Possibility Two Part One

The Odds of Us

Staring out the window of the taxi, I found myself wondering how life was oh so funny, at least in my case. Seeing that familiar town name, my chest tightened. I was getting closer. Closer to my past I tried so hard to bury. Clutching onto the door as the taxi took a turn off the freeway, I couldn't help to think of the last time I had left this God forsaken place. Flashes of the past ran a shiver down my spine. I couldn't think back to that time, I wouldn't let myself. Forcing my eyes to stay looking out the window I saw the familiar farm lands. Memories of my childhood and youth came flooding into my mind. In my new life I made for myself, no one would believe or knew that I was a farm girl. That was how I wanted to keep it, coming back was only for a short while, I reminded myself. Cringing as the taxi began to slow down to turn onto the dirt road, my past looked just as I remembered it. The orchid of fruit trees lining the left and the barn along with farm animals lining the right side. But it was the big house at the end that had my lips pressed tightly together. The tall pillars, the wrap around porch, the big windows, all of it looked the same. 

Thanking the taxi driver, I pulled out my bags and stood in front of the house taking it all in. Stepping up onto the porch, I stood staring at the front door and couldn't bring myself to opening the door. Sighing in defeat, I dropped my bags on the porch and walked out back. Gazing around, I made sure the cost was cleared before making my way back to the barn. Sliding into the old barn, the smell was a bit overwhelming. It had been a while since I had smelt fresh dung. Shaking the shock of the smell, I grinned seeing the ladder hung on the wall. Pulling it down, I lined it up onto the wall and climbed up into the pocket. I couldn't help but feel giddy seeing my set up still in place. A sleeping bag, a few books, a lantern and matches, with a flash light just in case. Yup that was all I needed up here. Peeking out the large open window, I was able to climb out and manuver onto the roof. Wrapping my arms around my legs as I sat to stare out at the land before me, this is what I missed most. Inhaling the crisp air, I was filled with curiousity as to what books I had left up here. Moving back into the barn window, I dusted off the sleeping bag and sat upon it as I found myself smiling at the sappy romantic books I used to indulge in. Giggling at such childish reads, I couldn't help to admit that it had been a while since I read a good book. Sighing as I lay thinking on how I forgot what it was like to get lost in books. I thought of how I had become occupied with starting a new life and becoming someone new. 

A cool breeze startled me awake. Shaking from the cold, I sat up and gazed around. I had almost thought I was dreaming of home when I realized that I was in fact home. Coming to, I started to make my way down the ladder when someone's voice startled me. Losting my footing, I also lost my grip as I stumbled down the ladder. Gratefully my impact was met with arms catching me to break my fall. "," I huffed grateful as I stared up at how far I would have fallen before looking at the person who caught me. 


"Mino," I found myself questioning if the guy holding me was in fact him. But the recognition in his eyes confirmed that I was indeed correct, that with the crushing embrace I was quickly met with. 

"It is you," he excitedly said as I was gasping for air at his strong embrace.

"I...can't...breathe," I said half heartedly joking, but also serious because his hug was honestly suffocating me. 

Gasping as he pulled away and gently set me back on the ground, he gave me a big smile, "Welcome home!"

"Thanks, you're the first person I have seen since coming back," I confessed, not sure if I really wanted to be welcomed home. 

"I figured you would be here. I saw your bags up front, but no one had seen you," he said smugly as if he knew me. 

His smug attitude had me smiling, "I just had to come and check out my old hide out." 

"Don't worry, I made sure that no one ever went up there. I knew you would be back sooner or later," he said proudly. 

As touching as it was, I found myself taking a good look at Mino. He of course looked older, more mature. His features looked more defined and he stood more confident. He could pass for a handsome model, but I would not tell him that. He was my best friend. He was the one I had let down the most. The memories of how I left him high and dry had me stepping towards him and wrapping my arms around his waist. Holding him tightly, I could feel how solid or built he was. Not to mention how wonderful he smelt. He never smelled this good I don't think. Pushing aside those thoughts, I sighed as I listened to his beating heart. I was grateful that it was still beating even if he told me it would've stopped if I left. Pulling away to look up at him, his gaze met mine and I was at loss for words. His eyes held that of deep sadness and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Going up on my tip toes, I brushed my lips against his cheek before pulling away. Breaking contact, I subconsciously folded my arms over my chest and gave him a half grin before walking away. 

Walking back towards the front of the house, I noticed that my bags were no longer there, meaning that everyone knew I was back. Inwardly groaning, I turned the door knob slowly and made my way into the house. Slipping in quietly, I walked inside. Everything was the exact same, with the same furniture and fixtures, it was so surreal. "Hey baby sister," a familar voice called me from behind. 

Looking back, I couldn't help but squeak as I rushed into my older brother's arms, "Jiyong." I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes as I held him tight. 

"Look at you, you're all grown," he chuckled as he kissed the top of my head and spun me around. 

"Yeah and you're old," I couldn't help it. Even if he was only a few years older than me. I knew he hated when I called him an old man. 

"I've accepted that part of my life now," he sighed as he placed me back on the ground. 

Chuckling as I looked him up and down. He was like a spitting image of my father in the old photos of him when he was younger. "Wow you are old," I couldn't help but again. 

I didn't notice the other presence from afar, until Jiyong became stiff. I too became stiff, as I turned to become fact to face with the man that drove me away in the first place, "Father." Formly addressing him, I couldn't help the bitterness that came with it. 

"Next time don't just leave your things on the porch. Take them to your room or have you forgotten where it is," his words were sharp. 

I felt the sting and wanted to fire back, but Jiyong took hold of my wrist and gave it a gentle squeeze, "You must be exhausted. Maybe you should go freshen up and then join us for some dinner." Looking over to Jiyong, he held that look I knew all too well. Nodding, I pressed my lips tightly together and made my way towards my room. 

Letting out a sigh of relief, I am so grateful for the brother that I have. He must be some kind of a saint to deal with father, I grinned at the old man saint Jiyong. The thoughts had me glancing around the blast from the past. My lavender colored bedding, because I was never a typical pink colored kind of girl. The white christmas lights that dangled over my desk, everthing was just as I left it. Sighing as I looked to my closet and dresser that seemed put back together when I had left it a full blown mess. Shaking my head as I plopped onto my bed, I couldn't help but to bury my face into the comfort of my covers. They were soft and smelt like the laundry soap mom always used to wash our clothing with. 

The tears quickly swelled in my eyes as I inhaled the fresh scent deeper, letting it take me back to the past. Take me back to simpler times. 

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jiwonku #1
Chapter 28: It's been so long I don't open asianfanfics everyday because I waiting for the next update like this
jiwonku #2
Chapter 27: I should wait for the last part before read this :( now I eager to know why he left? Can you make it quick please, how if I can't sleep haha.
1andonly #3
Chapter 26: where did Mino go?? T.T but I love Bobby and Minzy's relationship here
jiwonku #4
Chapter 24: i love this series so much. i love the character and how mino madly in love with minzy. keep going authornin hehe
Chapter 24: This story is my favorite so far. I really like how you conveyed the feelings of each characters, whether it’s sadness or love or something darker and how they are not 1 dimensional. There’s no good and bad. And I can see you getting better and better through each stories.
jiwonku #6
Chapter 23: hurry update authornim. i always check this every single day
jiwonku #7
Chapter 21: just telling you, i will always be here to read all this mice short stories. i will always be here even if not on time. so please continue this nice story. thank you for writing this beautifully
Chapter 18: I really love these short stories.
jiwonku #9
Chapter 10: am i dreaming? am i late?? two update?? wawww. thank you authornimmm
1andonly #10
Chapter 5: why does Mino have to be so slow??? Dying right now TT....TT