
Loving All of You

1 hour, that’s exactly how long Momo has been standing in front of her closet. And she hasn’t even found anything to wear on her date with Mina, which might be ridiculous for others but not for her.


She really wanted to look presentable in Mina’s eyes, because lets be honest Mina is a really pretty girl and getting a date with someone like her doesn’t just happen to anyone. So Momo doesn’t want to mess this up.


“ Ugh why is finding something nice to wear so hard?! ”, Momo screams in agony.



“ Look it’s just a date Moguri, you don’t have to stress yourself out. “ Jeongyeon said, scrolling on her phone while laying belly first on Momo’s bed.


“ I asked you over too help me pick something for my date, but here you are so busy with your phone. “ annoyance can be heard in momo’s voice as she sat on the edge of her bed ruffling her hair.


Momo feels the bed shift as Jeongyen sits beside her. “ Listen to me Hirai, you’re an attractive woman, anything in that closet suits you. So why not just pick something you think will describe who Hirai Momo is, okay?”


And so Momo follows her best friend’s advice, picking out a her favorite sweater and a pair of denim pants to go with.


“ Now that’s the perfect outfit.” Jeongyeon says, after Momo emerges from the bathroom.


“ You think so? “, Momo asks, still unsure as she face a mirror. “ you don’t think my sweater is to tight? “


“ No, i think it shows off your body perfectly. “ Jeongyeon shows a thumbs up approving. “ Now go, it’s already 5:30 And your date is around 6? You should be at the restaurant at least 10 minutes earlier then your agreed time.”




Momo arrives at the restaurant at exactly 5:40, and chose to seat beside the large window since it such a perfect night, not too warm and not too cold.


With 5 minutes before 6, momo feels her hand sweat.

‘ is my make up okay? ‘


‘ do i look presentable enough? ‘


‘ is my perfume too strong?! ‘


A thousand of things is running through her mind. Momo doesn’t have a lot of dating experience and so one can say that right now, she is one big ball of nerves. And just when Momo’s brain was about to go on another wave of doubts and questions, the door’s bell chimed. Which made Momo snap her head up and instantly her breath was taken away.


Mina was wearing a pastel pink sweater and a pair of white jeans.


‘ so Beautiful ‘


Momo was in awe, ‘how can someone wear something so simple and still look like she just finished walking on a runway ?! ‘


Mina spots her and smiles, which weakens Momo’s knees and she’s sure that if she was standing, than she would’ve fallen down already.


“ Did I make you wait long ? “ Mina asks worry in her voice, seating down in front of momo.


“ Uh no, I just arrived “ Momo flashes a smile as Mina waves at the waiter for them to place their order.


Awkward, that was the right word to describe their atmosphere. But it’s soon broken as Momo clears . “ How have you been ? “ she starts her hands still on her lap.


This cracks Mina up, “ Why do you sound so nervous? loosen up Momo, it’s not like we don’t know each other. “


Momo just blinks at this, her nervousness dissipating instantly. Mina was right, they knew each other already, in fact well enough for her to know that Mina was supposed to be the shy one between the two of them. So why was she acting like a shy school girl who was confessing their feelings to the person they liked?


Another round of giggles erupt from Mina, “ Hirai why are you so cute? “


Momo feels the heat rise up to her cheeks “ I am not cute ”, she says pouting. Mina yet again laughs and reacher across to pinch the latter’s cheeks.


“ Yes you are “ She grins after pulling her hand away.


Momo was about to rebut, however their food came which stole her chance.


“ You haven’t answered my question..” Momo says, after taking a bite of her pasta.


“ I’m quit fine, a little busy with work. You know, we gotta make a living. “ Mina asked as she attractively eat her steak. “ How’s everything at the clinic? “


“ The same as always “ Momo shrugs.


It was silent for a moment but it was the comfortable type of silent, accompanied by the sneaky glances from both sides.


“ So what are we gonna do after this? “ Mina asks as their wine comes, both parties muttering a small thanks to the waiter.


“ It’s a secret of course. “ Momo grins, her nervousness completely forgotten.



After their early dinner, the two went on to watch a movie. Both were laughing as they exit the theater recalling the happenings in the film they just finished watching.


“ I didn’t know that you were an Adam Sandler fan, at first I thought you would be the type of person who’d live off of watching sappy love stories. “ Momo says amazement in her voice.


“ Well, Adam Sandler is one of the few actors who’s movies I really looked forward too. But I do also like musical films, and sappy love stories. “ Mina says as Momo open the car door for her.


“ So where are we heading next? “ Mina curiously asks as she watch the people move animatedly on the streets.


“ We’re going to my second favorite place, I bet you’ll be surprised when we get there. “ Mom laughs, stoping at a red light .







“ Your second favorite place  is an art gallery ? “ Mina says, inspecting the architecture of the building. “ Also I think that I’ve been here before…” 



“ Oh you have? “ Momo watches as Mina’s pretty face scrunch up in thought.


“ Yeah I think I have, I just can’t seem to remember it..” Mina said, sighing as it seems that her brain wont cooperate. But she swears she has been her before…



“ I’m sure you’ll eventually remember. Lets go inside shall we? “ Mina shyly grabs momo’s laid out hand to which momo grins and pulls the brunet in.



The first thing that they see is a magnificent painting, a portrait of a woman reading under a tree as the sun sets, different hues blending together into a perfect harmony. Creating the perfect picture.


“ It’s just sad, and devastating. Because the painter who owns this gallery died..” Momo said as they move on to the next painting.


This time the painting was of a couple walking on the rain while they share an umbrella, the light post and trees reflecting on the wet pavement making a realistic feel.


“ On an interview, the painter said that if you look closer you can see the man’s shoulder slightly wet. He said it symbolises the man’s deep love for the woman. As he believes in the saying that if lovers share an umbrella, the person who’s shoulder will get wet love the other the most. “ Momo explains.


‘if lovers share an umbrella, the person who’s shoulder will get wet love the other the most.’


It flicked on like a light switch in mina’s brain. of course, that’s why the building was so familiar. That’s why she feels like she’s seen the first painting. This gallery was her brothers.


How can she forget? When the person who helped him pick out the perfect place to start a gallery was her?


Her hand that was holding Momo’s unconsciously tightened, which caught the older’s attention.


“ What is it mina? “ Momo asks in worry.


“ This gallery…… This gallery, I know the artist who owns this “ Mina says head down.


“ Really?? How’d you know him? “ Momo asks, ‘i didn’t know that mina has this much connection’




“ The owner, he- he’s my brother, Kai Myoui “  Mina looks up at Momo, with sadness in her eyes.


This catches Momo off guard, she sees the tears forming in

mina’s eyes. But she wipes them before they fall, pulling Mina in for a hug.


‘ , Momo you made her cry’


“ shh, Mina i’m sorry, do you, do you wanna go? “ Momo says crasing mina’s hair as the latter burries her head on momo’s shoulder.


A soft ‘ No ‘ reaches momo’s ear, accompanied by a shake of a head. Momo feel’s her sweater get drench with tears but she lets it be, holding Mina tighter.


With a last sniff, Mina pulls a way a sad smile on her lips. “ let’s stay, I like looking at his paintings… It reminds me of him “


“ Are you sure? “ Momo ask, holding mina’s hand softly.


Mina smiles, “ Yes, it’s also good to know that you love his paintings just as much as I love it “

Momo stares at mina’s eyes, wanting to make sure that this will not push mina back into her shell. But no sadness was seen in her eyes, all she sees is gladness, probably because she’s glad she can hold on to something that reminds her of her deceased brother.


“ Come on, I want to show you my favorite painting of his.” Mina grins, the sad eyes gone and the only remnant of her crying is her cute red nose.


They come to a halt in front of a landscape painting, colors wonderfully blending together in harmony. Momo scrunches her face, the picture seems odd to her.


“ Why did the girl let go off the man? “ she turns to Mina a frown on her face.



“ Look closer, see the feet beside the girl? and look at her hand on her shoulder. “ Mina points out.


Momo’s eyes widen at that, how can she did she not see. Now it made sense, “ It was the guy who let go.. He let go because the girl loved someone else, and the girl is reaching out in agony because the guy was a special part of her life, but she doesn’t love him. “


“ hmm, close enough. The guy let go because they can’t be together anymore, the guy beside the woman is her husband. Look even closer and you’ll see a silver band around the woman’s ring finger. “ Mina says quietly.


And so momo does, squinting her eyes in the process and she sees it, around the ring finger on her left hand which is holding her weight as her right is desperately reaching out for the falling man.


“ Oh…. And this is your favorite painting how? “ Momo asks, Mina smiles.


“ This shows how much love can bring destruction to people, yet it brings them joy too no matter how much it hurts them.” Mina stops but continues, “ Look at the falling man, he’s smiling despite knowing that he might face his death if he reached the ground. Perhaps he’s smiling because he’s happy to get a chance to love the woman.”


“ However, it’s destruction because the woman is willing to have an affair with him despite being married to another already. That’s why she’s reaching out, but the man knows it wrong and lets go of her because he loves her and becuase he knows it’s the right thing to do…” Momo continues, facing Mina who was smiling wistfully. “ wow, that’s just beautiful. “


“ I know… my brother he… used to say that loving someone doesn’t always mean you have to fight for them, it means that you love them enough to know that letting go will be what’s best. “


Momo looks at Mina, stares at her beautiful face, her tall nose bridge, her endearing moles, her beautiful mind.


“ So, after this where do we go next? “ Mina turns to Momo, who just smiles and holds her hand.


“ Well, i said that this was my second favorite place right? lets go to my first.”







“ Wow.”  a tiny gasp leaves its way out of Mina’s mouth, “ it’s beautiful. “


Momo stares at Mina for the nth time tonight, she smiles at how Mina’s smile is so big that it looks like her face might split into two, she smiles at how the city lights  twinkle in her glossy eyes that they put the stars into shame.


“ Yes, it sure is beautiful. “ Momo says in daze, but at the corner of her eyes, she sees a tiny yellow light flicker. “ But, thats not the best part. “


Momo takes Mina’s hand and drag her into the woods, “ where are you taking me this time Hirai? “ the latter asks as she try to keep up with Momo’s phase.


The older didn’t answer and just kept on walking, until they came into a stop in front of a big tree isolated from the others.


“ Watch this. “ Momo takes a pebble and throws it aimlessly near the huge tree.


Just when Mina was about to speak up, little fireflies lit up and flew away from the ground, some flew to the tree and some flew all around them, seemingly dancing to a silent hum.


“ It’s beautiful, How, How did you find this place? “ Mina ask amazement eminent in her voice.


“ I was just driving one night, and came upon this. Its pretty cool so I come here often, specially when I’m upset. “ Momo answers as she reach up to catch a firefly which flew too close to them.


“ This is the first time I showed this to someone…  “ Momo adds after a few seconds of silence.


“ Why me? “


Momo pauses… ‘ why her? ‘


‘ there’s just something about you…I just … I like you’


“ I like you too.” Mina says, pulling momo out of her thoughts.


“ I said that out loud didn’t I? “


Mina laughs and pull Momo down for a kiss on the cheek.



“ Yes, Yes you did Hirai. “













Hey peeps~ sorry for taking so long in updating, I had to do some stuff hehe


Anyways don't forget to subscribe, also comments are highly apreciated 


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318 streak #1
Chapter 8: Its getting interested ^^ I can relate because Psychology is my field :)
Good job authornim :D
MIMO fighting! :D
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next one.
1241 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jeong will team up with them to help this Myoui,this story getting more and more interested! Can't wait for next update ^^
Chapter 7: I'm getting DID after watching heart shaker teaser you know lol. Btw, this chap is great. So many medical facts and i like it so much. I hope momo and the gang eill soon help mina with her problems TT
1241 streak #5
Chapter 7: Good thing that they're all willing to work hard together to help Minari ^^ WenMoSaTzu fighting!!! XD oh,btw,thanks for the BDP additional note :)
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 7: I love how the medical team work togetherness to help Mina out. Learned some psychology words today. Thanks for that. Looking forward for the next update. :)
Chapter 6: This fic is really interesting! My 1st time to read something like this. I like love it! I can't wait for the next update!
Good luck authornim on your competition. Hwaiting!
1241 streak #8
Chapter 6: I got it right! Split-personality yet adorable penguin with her sweet caring doctor Momoring ^^ thanks for update ;)
AugustK88 #9
Chapter 6: Loving the progress of the story. Lots of surprises in store. Can’t wit for the next update! And good luck on your competition. :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for such a wonderful chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Goodluck on your competition Author-ssi. Fighting!