A Colorless World


Seoul, South Korea, a city where everyone has a power, this power varies on two things, what they have, and what they do not have. This can mean many simple things, but this can also lead to very complicated things. A child who has always been alone could be given the power to create a friend. Or maybe a friend who always tells lies is given the power to know when someone else is lying. For Chae Young, she can see a person's true color after she meets eyes with someone. Can you guess what she does not have? 




Falling... falling... 

Even with the knowledge of only falling for mere seconds. I feel as though it's been minutes, hours maybe.  The smile of an old friend watches me from above, she cackles before turning around disappearing from my sight. I can still see her with this useless power of mine. I continue to fall, with only that color on my mind. 

What a deep shade of purple... 




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Chapter 2: Please update this is intresting ! Authornim fighting!!!