
Loving All of You

Rain, there’s just something mystical and mysterious about it. Like when it passes everything is suddenly pure, cleansed brand new. It's as if the shuddering cold that comes with the tiny droplets of water falling down from the grey sky never happened and suddenly the sun is shinning and the lawn is greener and probably, just maybe there’s a rainbow shimmering above somewhere. It’s like rain takes away all the impurity the time the dark skies go away. But today is an exception, it’s like the world is against me, because for starters i forgot my umbrella, and I never forget, like ever. 


Second today is a really important day, why? Because it’s my first day back from japan - where i’ve spent all summer- And i’m finally seeing my best friend in what feels like forever, but i guess today isn’t really my day.


I mutter a curse under my breath. Jeongyeon is so going to kill me if i keep her waiting, looks like i have no choice. 


I charge into the rain, as soon i step out i feel the pressure hitting my body. Is there a storm or something? It’s only been 30 seconds since i ran into the blinding rain but i already feel my clothes sticking to my body, great, just great.


A sigh of relief makes it way out of my mouth as jeongyeon’s apartment come into view, but the moment of relief disappeared as a car sped by, making the puddle that accumulated on the road hit my body like a whiplash.


“ Seriously?! ” i shrieked, as i feel my body get drencher. 


But all of a sudden, i feel not a single drop of rain fall on my body, i look up  to see an umbrella hovering on top of me. 


‘Thank god who ever you are’


I look up to say my gratitude to the kind stranger,  but that was quickly forgot as warm chocolate eyes meet mine, I studied her face closely.


“ thanks ” i say dumbly, still staring at her pretty face, ‘momo snap out of it, your being a creep’ 


But instead of a welcome, all she did was pass the umbrella to me, wore her hood and walked to the other direction, not minding the rain.


It took me a complete minute to snap to of my daze, and walk to the building. The previous interaction withe the gorgeous girl, forgotten as i feel eyes on me.


‘Way to go hirai, first you forgot your umbrella, then you make a fool out of yourself in front of a beautiful girl, and now you’re humiliating yourself with that creepy smile on your face, body all drench despite the umbrella on your hand. Today sure is your day Hirai’ 


“ what took you so long? and why are you soaking wet? ” Jeongyeon asks as i make my way past her, taking a sharp turn to her bedroom. 


“ tell you later, let me take a shower first.” i say loud enough for her to hear.


“ there’s some new underwear on the second drawer! ” 


“ Thank’s jeong! ”





“ so mind telling me why you walked over here all drenched? ” 


I look up from my ramen, jeongyeon peering at me curiously.


“i forgot my umbrella” 


“ then whose umbrella is that? ” she points at the black umbrella by the door, suddenly a pair of chocolate eyes flashed at the back of my mind.


“ There was this kind stranger who gave her umbrella to me “, i say taking my chopsticks again and proceeded back to eating to hide the blush forming on my cheeks as pale complexion and warm eyes flood my mind.


“ ooh a girl, was she pretty? “, now jeong was intrigued.


‘yes’ i wanted to say, but instead i shrugged. Not wanting to share the memory of endearing eyes, and jasmine scents to anyone else.


“ Hm…. so how was Japan?” Jeong asked, the owner of the umbrella forgotten.



I plopped down my bed, texting jeongyeon a good night, and telling her that i’d return her clothes as soon as i wash it. Then all of a sudden my thumb stopped as my eyes wander to the lone black item in my room.


A smile makes it’s way to my face, shaking my head i pressed sent, and turned the lamp off.


i closed my eyes, expecting to see darkness. Instead I see pale complexion, warm eyes and a brunette head.




“ What?” i speak groggily, burying my head on my pillow, still not wanting to be awake so early in the morning.


“momo” i groaned in response, to sleepy to utter a word.


“get your lazy off that bed and come to the clinic quick, we have a code yellow.” 


It took me minutes to process what the person on the other line said, as sleepiness is still clouding my brain.


Code yellow…..







“ Momo?… yah! Hirai Momo!!” 


my eyes snap open.


“ i’m on my way ”

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This is my first ongoing story and i'm really really thankful for all of you who's been giving this love.


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318 streak #1
Chapter 8: Its getting interested ^^ I can relate because Psychology is my field :)
Good job authornim :D
MIMO fighting! :D
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next one.
1241 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jeong will team up with them to help this Myoui,this story getting more and more interested! Can't wait for next update ^^
Chapter 7: I'm getting DID after watching heart shaker teaser you know lol. Btw, this chap is great. So many medical facts and i like it so much. I hope momo and the gang eill soon help mina with her problems TT
1241 streak #5
Chapter 7: Good thing that they're all willing to work hard together to help Minari ^^ WenMoSaTzu fighting!!! XD oh,btw,thanks for the BDP additional note :)
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 7: I love how the medical team work togetherness to help Mina out. Learned some psychology words today. Thanks for that. Looking forward for the next update. :)
Chapter 6: This fic is really interesting! My 1st time to read something like this. I like love it! I can't wait for the next update!
Good luck authornim on your competition. Hwaiting!
1241 streak #8
Chapter 6: I got it right! Split-personality yet adorable penguin with her sweet caring doctor Momoring ^^ thanks for update ;)
AugustK88 #9
Chapter 6: Loving the progress of the story. Lots of surprises in store. Can’t wit for the next update! And good luck on your competition. :)
Chapter 6: Thank you for such a wonderful chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Goodluck on your competition Author-ssi. Fighting!