Waking up

Destinied together


"Noona~ Wake up now~" Minwoo sing at my ears.

"Minwoo, get out." I said and push his body off my bed.

"Andwae! I won't! GET. UP. NOW!!" he jumps and jumps on my bed.

"Yah! Stop it!"

"No way! Wake up and get yourself ready! Then, I will stop jumping on your bed."

"Okay, okay! I'm awake!"

"Yay!" Minwoo said happily and clap his hands.

I rub my still sleepy eyes and ask him, "What time is it now actually?" 

"7 am."

"MWO?! It's still early you know? For God sake, please let me sleep..." I groan and hug my pillow on the bed to sleep again.

"No way! Come on noona. Early birds catch the worm."

"And what does it have anything to do with me?"

Minwoo stop talking and look at my direction with a silly grin on his face. "Nothing. I just want to go to school early today."

"Get out."

"Huh?" Minwoo blinks his eyes a few time with his head tilts to the side.

"I want to get ready. Wait outside will you?"

"Ah okay noona."

After 15 minutes later I come out from my room with a neat uniform and walk to the kitchen. "Minwoo, what are you doing?"

"Making breakfast for us of course." He said with a smile on his face. And... a pink apron? If the girls at school see him in this apron probably they will run after him and of course scream for his name saying how cute is he. Hehe crazy fans.

"Your uniform will get dirty you know?"

"No, it will not. Noona, let's go to 'Coffee Prince' cafe after school together."

"Okay. Pick me at my class or I will go alone. Another thing, PLEASE make sure you did not bring your fans along arraso?" I remind him.

"If... I succeed. But netherless, I'll try. Probably it will be a lot easier since hyungs did not go to Woolim High instead they all go to Starship Academy right?" Minwoo says and put pancakes on my plate and his plate. He put a lot of maple syrup on mine while he just put honey on his.

"Yep thank God."

After done eating and cleaning, we heads to school.

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sohyun1106 #1
Chapter 10: please update
shinefinite #2
yes i can wait for you...but please don't be toooooo long for you to update..thanx
will do~ Hope you can wait ><
Super busy right now~!
update soon ^^ i like the story ^^