Actors 002

Colour Mixer

SooHyun remembers when they'd first started dating a lifetime ago and everyone had had an opinion about their genders and their age difference.

To be fair, HyunWoo had been an adorably chubby fourteen-year-old back then and SooHyun had had his own reservations about it, but it wasn't ual and HyunWoo had just bowled him over and blank stared at him for being an idiot so... Yeah. It was sort of impossible for SooHyun to win and he'd just let HyunWoo make all of the decisions basically.

HyunWoo, who could be bubbly and screeching and naive one minute and then ridiculousy wise and restrained and persistant in the next so that SooHyun had no choice but to get swept along by him.

SooHyun would walk ahead, mildly oblivious, and HyunWoo would keep pace at his side, stopping him occassionally to point out all the things he'd missed. He hadn't known there was so much everyday magic surrounding him until HyunWoo had come along to make him see it. Some of his happiest moments were just standing back and watching HyunWoo do the most mundane things in the most remarkable ways.

He could be both insightful and easily excited and either one would make SooHyun's chest overflow with warmth and a sense of fulfillment.

(Not to mention that he'd really grown into himself and was dizzyingly attractive and utterly precious now.)

They'd been together for a while and HyunWoo was winding down his sixth year and they were spending most of their free time together and SooHyun's place was really too small for all of their amassed property, so...

So, maybe it was time to think about properly moving in together.

SooHyun knows that that's what he wants, that he's never wanted anything so much as he wants to share the rest of his life with Lee HyunWoo; now he just has to ask.

It's one of those precious weekends where HyunWoo can walk down to Hogsmeade and SooHyun can visit him there.

Usually, they would just have lunch or dinner and then go walking, but this time SooHyun's actually gone to the lengths of booking a room at the inn and had food brought directly upstairs.

Rather unwisely, he's decided to wait for HyunWoo at the village entrance rather than in the nice warm pub where they would normally eat. He's standing stiff and awkward, with his fists clenched and his gaze trained on the toes of his boots and he's aware of how people are whispering about him and casting him strange looks, but he can't move.

His head is somehow simultaneously spinning and empty and he can't remember the last time he was so nervous. Not even during his final match at Hogwarts had his palms sweat so profusely, face burning so that he can't feel the chill in the air.

He knows what he wants to say, he thinks, he's just not entirely totally sure how to say it.

Before his thoughts can begin to spiral again, someone drapes a purple and bronze scarf over his shoulders and he watches transfixed as two sets of small, tan fingers work to fasten it around his neck.

HyunWoo's face ducks into view and SooHyun feels a wave of relief wash over him at the familiar sight.

Straight full brows, drooping eyes, soft cheeks and a gently confused smile greet him and help him to steel his nerves.

All he has to do is ask.

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320 streak #1
Chapter 10: As your warning in the foreword, indeed, there are too much character, way too much. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. ^^