Infinite 003

Colour Mixer

A/N: YaDong. Warning for... Slightly naughty implied thoughts?

HoWon hated DongWoo.

Or, rather, HoWon hated how much he couldn't hate DongWoo.

He had every right to hate the older Gryffindor; for being in a more favourable house than HoWon and for being loud and ridiculous and well liked and goofy-looking and way too good at dating and for being better than HoWon at all of the things that HoWon took pride in and for not having a single malicious bone in his body and for being so frustratingly sweet and endearing and for being infuriatingly y when he danced or did anything athletic... For making HoWon's head such a mess.

He hated how flustered and helpless he always felt around the elder and how he craved the warmth of his touch and his attention and his god-awful laugh.

He was supposed to be fierce and intimidating, but instead he was reduced to a lovesick pile of goo.

The way that SungJong would catch him staring and roll his eyes and call him a sap embarrased him and the way that WooHyun would stand behind DongWoo and smirk and laugh pissed him off like nothing else.

The worst thing though-- The absolute worst and most painful thing-- Was how DongWoo never looked at HoWon the way HoWon wanted him to.

No matter how hard he tried or what he did to impress or seduce DongWoo or to show him how he felt, DongWoo never noticed it, never understood. The elder would only smile and applaud and pat HoWon on the back, admiring, adoring and encouraging but never loving. He didn't turn shy or blush like a tomato and his mouth certainly didn't go dry as he shuddered at the thought of that body pressed against him, not the way HoWon did.

And his chest didn't ache at the sight of HoWon wrapped around some girl in a dark hallway either. DongWoo wouldn't have broken his own heart by staying to watch, fists clenched and eyes burning, wishing desperately that he had any right to march over and break them apart and stop everything from hurting so much and still unable to look away. He wanted that more than anything.

He wanted to tell DongWoo how much he hated him for not loving HoWon back, how unfair it was.

He really hated DongWoo.

And he really hated how much he didn't really hate DongWoo at all.

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320 streak #1
Chapter 10: As your warning in the foreword, indeed, there are too much character, way too much. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. ^^