Chapter Eight

The Treaty of the Three Clans
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Quiet. Nothing but silence running through the rooms as each mythical creature reads their fellow Elder's history; pages being flipped, mugs refilled with coffee, and getting up from time to time to stretch the sore muscles.

"AHHH!! I quit!!" Minus screams as he walks out the door to the lobby; Junghee and Yoongi looked up as the screeching continues, she walks to the door and plonks herself stand against the side, watching the witch's emotions blow up. "It's so bloody, THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!! WEREWOLVES ARE HORRI-" Minsu stops talking as he sees Yoongi smiling at him, he stutters as he looks both at the older two. "Um.. n-not all w-w-werewolves are horrible." Junghee placed her hand over as she laughs and nods. The youngest of three walked out the building fearing for his life after witnessing Yoongi's smile. The werewolf and the hybrid laugh as they watch Minsu scatters.

Yoongi looks upon Junghee admiring her sweet smile, wanting to be close to her; holding her in his arms. She smiles while returning to her chair back to reading the witches' timeline lifestory. Junghee pushed back her hair behind her ear weaking Yoongi as he continue to stare at her. He shakes his head to get rid of his desires and emotions trying to get back to work.

He let out a sigh as he looked down the page where he left off. Yoongi reads until the very last word and turns the page, revealing a name he never pictured to see as the title. Junghee Cho. He glances over seeing her nothing but reading at her desk. Yoongi continues to read.

Cho Junghee

A girl is born without acknowledging that she’ll be special to the world. She had everything; her family adore and loved her, friends surrounds with support and care, nothing bad would never in her lifetime…until the worst came at the wrong time.

It was at night, the moon shinning upon the Vampire and Witch’s shared shelter; stars sparling like diamonds in the sky, everybody was asleep in deep slumber until the loud sound of drums thundering to alert them - they are in the heart of an ambush.    <

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Stellybinx12 #1
Chapter 20: Thanks for the update.