Possibility Two Part Two

The Odds of Us

"Minzy...Minzy wake up," I heard mom's voice say to me. Slowly coming to, I looked up to see Jiyong smiling down at me. "Hey sleeping beauty, you should get up and get something to eat." 

Groaning as I turned to lay my head into his lap, I couldn't help but pout like a little girl, "Just let me sleep through it all." 

"Nice try," he softly spoke as he began to my hair gently. I couldn't help but hear mom's voice as he coaxed me up. Helping me to sit up next to him, I couldn't help to think out of the two of us he was more like our mother. So sweet and gentle, never one to start a fight but always one to make peace. If only I had those qualities maybe then I would have come home at least once. At least then, I wouldn't have the last memory burning through my head of her crying out for me to come back as I left. "Come on," Jiyong encouraged me as I tried to pull away. Huffing as I stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen, I was surprised to see Mino along with a familiar face that had me pushing my brother off. 

"What are you doing here," I couldn't help but say through gritted teeth. "Mino are you stupid?! Why did you bring her," I snapped. 

"Minzy don't be rude! She's my guest," Jiyong hissed as he stepped to stand next to the unpleasant guest. 

Shaking my head in disbelief, I could not deal with what my idiot of a brother was hinting to. Glaring at the young woman who sat unapologetically at the kitchen table, I walked out of the house and darted towards the barn. Fuming that my brother had to bring my arch nemises into our house, I placed the ladder up against the posts and climbed up to my little pocket. Curling up into a ball, I ignored the calls from Mino to come down. It wasn't until he threatened to come up that I shouted for him to leave me be. As if coming home wasn't hard enough, seeing that annoying girls face was unnecessary. Hearing Mino do the opposite of what I asked, I rolled my eyes as I turned to face away. 

"Minzy what are you doing," Mino huffedd from behind. 

"Go away," I mumbled not wanting to hear it from him. 

"Please come back inside..." 

"No, go away," I waved him off. 

"Please don't act like a child. Your brother really wanted you to meet..."

A child, Mino of all people had the nerve to call me a child. Snapping up to glare at my so called best friend, I didn't want to hear his scolding. "Mino don't call me a ing child! I do not like that ! You know what kind of hell she put me through my entire life from elementry to high school! Dara is the ing devil. So if my brother wants to vacation in hell, let him. I just hope he knows he's a ing idiot!" 

"I heard that," Jiyong called up to me. 

My face burned with embarassment as I looked down to see Jiyong standing along with Dara at the bottom of the ladder. Looking back at Mino, I shook my head at the traitor. "Get the away from me. I hate you!" Glaring back down, I stared right at the devil herself, "And I hate you too! Get the off my family property!" 

"Minzy you spoiled little brat! Don't talk to my fiance like that," Jiyong barked. 

"Fiance," I couldn't help but choke on the idea. What the is Jiyong thinking?! Before I knew it, I was in a rage. Somehow I had got past Mino on the ladder and I was face to face with Dara. Staring in disbelief at the ring apparent on her finger, it was none other than my mother's wedding ring. The tears were hot and streaming down my face, "You can wear the ring and have the last name, but you will never be apart of my family. You will never be my sister you stupid !" 

There was a stinging sensation when Jiyong slapped me across the face. Seeing the anger burning in his eyes as he shouted at me to shut my mouth. It shocked me more than hearing him call me a , because I have never in my life seen him look at me like he is right now. It was a side that I have never seen, a side that resembles our father. "Apologize," he demanded as Dara held him back as if she feared him striking me again. 

Holding a hand over my burning cheek, the fury in me had me fighting right back, " you! I hate you. You're not my brother, you're more like your dad!" Storming off as my brother continued to shout after me to come back, I let my feet carry me away from the barn, past the house and down the road. 

Though my tears blurred my vision, I knew this damn road like the back of my hand. I've had this walk more time than I could count growing up, but never because of a fight with Jiyong. Shaking my head as the new memory of Jiyong stung, I didn't want to think on it. Brushing off the thoughts as I wiped my tears, I found myself stopping to exhale deeply and stare up at the night sky. It was cleary and starry out tonight, if my current situation hadn't been weighing heavy on my mind I could stay here and stare up at the beauty before me. But the car lights that were nearing me had me shooting my gaze back down as I continued walking. 

"Minzy..." Mino called out to me as he began to slowly drive next to me. Sniffling, I stayed quiet as I continued to walk. "Minzy, please get in the car." Shaking my head, I knew Mino. He would most definitely take me back home to talk things out with Jiyong and I don't want that right now. I just want to be left alone. "I won't take you home. Just get in the car please," he said knowing very well what I was thinking. "Please Minzy..." 

"Mino," I stopped to glare up at the annoyance. "Leave me the alone! I don't need this right now." 

"And where are you going? Into town? Let me give you a lift. I'm heading there anyway," he tried to convince me. "C'mon, your feet must be hurting from walking bare foot." 

Gazing down to my feet, I realized then that I was in fact bare foot, "!" It was then that I felt the aches and pains of my feet. Hissing as I moved towards the passenger side. Hopping into the car, I let out a sigh of relief. Leaning onto the car window, the cool glass against my forehead eased the pounding thumbing in my head a bit. 

"You know it was your mother who insisted that Dara have her ring..." 

"I don't want to ing hear it Mino," I snapped. 

But Mino groaned as he locked the doors and put the car in park. "Minzy you need to understand..." 

"I don't want to understand," I screamed as I pulled on the lock to have him lock it again. 

"Your brother..." he growled as he locked the door again as I tried to pry it open. Suddenly we were in a car door unlocking and locking game, "He tried his best...to fight the feelings..." Shaking my head as I pulled the handle to have the door locked again, "Your mother encouraged him to go after her..." Seeing as somehow Mino got me listening, I quickly plugged my ears with my fingers. I did not want to hear this tale. But Mino was determined as he yanked my hands away and held them away as he continued. "Despite the past you two shared, your mother felt that Jiyong's happiness mattered. Dara makes your brother happy Minzy! She loves him along with your mother so much..." 

"I don't ing care," I shouted. 

"If you didn't care then you wouldn't be acting like this. But you need to know. Your brother tried to fight loving Dara for your sake for so long, but since you had left for so long he thought...and your mother thought it best to move on and live. Can't you just be happy for him?" 

Of course I want my brother to be happy, but my head couldn't wrap around the idea of Dara being it. Freeing myself from the car, I began walking yet again. This time walking with a heavy heart. Stumbling into the only lodging in town, I was lucky to get the last room. Cowering into the fetal position, I sobbed my eyes out hating how cruel fate was to me. 


Stepping out of the taxi, I asked him to wait as I walked into the house. Ignoring my brother who stood by the stairs, I walked up to my room and gathered my things. "Where are you going," he asked as he stood at my doorway. I didn't answer as I made sure to put my shoes on this time. Walking past him, I grew stiff as he took hold of my wrist. 

"Don't ing touch me," I growled as I pulled away and made my way back to the taxi. Making my way back to the lodging, I was grateful to get cleaned up. 


Being presentable in public, I set out to the little town to find the bar. Yup, day drinking with breakfast or was it lunch? Whatever the day time meal it was, I ordered drinks to go with it. Consuming the cool alcohol was helping me take the edge off of the headache I awoke with this morning. 

"Drinking in the day time? Is that what you city folks do," Mino chimed teasingly. 

I was ready to give him a taste of his own medicine when I saw who followed behind him. "Minzy please..." 

"Get the away from me," I warned as I clutched onto my silverware ready to pounce. 

Dara frowned as she held her hands up, "Please hear me out..." 

" off..." 

"I want you to know that I love your brother and your mother very much. They mean the world to me. Please understand that even though our past is not pretty, I want to make our future better..." 

"Our future? There is no our, didn't you hear me or are you deaf as well as stupid? You will never be my sister," I spoke with so much venom that I was surprised as well at how I was sounding. "Love who you want, but leave my ing family alone." 

"I tried," Dara started to become teary eyed, as if she was the victim. I remembered those fake tears that always got her way when we were younger. 

Downing the last of my alcohol I stood on my feet and looked her up and down in disgust, "Try harder ." 

"Minzy your city attitude is not becoming of you," Mino said scolding me. 

Looking at Mino I couldn't help to think that he was acting like Jiyong's best friend over mine, "What, are you going to put your hands on me like Jiyong for calling her a ?" 

Taunting Mino was the cherry on top, "You know what..." Dara took the ring off of her finger and placed it onto the table in front of me. "I love your brother enough to not make him choose between us." 

Scoffing at her old tricks, I stood on my feet and flipped her off, "Once a , always a !" 

Walking out of the bar, I was stopped when Mino took hold of my arm, "Minzy what are you doing?! Why are you being like this?!" Turning out of his grasp, I didn't want to hear it. "No, you can't walk away from this," he stopped me. Taking my hand and placing the ring in my palm he looked at me expectedly, "You're going to give this ring back to Jiyong and explain to him what happened." 

I couldn't face my brother and I wouldn't. Shaking my head, I tried to give the ring back but Mino was quick to retreat. Huffing out in frustration, I looked back into the bar to see Dara still in there. Marching back in, I slammed the ring on the table, "If you're going to end things with my brother, do it your ing self!" Walking out, I looked at Mino who stood stunned. I never had the guts to ever face Dara, let alone talk to her in that way. But I was too furious to care, "Tell your new best friend Jiyong that I'll be leaving after the funeral tomorrow night so he and his can get back to their happily fake after." 


There was no such thing as escaping in the hole that I grew up in. So I found it best to buy as much alcohol I could carry in bags to the pool at the lodging. It was the best I could do, knowing very well that the two whole bars would be filled with people I didn't care to see. At least with the alcohol at the lodging pool, it was private for guest only. Setting up camp at the pool, I was grateful that I had it all to myself. Placing my headphones on, I hit shuffle on my music as I took a bottle and sat at the edge of the pull with my legs submerged into the water. Kicking at the cool water, I took a big gulp before laying back on the concrete to stare up into the night sky. Even with all the lights reflecting off of the pool area, the night sky still was dotted with beautfiul stars. It was really enchanting as I leaned up to gulp more alcohol. Drinking and swimming was a great combination to ease my stress. Playing my music off of my phone speaker, I hopped into the pool with the bottle of alcohol. Humming to the song as I lazily began to float around, I heard loud laughter as if people were approaching. Cursing under my breath as I took another drink, I was quick to swim towards the ledge of the pool by my belongings. Keeping myself faced away from the approaching group, I hoped they would ignore me and let me swim in peace. 

" someone is in here," a feminine voice spoke as she opened the gate. 

"Looks like she's loaded," the all too familiar voice rang. 

Seeing as there would be no kind of peace if I stayed, I hopped out of the pool and began to collect my things. "Hey can we have a bottle," Mino called out to me as if I was some stranger. So I ignored him like a stranger and continued to gather my things. Dumping the few bottles I had finished and picking up the others. 

"Minzy? Is that you," the girl asked confused and I looked to roll my eyes. Of course, Chaerin. The girl that Mino obsessed over when we were in high school. She turned and wacked Mino on the arm, "You didn't tell me that Minzy was able to make it out!" 

"Why would you need to know if I was back or not? I'm just passing through," I said indifferent to the girl that I never understood why Mino liked. 

Chaerin giggled as she nodded over at me, "And causing a major storm while you're at it." Oh the joys of small town life, everyone hears about everyone's business, No longer engaging, I quietly walked past the two or attempted to before Chaerin stepped in front of me. "I should be given some of this alcohol. It's the least you could do for messing with my happiness too." 

Now that was surprising and very confusing, "What?" 

Mino caught hold of Chaerin's arm as he shook his head, "Stop, you're drunk!"

But Chaerin moved out of his grasp and walked face to face with me, "He was finally going to settle down with me until you came back. You never should've came back..." 

"That's enough," Mino barked as he gripped onto Chaerin's arm again with a firmer grasp. 

"What are you talking about," I had to ask. What did I have to do with her happiness? "Why does my presence affect your happiness?"

Mino was quick to stand in front of Chaerin, "Don't listen to her, she's drunk. Just go." 

Chaerin scoffed as she pushed Mino out of the way, "Are you that ing blind?! Mino loves you. He can't be with me fully because he is in love with you." 



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jiwonku #1
Chapter 28: It's been so long I don't open asianfanfics everyday because I waiting for the next update like this
jiwonku #2
Chapter 27: I should wait for the last part before read this :( now I eager to know why he left? Can you make it quick please, how if I can't sleep haha.
1andonly #3
Chapter 26: where did Mino go?? T.T but I love Bobby and Minzy's relationship here
jiwonku #4
Chapter 24: i love this series so much. i love the character and how mino madly in love with minzy. keep going authornin hehe
Chapter 24: This story is my favorite so far. I really like how you conveyed the feelings of each characters, whether it’s sadness or love or something darker and how they are not 1 dimensional. There’s no good and bad. And I can see you getting better and better through each stories.
jiwonku #6
Chapter 23: hurry update authornim. i always check this every single day
jiwonku #7
Chapter 21: just telling you, i will always be here to read all this mice short stories. i will always be here even if not on time. so please continue this nice story. thank you for writing this beautifully
Chapter 18: I really love these short stories.
jiwonku #9
Chapter 10: am i dreaming? am i late?? two update?? wawww. thank you authornimmm
1andonly #10
Chapter 5: why does Mino have to be so slow??? Dying right now TT....TT