Chapter Three

The Treaty of the Three Clans
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  After driving two hours more than usual, Junghee got out of her car quickly knowing she'll be late. She walked to the front door to grab the handle and as she turns the doorknob a soft sound can be heard like a soothing lullaby to ease the chaotic day.  A white Turkish Angora elegantly plunks down on the border of its cat tree purring in relief that she returned home safe.  Feeling rushed Junghee pets Snowball only in seconds to become ready for the Grand Ball.

  This the first year of having the Grand Ball with all of the clans together because of the war and they have been throwing separate parties to not start conflicts with each other.  Tonight was the night of the tree dominated clans becoming allies instead of foes.  Although there's a secure amount of Mythical Creatures supporting the truce, but there's also that one small but powerful amount of those who oppose doing great lengths to destroy the alliance and keep the kins apart.

  Junghee slides into her dark navy lace dress as she puts on her shoes, the zipper magically moves upwards to secure the back. She uses her magic to quickly put her makeup and multitasking of styling her hair.  With the final strain of hair to be waved, she runs through with her fingers to loosen the waves as it becomes perfect.  The snowball is watching her owner hurrying to arrive to this unnecessary event. It's not like she doesn't want peace along the kins but she deadly worry for her owner.  As a Familiar, their task is to guide and protect their witch and dealing with all mixed senses about tonight is not helping either.  Snowball feels something unnatural disturbing.

Looking satisfied at the mirror, Junghee smooths out the dress and rotates out towards Snowball, "Well, my furry friend. How do I look? Too much or too little??" The feline meows and nods its head showing agreement. Junghee cups Snowball's face and their noses touch each other, "I'll be back. Don't worry, little one." Junghee casts a spell to the enchanted portal and disappeared to the Underworld. Snowball watches as the portal vanished into thin air hoping nothing bad will happen.

  The day descends into dark, stars blinking their bright light onto the world and the half crescent moon glowing beside them.  Yoongi looking at the bay window as the werewolves felt the force within the moon giving them strength.  Showing his back, he is troubled by what happened earlier today, leaving the party behind him. What was that feeling? He thought to himself.

The Elders stand proud on top the balcony looking down along their clans finally getting along. Some of Mythical Creatures sat down at the tables which were put near the stairways and not too far away from the kitchen. Kim Sangchul can still feel displeasure as he sees small groups of protesters roaming in the room, "There are still groups against our treaty." observing while speaking to his friends.

"No matter what they attempt to do, they can't win.  Tonight will end all hate." Sungmin assures the worrying Witch. 

"Hyung is right. It's time for the old days resign and the new days to take over. Our successors will lead the world to a better place." Youngsik joined the conversation. Sungmin tilts his head in hestitaion knowing Oh Family's reputation. 

"Minjung will use her power to rule the rest of the werewolves, we MUST be cautious." The three old men nodded looking concern for the output of the Grand Ball.

    Junghee pops at the entrance of the The Great Hall where eve

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Stellybinx12 #1
Chapter 20: Thanks for the update.