
Loving All of You



I screamed into the patient less reception room.


“ Oh! Dr. Hirai, so glad you made it on time before any of the patients came. ” Tzuyu, the receptionist said.


“ What ? What do you mean? It's my day off today, where’s Sana? ” as if on cue my phone rang, with sana’s name blaring on the screen.


“ Minatozaki, where the hell are you? Did you just use the yellow code just so I can fill in for you?!”  she chuckled, I can here dahyun on the other line saying something incoherent.


“ Dahyun? Yah! Kim dahyun can you tell your girlfriend to not be lazy and come to work! ”  I screamed into the phone frantically, as tzuyu laughs at my antics.


“ Yah! Hirai Momo I am not being lazy, i’m on my way to Japan right now. So you have no choice but to fill in for me since Wendy is sick, and I have a patient scheduled today so can you like check on her for me? ”


“ WHAT? if you were going to Japan, then why didn’t you cancel her schedule today? ”


Tzuyu just got back from out from the closet, with my white lab coat in hand, I swear sometimes I feel like the world is so against me.


“ I got an urgent call, cancelling her appointment left my mind. “ Sana retorts, pout evident with the way her voice is sulky.


I sigh and curse under my breath “fine, fine. But you owe me a dinner out! Go that minatozaki? “


Sana rejoices with what I said, I even hear dahyun howling and clapping in the background. This two seriously, I shake my head, a smile grazing my lips.


“ You’re the best Momo! “ she screams before hanging up.


And so with another deep sigh, I took my coat from tzuyu, ready to face the day.


“ Tzuyu, can you please bring me the record of sana’s patient? Thanks. “


She just nods in response to that. Thank God for such a diligent secretary/receptionist. Sometimes I think that we don’t deserve her, after all she’s so pretty, and tall. I’m surprised she didn’t took up modeling or something along that line of work.


“ Here it is Dr. Hirai, Oh and her appointment is in 10:30, “ tzuyu says, and smiles before closing the door.


I look at my watch, 10:15 good I still have 15 mins to scan her files.


“ So lets see what we have here.”


“ Myoui Mina… oh good she’s Japanese. “ my eyes scanned her files thoroughly, not missing even the tiniest detail…




We’ll that’s interesting. I wonder what she look’s like? My finger trace the picture less file.



The door open, making me jump up my sit. I feel my cheek heat up ad tzuyu giggles slightly clearing after I grin and sit back down. “ Miss Myoui is here.”


  Okay umm bring her in. “ I say awkwardly.


I hastily remove all the things on my desk that’ll not be needed. Just as I close my drawer, the door creeks, making my head snap back up.


My eyes grow big as familiar, brown timid eyes meet my dark ones.


“ Good morning um…” she looks at the name plate on my desk, “ Dr. Hirai. “


I stood up and offer my hand for a handshake which she took gladly. ‘ wow her hand is soft.’


“ Pleasure to meet you Miss Myoui, Dr. Minatozaki says she’s sorry that she can’t come today so she sent me instead. “ I say as I offer her a sit.


“ Oh, that’s okay, tzuyu said you’re an exceptional doctor just like Dr. Minatozaki. “ she says, eyes on her lap.


“ She did? Thank you. “ I smile warmly, as she finally look up from her lap, she too share a small smile.



“ So, I understand that you started feeling… a bit down when your family got into an accident? “ I said as I started taking down notes for my own despite having it written on Sana’s files already.


“ Yes, it was this year. Around June. “ I couldn’t help but notice how her hands  are clench tight, to tight that I see her knuckles turn white. But as soon as she sees me staring she opens them.


I clear my throat to relieve the heavy atmosphere starting to form, this technique won’t do.


“ You know what? Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? ” I say, putting my notes aside.


Her tense shoulders instantly relax at that, yet her eyes seem hesitant. But she takes a deep breath and starts to tell me about her.


It took a complete 45 mins before she completely was comfortable around me. Until she stops abruptly.


“ You look familiar.” She says and scrunches her forehead in thought, trying to remember me.


She stood up suddenly, after minutes in silent. “ you’re the girl walking in the rain yesterday! “ Her voice grew loud, but not loud enough to come off as a scream.


I laugh nervously, I didn’t think that she’d recognize me.


“ Um, yes Speaking of rain, I'll give your umbrella to tzuyu so that you can get your umbrella back.” I grin.


“ oh no, no, it’s okay Dr.-“


“ Momo, you can call me Momo.” I say which she smiles at.


“ Well, Momo then you can call me Mina.” she beams, her teeth in full view.


‘ gummy smile, cute ‘


“ So Mina, how have you been feeling this past few days? “


She hums as she put her finger on her chin in thought, “ I don’t really know… I don’t think I’ve felt anything since today.” She says, peering up at me. Her shy self, coming back.


I rase my eyebrow at that, “ And what is it that you’re feeling today? “ I say softly, so that she won’t retreat back into her shell.


“ Well, you can say that, I feel…. Delighted.”


“ That's good to hear. “ I smile as I wrote down the prescription that Sana asked my to give mina through a text.


“ Dr. Minatozaki asked me to give this to you. Take one every morning, and she will be back on, the 20th. Also your next schedule is going to be on. 30nth.”


She took her prescription, eyes shining with sadness ( I assume and hope) at the mention of her next schedule.


But her eyes turn back to becoming unreadable in just a second as she realize me staring into it. She clears stands up and offers a small smile.


“ It was nice meeting you, momo. “ I stood up too and take her to the door.


  It was nice meeting you too, I’ll see you around yeah? “ I say reluctant to let her go.


She chuckles at that, “ Well you are a doctor here, and I am a patient so the probability that we’ll see each other around is highly likely. “


I smile brightly knowing that she’s comfortable around me already that she can joke around.


“ Well, then I’ll see you around Momo.” She smiles, and took off, nodding and smiling at tzuyu as she pass by her on her way to the door.



Myoui Mina, I smile.



What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.








So I realized how it’ll be easier if i continued with this story on a 3rd person’s point of view, so I’ll probably write the next chapter in that form.


Well…. That is  pretty much all of it.


I’ll see y’all on the next update toodles~

Also don't forget to vote for Twice on MAMA And stream LIKEY~  haha that is all~



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This is my first ongoing story and i'm really really thankful for all of you who's been giving this love.


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318 streak #1
Chapter 8: Its getting interested ^^ I can relate because Psychology is my field :)
Good job authornim :D
MIMO fighting! :D
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next one.
1241 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jeong will team up with them to help this Myoui,this story getting more and more interested! Can't wait for next update ^^
Chapter 7: I'm getting DID after watching heart shaker teaser you know lol. Btw, this chap is great. So many medical facts and i like it so much. I hope momo and the gang eill soon help mina with her problems TT
1241 streak #5
Chapter 7: Good thing that they're all willing to work hard together to help Minari ^^ WenMoSaTzu fighting!!! XD oh,btw,thanks for the BDP additional note :)
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 7: I love how the medical team work togetherness to help Mina out. Learned some psychology words today. Thanks for that. Looking forward for the next update. :)
Chapter 6: This fic is really interesting! My 1st time to read something like this. I like love it! I can't wait for the next update!
Good luck authornim on your competition. Hwaiting!
1241 streak #8
Chapter 6: I got it right! Split-personality yet adorable penguin with her sweet caring doctor Momoring ^^ thanks for update ;)
AugustK88 #9
Chapter 6: Loving the progress of the story. Lots of surprises in store. Can’t wit for the next update! And good luck on your competition. :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for such a wonderful chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Goodluck on your competition Author-ssi. Fighting!