List of unfilled prompts

One Great Step: Infinite Fic Fest

As with all prompt challenges, there will always be some unfilled. Instead of having potential writers scour through the comments section on each chapter, all unfilled prompts will be collated on a google spreadsheet. If the prompt is later filled, it will be removed from the list. Please note that mods will only remove a prompt after the fic/prompt fill has been published. When a prompt has been claimed but the fic is not published yet, the claimed prompt will be highlighted in grey in the spreadsheet.

List of Unfilled Prompts


To claim any of these unfilled prompts, simply leave a comment on this chapter with the month/season, # number and the prompt to indicate your interest in writing it. Here is an example of how it should look like:    

Month/Season: March 2017
Number: #10
Prompt: Hoya is secretly Ryan (the Kakaotalk character), and he wonders why he doesn’t have a mane even though he’s a lion.

We will publish your comment. When you have posted your fic (or if you are writing a chaptered fic, the first chapter), please reply to your own comment with the corresponding url and add your work to the appropriate subcollection of the month/season (for fics on AO3 only). Please refer to the spreadsheet or the appropriate month/season under the chapter index to check which subcollection it belongs to! Mods will only delete the prompt from the list when you have done so.

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Chapter 1: wow this is amazing. I really like this idea as to this give us an opportunity to read and write new pairing. Seriously there are so little fics for infinite nowadays