The Interview

But I was supposed to be the janitor?

You were fidgeting in the seat you had been instructed to wait in at the SM Entertainment building reading your paper that was due into university later, you wondered for the 1000th time if it was going to be good enough, but you knew you were wasting your time worrying. ‘I wish I could still be working on it’ you muttered to yourself as you heard a door close behind you. “Are you the girl coming for the janitorial job?” A bored but loud voice stated causing you to jump a little bit. “Oh, yes that is me” “Down the hall turn left then right and the interview room will be the 4th door” he then abruptly left leaving you puzzled, but you knew that you needed this job, you had too much to pay for right now and couldn’t afford to get another credit card to pay for your rent. You wished university would hurry up so that you could get a proper job instead of janitorial work, but you guessed it would have to do for now.

Right so you just had to go down the hall and then go left… no right and then left, that was it. As you made your way down the hall you saw the pictures of all the stars, though you couldn’t pay attention to them now and to be honest you did not really care as you had no clue who any of them where really anyway. After a while you realised that you had no idea where you were going, but saw one of the doors ajar 'might as well look and see if anyone inside could help me' you thought. After looking you saw that there were a couple of people in the room in workout gear and were dancing to a track that you had never heard of. They were all thin in frame but had muscles and were not unappealing to the eye. You decided that you might as well ask them as what is the worst that could happen? You weren’t going to make it to the interview at this rate anyway.

After tiptoeing in you saw that they were finishing up so mustered the courage to speak up “Excuse me” they turned to look at you, just noticing your presence. You bowed politely “I am trying to find where the interview is for the job. You see I was told that I had to go a certain way, but embarrassingly I cannot remember the way to go”. You couldn’t look at any of them in the eye it was too embarrassing, you would never get the job if you couldn’t even remember simple directions! “Oh, you are here in the right place” one of them said he had a smiley face. Confused you asked “Are you sure? I thought it would be with an interviewer and more formal” You had been preparing for interviews for a while now and never had you thought it would be so laid back with sweaty men dancing to music. “Oh, course it is the judges will be in soon, but at the moment listen to the music and warm up seeing as you are so early” “EARLY?!” you exclaimed “I am sure I am late by now” “you must have got the time wrong then” said another with a thinner face. He seemed a bit smaller than the others, but not younger. His face was so thin, but somehow it suited him. “Maybe, but why would I need to warm up?” At this one of them looked stunned, but also worried. He was quite muscular and looked quite sporty “You need to warm up it isn’t good for you not to. You could easily pull a muscle or worse” “Pull a muscle? I wouldn’t do that” “Please warm up otherwise he will just be worried” said the youngest looking of the group shyly. “Okay I will” you agreed “But I don’t have the right gear for this” you were right as you were wearing jeans and quite a tight top. It showed off your body as you were hoping it would show your interviewers that you were strong and healthy enough to do the job properly.

You started to stretch like you used to in your dance classes before you came to university. It all started to come back to you. The smell of the dance floor the stretches that pushed you to your limit (though you couldn’t stretch half as far as you used to and the jeans really weren’t helping), you started to really get into what you were doing and forgot all about your surrounding and were taken back to your old classes and teacher who you loved. You missed it more than you thought you would and this is only making it worse. “Right” said a voice which pulled you back into reality “I see that you are here for the position” “Yes I am” you responded with a surety that you hadn’t felt in yourself since your dancing days ‘I should find some dance classes to go to when I have more money’ you told yourself silently. “Good, this interview is going to be simple I just need you to listen to a piece of music that has yet to be choreographed and then choreograph it for us. We just want to see your style, flow and your personality. SHINee you can leave now.” It dawned on you this was not the right interview “Wait, um I am not sure that I can…” but before you were able to carry on the sporty man from earlier who was obviously part of SHINee whispered in your ear “Just do it you will be great” and carried on walking out of the room. You made a mental note to look them up later before looking back at the interviewer “I am ready” ‘well you definitely haven’t got the janitor job so you might as well try for another one’ you thought, but your choreography was always a bit shaky in your eyes so you didn’t know how you would do.

“Great, this is the song” music played out of the speaker that was in the room it was female voices and the song sounded quite cute, but you had no idea who was singing. You tried to get all the information from the song you could so that you would be able to match the choreography accordingly, but the year off at university wasn’t helping you and choreography was so different for artists in Korea than it was in England. After the song finished the interviewer gave you a couple of minutes to mark what you were going to perform, but you had no clue what you were going to do and decided to just stretch for the minutes that you had left to try and get to the place you were in before the interviewer came in. You were starting to feel nervous. What if they turned you away? What if they said you were no good? You have suffered rejection before and you were not looking forward at the prospect of it happening again.

You heard the interviewer say “Start” and you got into a beginning position. It didn’t feel perfect, but as they said they just want to see your flow and personality. You started to flow through the music and by the end of it you couldn’t remember what had happened except that it was the best thing you had done all year ‘this is why you danced’ you remembered it was like the revelation that you needed and suddenly that paper you had to hand in wasn’t that important anymore. “Thank you can we have your details please? We will be in touch with you within the week.” “Thank you” you bow low and write your details on the paperwork provided. You are just about to leave when the interviewer turns to you “Where you invited to warm up with them?” “Who?” you sounded confused and then remembered “Oh, the group? I got lost and they told me I am in the right place” you stated embarrassed “Okay. Please don’t communicate with artists you don’t know. They were in there training and you stopped them doing that” The shame you felt started burning inside you. ‘Of course, they were training if they are a group they would have to train’. “It won’t happen again” you apologise” “That is alright. Just a heads up for the future if you are looking for jobs” “Thank you so much” you bow once more and walk out feeling scared, but weirdly positive.

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Twilight_EmilyXx #1
Chapter 8: It's a good story. Plzzzzz keep writing it. It's actually my only hope to read something about this Xxx