mentality began to crash down.

I'm sorry Ma'am, but we will be taking custody of your son after your pass... Oh, boss wanted me to hand this over to you.” I stared through the chink of the curtains as I saw the man passing over a photo to my mother. She gazed deeply into it and burst into tears. She pounded her chest and sobbed till night that day. Years later I soon realised that the person in that picture was a baby Jessica.

From then on everything happened rapidly for me. My mother passed away against cancer and my time period to grief was short lived when I was directly handed over to men, who escorted me to a mansion. I scanned the area, unaware the dangers in front of me. Before the men took me, I slipped a kitchen knife in my jacket, I was a cocky brat back than. I gripped tightly onto the knife as I entered a room only to be faced by a man and a young girl. She was very pretty and cute and seemed doll like, possessing a pale complexion and flushed pink cheeks. She held onto the man's hand and opened her eyes in curiosity.

Hello there. You must be Kibum. I'm your step father and this is your sister.” I loosened the grip on the knife and slowly approached the girl. She instantly stepped back but gave a toothy smile as she grabbed my hand. As I reflex, I flicked it away and she started bursting into tears, crying very loudly. The first couple months was purely Jessica dragging me around and talking and laughing, which was hell annoying. However, I grew on her. Something about her allowed me to keep on being dragged by her. As we grew, I found myself being very protective of Jessica and loving as a sister and had no thought about us sharing different fathers. I dearly loved Jessica and I thank her for introducing me to Taeyeon, the love of my life.


So this was a chapter that i started a while ago and decided to continue with it after i read this fanfic. I felt a surge of inspiration due to watching Nice guy and my unending love of reading fanfics. I thank all my supporters and i hope this chapter was just a bit of the more anticipated chapter ahead. I love you guys and lets begin!~


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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k