
Loving All of You

Months passed by quick.


Mina still goes to the clinic, she’s still so breath taking.


Nothing much has changed, except their relationship. They quickly become… close that they even have each others numbers saved on their phones. They don’t text much often, until recently when, Mina came early for her appointment too witness the three doctor fooling around with Tzuyu.


That is when the five grew close, that they all address each other by their first names. And with months passing by, mina has gone better and better.


She got chirpier, and jollier. Which makes the trio glad to see, but also a little sad as with her getting better means that she won’t come to the clinic to often.


“ So, that is pretty much it. I hope you take care of yourself hmm? “ Sana tells Mina, as they come out of the Dr.’s room. Catching  Tzuyu, Wendy and a newly arrived Momo’s attention.


“ Will do, thank you Sana. You take care of yourself too. “ They hug without noticing the other trio bluntly staring from across the room. “ I’ll come visit when I can” Mina adds, as she lets go of the hug.


“ Make sure you do, or better yet just invite us to dinner.” Sana smiles. as they reach the three, who has been watching them from when they emerged from Sana’s room.


“ Unnie, I’m glad that you are well now. But I’m also sad because we won’t see you anymore. “ The youngest pout, as she step out of the front desk to hug the former as they’ve gotten rather close to each other.


“ Don’t, be sad. You may not see me often anymore, but I’ll visit and as Sana said we can alway have dinner together. “ Mina said, as she Tzuyu’s hair.


Tzuyu beams as they let go of the hug. Smiling so wide that it looks painful.


“ Minaaaaaa, take care of yourself~ “ Wendy coos when Mina comes to her for a hug, making the younger giggle at her antics.


“ Will do Wendy-unnie, also look out for this three okay? Especially this two Japanese here.” Mina backs away from the hug as Wendy and Tzuyu laugh.


“ We’ll surely  miss you” Momo said, smiling sadly as she’s grown attached to the brunet.


Mina only chuckles at Momo’s pout. “ I’ll miss you guys too” She hugs Momo, which stunned the latter. But Momo is quick to rap her arms around Mina’s shoulder, inhaling her jasmine scent. Not wanting to forget the sweat smell of Mina.


“ Don’t forget to eat healthy, and relax from time to time, okay? “ Sana reminds, patting mina on the shoulder as she show a warm smile.

“ Yes, I wont.” With a last farewell, Mina took off. Taking her gummy smile and jasmine scent with her, and maybe even a part of momo’s heart.



“ Okay people! Let’s not get blue, we have a busy day ahead of us. Tzuyu how many patients are scheduled today?” Wendy said, not wanting to dwell on sadness.


“ You and Sana unnie have 3 more patients to come, While momo unnie has 4 patient” tzuyu scans her computer.


“ Well, Lets get to work.” Momo said, trying to cheer up from what happened a while ago.








Mina kept her promise, every Friday after work she drops by the clinic to stay and chat as the four closes up. Just last week she texted the them and offered to have dinner in the newly opened sushi restaurant. All was well, recently, she and momo started to send each other morning text and send good night messages before bed. Which gives a smile to both before passing out.



A ping puts stop to her eating, indicating that she received a text message.


“ I say that’s mina for 5 dollars “ Sana comments, as momo look up to glare at her.


“ No sense in making a bet on that since we all know that it is. “ Wendy counters sana’s offer making tzuyu nod in agreement.


“ Momo unnie, why don’t you just ask her out on a date. It’s so obvious that you both have the hots for each other. “


“ The maknae does have a point there Hirai. “ Wendy agrees.


“ Just because Mina texts me, doesn’t automatically mean she likes me, “ Momo says, which earns a shake of head from the three.


“ Well, it doesnt mean anything unless she sends a reply faster than Usian Bolt. But oh wait she does. “ Sana states as a matter of fact.


“ Look, if you guys don’t know already — which I doubt you don’t - I’m a shy person, I have no confidence in myself, So there is no way that I have or can muster to have the guts to ask her out. “ Momo dramatically say, while pouting and crossing her arms above her chest.


Out of nowhere, Sana launches up from her sit, taking Momo’s phone. And before Momo can react or do anything, the latter already texted Mina the things that Momo is too coward to send.


“ Wha- What the hell did you do Minatozaki. “ Momo exclaims, claiming her phone back from her colleague.


“ Doing what your too chicken to do, I asked Mina out on your behalf. You’re welcome. “ sana says nonchalantly, getting back to eating as the two seating with them is seemingly in awe at how quick Sana can be.


“ YOU WHAT?! “ Momo shouted, thank god they had the whole floor to themselves. 


“ You’ll thank me later, you’ll see. Also quit whining it’s just a date , I did the same for Wendy with seulgi and look at them now being disgustingly cute and domestic. “ Wendy hums in agreement to what sana just said.


“ Sana’s right you know, it’s just a date Momo. You should go, it’s not like Mina will hate you, she already knows you anyway what’s there to loose? “ Wendy says to a very troubled looking Momo.


“ What if she said no? I’ll look like the fool who got turned down… “ Momo says, burying her head on her arms.


“ We’ll has she replied? “ Tzuyu asks, to which Momo shakes her head at. And as if one cue her phone beep signaling the awaited reply from a brunet haired girl.


They all sat there, looking at her phone. The air heavy with suspense as Momo grabs the phone with her shaking hands. As soon as she opened Mina’s message she felt her soul leave her body.


“ What? What did she say?? “ Sana asked, excitement in her voice.


“ For Christ sake Hirai” Wendy takes the phone from a frozen Momo.


The three gathered, nervous themselves as they finally found the text message and open in.



“ Sure :) “ it read, making the three sigh out in relief.


“ Well, now that she said yes unnie you don’t have a thing to worry about. Mina unnie already likes you trust me “ The youngest gave Momo a comforting squeeze.






‘ She said yes’ momo says to herself, feeling so happy that it hurts.









Hey fam, how’s it hanging? haha well i’ll continue this story in a 3rd person point of view starting with this chapter hoho.


Anyway Don’t forget to stream Likey! and Vote for Twice on MAMA~ that’s all, i’ll see you guys on the next update ciao~











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This is my first ongoing story and i'm really really thankful for all of you who's been giving this love.


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318 streak #1
Chapter 8: Its getting interested ^^ I can relate because Psychology is my field :)
Good job authornim :D
MIMO fighting! :D
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next one.
1241 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jeong will team up with them to help this Myoui,this story getting more and more interested! Can't wait for next update ^^
Chapter 7: I'm getting DID after watching heart shaker teaser you know lol. Btw, this chap is great. So many medical facts and i like it so much. I hope momo and the gang eill soon help mina with her problems TT
1241 streak #5
Chapter 7: Good thing that they're all willing to work hard together to help Minari ^^ WenMoSaTzu fighting!!! XD oh,btw,thanks for the BDP additional note :)
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 7: I love how the medical team work togetherness to help Mina out. Learned some psychology words today. Thanks for that. Looking forward for the next update. :)
Chapter 6: This fic is really interesting! My 1st time to read something like this. I like love it! I can't wait for the next update!
Good luck authornim on your competition. Hwaiting!
1241 streak #8
Chapter 6: I got it right! Split-personality yet adorable penguin with her sweet caring doctor Momoring ^^ thanks for update ;)
AugustK88 #9
Chapter 6: Loving the progress of the story. Lots of surprises in store. Can’t wit for the next update! And good luck on your competition. :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for such a wonderful chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Goodluck on your competition Author-ssi. Fighting!