
On The Other Side

Yuri stared hard at the stranger lounging comfortably on the couch, feeling a little frustration nip at her from how at ease the stranger seemed to be. Normally, she would have been giddy to find another preternatural in the city, but this one just seems to rub her the wrong way. Maybe it was the bright, wavy blond hair that seems to glow under the florescent light, or it could be the pale skin that doesn’t even present any signs of veins or blemishes of any kind, or it may as well be that unimpressed look the stranger had been subtly giving her. Not even five minutes into arriving and Yuri did not like the stranger one tiny bit.


She noted the tips of the pointy ears jutting out from the golden locks and she scoffed. “You’re pretty short for an elf.”


The elf raised a thin brow at her, smirking cheekily as she met Yuri’s glare dead on. “And you’re pretty skinny for a protector.”


Yuri bristled as she digs her fingers into her thigh. She’s slightly surprised to feel her wolf raise her hackles at the elf, a first as her wolf was known to be friendly and docile. It doesn’t last and Yuri feels her wolf relaxing at the familiar, light giggling of the witch she was bounded to.


“I like you a lot more now, Hyoyeon.” Jessica said, patting the top of Yuri’s head like a dog as she passed her by. She carefully laid three mugs of tea on the coffee table before finding her spot beside the elf- her guest- while the elf began recounting something that Yuri guessed was funny from the way the two laughed. She growled under breath, crossing her arms and scowling as she watched the friendly interaction between the elf and the evil witch.


Normally, she would have laughed at the weird set up. A witch and an elf chattering about mundane things, like the school and the weather. Yuri had thought the conversation would have gone somewhere along the lines of any breaches in territory or something of the likes, hence her presence. But, looking at them now, Yuri couldn’t comprehend why she was called in for.


It certainly doesn’t seem like the witch to just call her for a tea party, as this occasion was turning out to be. She sunk into the seat, now focusing her glare at the elf chattering animatedly at the amused host, both completely ignoring her presence.


It was strange, being on this side of a conversation. It had always been her who initiated conversations. She did it mostly to balance out Jessica’s tendency to fall silent. It curbed the boredom, so she chattered aimlessly, even to the point of her topics being questionable. But she could see that Jessica found her amusing and even, try as she might at concealing it, smiled sometimes.


Then, along came the elf.


“Oh! Remember when-”


“Sorry to interrupt,” Yuri wasn’t really. “but why am I here?”


Jessica, brows cocked, shot Yuri a look of deadpan. She crossed her arms over her chest, lips pressing into a thin line as her eyes stared her from top to bottom. Yuri almost felt under the stare and repressed the urge to turn and shrink away. At times the witch made her feel uncomfortable without even saying or doing much of anything and somehow that only further fuelled her fascination with her owner. “I think I should be asking you that.”


Yuri imitated Jessica’s body language, not one to be defeated so easily. “But you texted me. You said it was urgent and I had to be here.”


Jessica’s eyes flickered away from her, her nose upturned haughtily. “I did no such thing. Besides, does it look like I need any help?”


Yuri clenched her teeth. “No. But you texted me!” She stood, fishing her phone out from her back pocket and scrolling to Jessica’s text before brandishing it to her to prove her point. “See.”


Jessica snatched the phone from her, quickly reading the message before tossing the phone back. It falls a little short and Yuri instinctively made a lunge for it, catching it in between her index and middle finger. Hyoyeon claps, impressed at the quick reaction.


Jessica faces the elf, her blank expression not betraying her feelings. “Hyo, you don’t happen to know where my phone is, do you?”


The elf grinned, pulling something from her pocket and teasingly shook the rectangular contraption in the air. “I wanted to see what she was like. Since you weren’t going to introduce us anytime soon, I thought I better rectify that problem and took the matter into my hands. I see it worked like a charm.”


“Hm. Figures.” Jessica huffs, snatching the phone and tossing it carelessly back on the coffee table. “And I thought I told you not to touch my stuff.” She berates in a bored tone while the elf stifles her giggles.


Yuri lowers her head, feeling embarrassed for her mistake. She couldn’t believe she didn’t question the message that required her presence at that instance. It was not like the witch to demand that of her. To fetch something, yes, but to be called for protection? The witch was perfectly capable of protecting herself and she made sure Yuri knew that every time they walked into trouble, no matter how small it was.


Oh, the embarrassment.


With her tail between her legs, figuratively speaking, Yuri scooted to the edge of her seat, as far as she can to reach the unimpressed witch. When that didn’t feel quite apologetic enough Yuri half stood, half crouched, easing closer towards Jessica’s personal space.


“Are you mad at me?” Yuri mumbled, her head hanging in a rare act of complete submission.


The witch merely spares her an uninterested glance. “You’re not important enough to be annoyed at, sit down.” Yuri does as she was told, nearly tripping over her own feet at her haste to follow the command.


“She’s very submissive. And here I had expected her to be at least interesting.” Yuri growled under her breath, scowling harder than ever at the elf. Her wolf bristled yet again when the elf looked the witch up and down. “But then again, we are talking about you, so I guess it’s to be expected.”


“She’s only like that because she’s guilty of something. On another day, she’s annoying and loud.” Jessica paused to take a sip of her tea. “Now that I think about it, you two are pretty much alike.”


“Please don’t lump me in with her.” Yuri grumbled, pulling a face.


“I share the same sentiments.” Hyoyeon sniggered. “I don’t look as dumb as your pet.”


“I am not a pet!” Yuri growled, unmindful of the sharp glare directed at her.


“Play nicely while you’re under my roof or get out.”


Yuri hangs her head, grumbling about how technically Jessica doesn’t even have a roof but rather another flat above hers. Hyoyeon tilts back her head and laughs while Jessica shoots her another warning glare. Yuri knows not to say anymore and she takes a sip from the mug of tea. She repressed a grimace, she was more of a coffee girl.






“Tell me again why you’re here?” Yuri grumbles at the back of the elf who was currently leading her through the forest.


It was supposed to be a simple mission. Collect the flower that only bloomed under the light of the moon, found somewhere close to a body of spring water. It was a simple grab and go. Why was the elf there? Rather, why did Jessica tell her to follow the elf’s order? Last time she checked, she was only under contract with the evil witch. How could she so easily pass her on to another’s dictation like she was some obedient pet? She was a wolf! Wolves were only supposed to follow the pack, not some short, pale skinned elf who doesn’t even know where East is.


“East is the other way, elf.” Yuri called out rolling her eyes at her “guide”.


Hyoyeon looked up from the map she was following, eyes rolled upwards as if to try and look past the clumps of leaves that blanketed the sky from their position.


“Of course it is! And I know where we can get that plant. We’re going this way.”


“Bull! The lake was supposed to be at the east.”


“Trust me. We’ll find the flower. I should know.”


“Why, cause you’re an elf?”


She snorted. “No. Simply because I know the woods better than you. So quit mucking around and follow me!”


“I find that hard to believe elf. Frankly, I don’t even know why I’m partnered up with you for this. East is this way and I intend to get that flower quickly and get this over with.”


Hyoyeon made a clicking noise with her tongue, carefully folding the map and ing it back into the safety of her pockets. She reached to rub one hand against the greenish bark of the closest tree, testing the texture. “Trust me wolf-girl, I know a place full of those flowers. Jessica wouldn’t have partnered us up if she didn’t trust me to get the flower back to her.”


“Hard to trust someone you’ve only met a few hours before.” Yuri scoffed.


“Fine.” Hyoyeon rounded on her, leaning her weight against the tree trunk she was inspecting as she shot a serious look towards Yuri. “Do you trust Jessica then?”


Yuri was caught by surprise. She felt her face flush and her heartbeat quickening. Not even Jessica had questioned her loyalties. True, she wasn’t particularly one to turn on friends, but Jessica wasn’t exactly a friend. They were just barely two weeks into the contract and in Yuri’s opinion, Jessica was distant, cold, assertive and bossy when she needed something. She didn’t really know her enough to trust her fully. “I trust her more than I trust you.”


“Then don’t you trust her when she entrusted you to me, someone she’s trusted her whole life, when she trusted you to trust me to get that flower?”


Yuri stared at the satisfied smirk on Hyoyeon’s face, her jaw slightly slack as the words processes in her thoughts. “I- , how many times did you use the word trust in that singular sentence? God, you’re confusing!”


“Trust me.” Hyoyeon jerked her head to the side. “The flowers are just beyond the trees here.”


With light, sure footing Hyoyeon quickly slid behind Yuri, gripping her by the shoulders and began pushing her forward. Even for a short sprightly elf, she was strong, Yuri was not even able to dig her heels into the ground.


“Alright! Alright!” Yuri whirled around Hyoyeon’s pushing, grabbing the elf’s wrist and held it away from her. She glared at the smug grin Hyoyeon wore and flung her wrist back to her, with a little added force than necessary. “I’m going. But I swear, if we don’t get that flower within the next few minutes I will personally claw that smug look off your pretty face.”


“Aw, you called me pretty. See, we’re making progress.” Hyoyeon chirped. Yuri snorted and rolled her eyes.


“There’s something wrong with you.” She muttered as she began pushing past low branches and knee-high shrubs and weeds. She could feel the rocks under her feet pushing past the thin soles of her sneakers and she berated herself for her choice of footwear. As stylish as the shoes were for city living it in just about any sports activity, hiking through the forest included.


The thinning of the shrubbery has Yuri’s mood brightening as she eagerly shoves past the greenery. She could see light not too far ahead of what could be a clearing. She could faintly hear what sounds like a trickle of water and sniff a sweet aroma that sent shivers down her spine.


“Well, I’ll be damned. You really aren’t as useless as I thought, Hyoyeon.” Yuri called, turning to her guide.


Her eyes wandered from the trail she had created, eyes darting for any signs of the elf. Her ears do not pick up the sound of following footsteps nor could she pick up the scent of anyone following after her.


“Aw, hell.” She cursed, swinging at the branch in front of her. It snaps at the force, hanging onto the branch with the few fibres stubbornly holding on. “I swear, the next time I see that elf with be the last time she breathes.” She grumbled as she pushed forward, kicking at the bit of root that caught on her shoe as she scanned the small clearing.


A small stream trickled down from a rocky protrusion from the side of the mountain led to a pond that took most of the clearing’s space. On the other end of the pond, with its blue flower blooming under the light of the moon was the flower she was after. A wide smile etched on her face as she made to round the pond in a brisk walk.


That was, until she felt something catching her foot and pulling her down. With a squeal she crashed on her chest, knocking the wind out of her. She gasped for breath in time as something began dragging her back. Her hackles rose as she looks upon to the pair of hands claps tightly around her ankle.


Two deep, soulless eyes stared back at her, thin lips pulled back to reveal a set of sharp teeth. It was hideous with its body covered in scales in differing hues of blue. Yuri didn’t know exactly what it was, but she was sure it was no friend and that those sharp teeth could rip through her skin and muscles.


Without thinking she growled, letting her wolf take over as she felt her body make an abrupt turn and had her hands and knees digging onto the dirt ground. The pain of transforming was lost to her as her adrenaline pumped through her system. With a mighty kick, she freed her leg from the thing’s clutches, sending it flying back into the water of which it came.


She righted herself up, breathing heavily through her elongated snout. The sweet scent of the flower was making her nauseous, it was a little too overwhelming now that she was in her wolf state. Shaking her head she began to stalk towards the rows of the magical flower when, from her peripherals, she saw a few heads emerging from the still pond.


She skidded back towards the forest line, keeping her head low, hackles raised, and her teeth bared in warning while she stared down the four sets of soulless eyes tracking after her movement. She mentally cursed the elf for leading her there blind. If she could only find that elf she would gladly take a bite out of her ankle or calf.


One of the things, closest to the surface, stood up. It was only high enough that the water was up to its mid torso. It was only then that Yuri realised how small it really is, no taller than a toddler. It opened its mouth, emitting a sharp wail that was akin to a crying baby before making a charge at Yuri.


Yuri barked at it, making it stop an arm’s reach before snapping at it in warning. She could see the other three waddling towards the surface. If they attacked her all at once she was in for it. She shifted her foot back, carefully backing into the forest. She made a low snarl when the first attempted to reach for her. It bared its teeth at her as if grinning at her attempts at escape. Four against one is hardly a fair fight, and Yuri was no idiot.


The other three scattered, each rushing at her from different angles. Yuri tore her eyes away from the first, frantically trying to keep track of the rest. The first took the momentary distraction to make a lunge for Yuri’s side, mouth open to take a bite out of her. Yuri reared back just in time as its sharp teeth snapped closed around air. Using one paw Yuri made a swipe for it, her large paw connecting solidly down the creature’s middle, sending it flying back and rolling to a stop close to the flowers.


Yuri doesn’t have a chance to check if it stayed down as the rest began charging at her from different directions, teeth snapping and little sharp claws swiping. She pounced, growling and swiping at them to the best of her abilities. Once or twice they managed to scratch at her arms but were quickly dealt with a hard swing of her arm.


Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, blood pounding in her ear and her sights narrowing as she kept up with the four creatures hiding in the thicket. They were slowly but surely driving her back, and Yuri began noticing the lowering aggression in their attacks the farther back she was being pushed. Still, she kept vigilant; after all one decisive bite could potentially disable her.


She snarled, snapping at an arm swiping at her and just as quickly pulling back. She yelped as her hind leg snagged on a root, forcing her to topple on her side. The moment her side hit the ground she thrashed wildly, snapping and scratching at air as she somehow righted herself up. She breathed deeply, hackles raised as she stared up at a grinning face watching her from a high branch. She growled lowly, feeling that the thing was snickering at her, its beady eyes unwavering.


Finally, it turned, hopping off and skittering back into the high grass. Yuri breathed, keeping her teeth barred just in case. She scanned her surroundings, sniffing at the faint trace of the creatures lingering in the air. A minute more and she relaxed, her wolf retreating, leaving her breathing heavily on her bottom, muscles sore and feeling very cold.


A low whistle has her neck snapping in its direction. Her surprise made way for anger as she spots the elf emerging from the back of a tree and she emits a growl from the back of .


Hyoyeon’s eyes were directed upwards, her hands clasped behind her as she grins broadly. “Didn’t think you were that type. But gotta admit, you’re not as scrawny as I thought you up to be.” Hyoyeon sniggers, briefly sneaking a glance at the werewolf.


Yuri looks down the length of her body, too irate at the elf to feel even a hint of embarrassment as she shifts to a better position. “Why don’t you come over here elf, so that I can snap your head clean off your neck!” Yuri growled, raising her hand as if to reach for Hyoyeon’s neck, her hand curled into claws.


Hyoyeon chortles harder, pulling out a familiar looking bunch of flowers from behind her. “Now, now. I thought we worked together pretty well. Managed to swipe this much while you distracted the little s.”


Yuri stared at the flowers, her eyes narrowing as they settle back onto Hyoyeon’s smug face. “See, don’t you trust me a little more now?”


Yuri’s lip twitched as she snarled at Hyoyeon, jumping up to her feet and made a lunge at the elf. Hyoyeon crackled as she made off in the other direction, Yuri hot on her trail.

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Apologies for the long disappearance. Happy New Year to everyone!


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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 20: Thats allll? :o
Kkomofam #2
Chapter 20: Gosh this is the tenth time I finished read this story all over again. Love it
Chapter 17: I've read a lot of stories featuring sires [ABO au, Fantasy, etc], but I've yet to read another that has perfectly captures that joy. I know it's been a while that you've written this, but it's still an enjoyable read, every time I re-read it.
Muse_Lover #4
Chapter 20: This is such a cute story of yulsic n the royals~
Wish you would write more~
Thank you~
Gaejihyo815 #5
Totally cool stories revolving around the characters in the alt universe. Was looking forward to more Taeny and soosun and definitely yoonhyun babies mischief.
Chapter 20: It's too bad that this is marked completed, would have loved to read more about their family's adventures and misadventures of the yoonhyun team. Soosun would have been so cool to explore a bit more.
Chapter 20: Releido
I also love Hyoyeon here, can't forget about her hehe.
The fantasy shots are really great, Yulsic, Taeny, possibly Yoonhyun - still underage, but possible! Implied Soosun I believe. These are all great stories. Great Job!
Chapter 20: A lovely history told by a babysitting Taeyeon.