Not alone

Worth fighting for


Donghae’s POV


I sat at the café table waiting for her. I was worried that she wouldn’t even be bothered to come. I did text her at 5 am. I was constantly occupying my mind with her all night. Maybe she didn’t get the message or even deleted it. She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. I kept telling myself to just leave in another 10 minutes, but my body refused to and I ended up sitting there looking at the other couples hugging and kissing.

“Excuse me sir, would you like anything? You’ve been sitting here for half an hour already.” The petite waitress asked. Then, she realised something and stared at me in awe. Great. It was my handsome looks seducing her.

“Uh… I’ll get two cappuccino’s thanks.” I replied. She nodded her head and stared at me one last time. I sighed and rested my forehead on the table.

“Do you need a bucket or something?” A delicate voice asked. I looked up immediately and smiled once I saw her. She sat down without me noticing. She stared blankly at me with her cold face.

“I thought you would never come…” I mumbled.

“I was bored and you said you wanted to tell me something important.”

“Ah, I see…Well, I just really wanted to apologise about the kiss… I didn’t mean to. I don’t usually do that with someone I’ve just met. I’m sorry.” She looked at me like she didn’t care. She was so confusing to figure out. “So how was your day so far? Did you get enough sleep?” She glared at me. What was I thinking asking a question like that? From the look of her eyes, I could already tell that she never got enough sleep.

“Jessica, what’s the relationship with you and Taeyang?” I asked, eager to know.

“I told you to not get involved with my business. I see you don’t understand what that really means.”

“I do. But I want to get involved. You know, I have this urge to protect you from danger. There’s a thing supposedly called jealousy, which rushes through me when you’re with Taeyang. I don’t know what it is. But I want to be with you, to protect you.” She replied with a glare. It was hopeless. I couldn’t get anything out of her… She remained silent and still like a statue. Until, she broke the silence,

“Donghae, we are too different. Every person walks right or left. We go opposite ways to each other. That pathway will never meet up or join together, because they both hate each other.”

“Why can’t you accept the fact that I am choosing to walk your way?”

“You don’t understand, I’m telling you now, if you ever take a step in my life, you’ll regret it forever. Are you even prepared to do that? Just imagine wanting to die every single day of your life, but you can’t cause you still think that there is someone out there that recognises your existence and that you aren’t selfish enough to leave them.” She started getting teary. This was all going wrong. I never wanted Jessica to get emotional during this meet up. I could see that she was dealing with so much pain by herself.

We were interrupted by the waitress, who placed two cappuccinos on the table. Jessica widened her eyes.

“Why does it have to be cappuccinos?” She asked.

“Oh, I just ordered them. You can have something else if you want.” Jessica frowned and tears started falling from her eyes.

“Do all guys order cappuccinos?” She asked. I didn’t know how to respond. Suddenly, Jessica immediately stood up and ran out the door.

“Jessica!” I called and chased after her. It was easy catching up to her; her short legs were no match for mine. I grabbed her wrist and turned her around. She flicked my hand off.

“What do you want now? Can’t you just **** off?!”

“Why did you run off before? What’s wrong?”

“Everything! I can’t stand it anymore, I’m tired of crying every night because of someone! Why am I so stupid? Do I deserve all of this?” She started balling. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight.

“Don’t worry Jessica. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you. I promise that I’ll protect you and cherish you every second of time. Just stop crying.”


Kibum’s POV


I stared at the photo of her in my hands. How much I wanted a time machine so that the moments that made us real would stay. The ravaged photo still maintained her perfect smile and the joy that was between us at that time. Why did you go? I scrunched up the end of the photo of her and me smiling and hugged each other. It was unbearable to look at now, she was gone. Dead and gone.

“What do you want this time?” A serious voice asked. I looked up to see who it was.

“So you came.” She bit her lip and glared and me venomously. “Sit down,” I said as I gestured her to the seat.

She was obvious hesitant about it, but reluctantly sat down.

“Hurry up and tell me quickly.” I walked around the table and dropped a file right in front of her.

“Read it carefully. It gives you the rules and what you need to complete.”

“Care to explain to me first?” I snared and sat on the chair.

“It’s simple. Jessica Jung will not do any suspicious dealings. Check her every movement and protect her from any harm whatsoever.”

“Jessica Jung?! The ice princess! Hell no I’m dealing with her.” She refused.

“Then I guess your lifetime of sweets is going to be thrown in the dump.” She replied with her horrified face.

“FINE! I’ll do it.” She reluctantly gave in. She was a funny person, but I remained my emotionless stare.

She walked out with a strawberry donut in her hands. ‘Nom nom nom,’ she sang.

I smirked. Now to take care of Jonghyun. 


HEYO! ;D Sorry about the short chappie x.x but i hoped you enjoyed it. This chappie doesn't tell you much about Sica, but I promise that the next update will answer some questions x3 


only 3 comments T_T

sicashipper: Here's the update! I like Jongsica better too ^^ I was about to give up on them because of Shin Se Kyung but i found out that Jjong and her aren't dating anymore! But even though my top otp would be Jongsica. I think that Haesica are just an awesome couple that are meant for each other ><

AyraLovesKibum: Thank you for supporting meh ;DDD Here's Kibum's POV! Although it's short, i hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to write Kibum's Pov in the next chappie ^^

kyuhyunswifey: Thanks for being an aweeesomeee supporter ^o^ Jjong and Shin Se Kyung just broke up! o.o Glad that you are enjoying this story x3  


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this was cute!
Chapter 10: So.... Jessica, kibum and Krystal are step siblings.... Does jonghyun like Krystal? Did Jessica break jonghyun and Krystal up?
Chapter 10: update...........
JongSica please!!
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
i just read this, why you no longer update?? :'(
Jessrain #8
Hey :)<br />
Going good so far continue to update but story is a but confusing and I hope jongsica will be in better terms and hope they end up together. Continue updating :)
AyraLovesKibum #9
I am really enjoying you story :D Don't ya worry about it :)
choki2lovejessi #10
yeah!! i love haesica moments...well...but i'm still on off with what kind of relationship they have..........hehe....ok...i'l wait for your answer bcoz i'mt totally curious with ths 3.....kibum..sooyoung and yoona..but one thing that i'm sure...sooyoung have no bad intention to her..hope so..kekke..update soon k