Chapter 4

The Importance

I open the door and it's sheer chaos. Everybody is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and I don't see the boys. Deciding not to get caught up in this chaos, or have them stop I continue on my way, and close the door quietly. 

Where else could they be. I told Joonie to keep them calm, not run so that we worry we've lost them too. 

I start walking down the rest of the hallway. Taking my time and peeping inside doors. 

I have a pounding headache. Many thing could have contributed to this mess of my head so let me take some ibuprofen before I continue any further. 

As I head up to the stairs to walk up 4 flights, I realize that all of if not 1 of the boys are probably in my office. I wonder who it is and I wonder why Tae would go somewhere and not tell others where he was going. Like he's crazy (and an alien) but he has a special bond with the rest of the boys, too much so, to not tell anyone where he was going. I have a very strong gut feeling that I'm not going to like it. 

Now I also know that you guys are saying why didn't I take the elevator up to my floor, well the elevators are at one end of the hallway and the stairs at another. When I had finished checking all of the room on the second floor I was by the stairs. If you thought I was gonna walk past that insanely loud room again with my feet and head hurting, you thought wrong. 

I finally reached the top of the stairs. Yay!!! Go me!! Plus the stairs come out like 2 doors down from where my office is. (I am lazy. Sue me.)

My office has a lot of stuff in it but is still sterile. The walls are sectioned off by where the boys beds are and painted whatever color they wanted. Like Jin has pink everything. 

My own section is kinda in the back, it almost it's own room because it has a wall that separates us but it has a space that could fit 2 doors. I put a curtain there to give us privacy. 

Now I know and always make sure that I keep it closed when I'm not there. So you readers can imagine my surprise when I enter my office and the curtain is open. 

I creep up to the room. I look inside and I see probably the saddest sight I have ever seen, when working with these boys. 

I know you guys are probably like it can't be that sad. You're really really wrong. This sight is so depressing. 

I see Taehyung silently balling his eyes out hiding in the corner of the room while cuddling with his favorite plushie. 

My headache forgotten I rush over to him. 

"Taehyung what's wrong? What happened?" I lean his head and body into my chest keeping my arms locked around him. 

At first he seemed surprised to see me then he accepted it and started making those tears heard "T-they don't like me and said that I don't belong in BTS. That I'm too crazy and I don't fit in."

"Who said that?" I'm really angry and I'm gonna kill whoever said that. 

"I-I overheard s-some of the stylists talking about me."

"Hey, look at me" I took his head in both of my hands. He looked at me with his watery brown eyes, and puffy red cheeks. "You fit just right. You are perfect and made for Bangtan."

"No! You're just saying that. You secretly agree with them." he tried to pull away out of my Grasp and move to another part of the room. I pulled him right Back, his head went right back to my chest. 

"Taetae it's okay. Let it all out. I understand. You've been really strong it's OK." I was striking his head as he let out his feelings. 

Eventually there became, comfortable yet awkward silence between us. He had stopped crying except for the occasional sniffle. He kept his plushie close and started tracing shapes with his fingers on my stomach. It kinda tickled but I'm not gonna ring the moment. Tae was also starting to get a little drowsy I need him to go to sleep so I can call Joonie and get him along with rest of the boys up here, to talk about this problem. 

He finally got to that drowsy point. I somehow got my phone and called Joonie

"Hello?" it was deeper than Namjoon's voice. 

"Hey. Yoongi is that you?" I whispered 

"Yes it's me. Why did you call?" he either doesn't know what is going on, doesn't know that I was called, or doesn't remember. 

"Can you please do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything." he sounded a little lighter now.

"Tell Namjoon that I found Taehyung and to bring all of you guys to my office. Come in through the back and come to my private room."

"Yes I understand." he was serious, and I'm pretty sure that he was nodding his head.

"Wait. Before you go I have on other thing for you to tell him."

"Go ahead I'm all ears."

"You guys should wear comfy clothes. Clothes that you could potentially see in."

"Sure thing. I'll let Namjoon and the rest of the boys know." he hung up the call. 

I imagine them being here in the next 15 minutes or so. 

I told then to come in through the back door because they can avoid fans and the room where everyone is acting crazy. They don't need to be caught up in that mess. 

Here I am telling the boys to wear comfortable or sleep clothes. Did I restock my stash of clothing? Yes I think I did. 

---20 minutes later---

I hear the door to my office opening and I can only hope that it is the boys. I also swear that Tae has fallen asleep on me. But I don't mind. Times like these are when I remember the boys are still human too. 

My suspicions are confirmed when I see a large group of shadows by the entrance, and hear 

"Yoongi are you sure that they are in there?"

"Yes I'm sure. Now be quiet we don't want to wake them. She said that there was a serious matter we needed to talk about."

"You guys can come in. It's hard to wake up a person who wasn't sleeping."

"Victory what if they don't like me anymore. What if they agree with what those people said about me." he eyes were getting watery. 

The rest of the boys had come in and heard what he said. 

"My little alien, we will always love and need you. You make up BTS we aren't us without you here enjoying this rollercoaster with us." Jin said. He. Eat Namjoon to the punch, but of course he would because he's the mom if the group. 

"Taehyung, what happened?" now this was Joonie. He tried getting closer but Taehyung still clung to me. 

"NO! They are gonna agree with them. I'm too weird and don't belong with BTS."

"Tae, they will love you just the same. Hey I have an idea. We all promise not to judge or think any differently of you if you promise to tell everyone what's wrong and what happened."

"That's a good idea! I need my twin back." that's Jimin, who is probably affected the worse out of everybody because they are both 95 liners. 

"I promise, Taetae, that I won't judge or treat you differently." still Jimin. He was sincere and almost on the verge of tears. 

"I promise too hyung." ooooooooooo Kookie called him hyung. He must be serious

"I sincerely promise." The great leader said. 

"Do I even need to say it my baby." that was our Mama Jin over there. 

"We promise too." Yoongi and Hoseok said together. I ship SOPE too! 

"Hey Tae, why don't you go cuddle on Jimin, Jin, or both. I need to get up and change. And I'm pretty sure that are more comfy than I am (in more ways than one). Please for me?"

"I guess so."

And he moves over to lay on Jin. Luckily Jim was sitting up against the wall and had Tae on his stomach/lap. Jimin was nearby if the wanted to switch or Jin needed to move. 

I got up to change my clothes. My feet still hurt and had fallen asleep, my headache was returning full force. I went to the closet closet by the door and tried to find my stash of sleep clothes. I found leggings, an oversized shirt, and one of my boyfriend's hoodies. 

I also grabbed some blankets and pillows because I know that we're going to need some. My floors are actually pretty comfy. 

I take some Advil and come back from changing and the boys are laying on each other. It looks like they left a spot for me cuddling up next to my brother with the hopeful cuddle bug on my other side. We are all full of cuddles when we do this. 

Let me clarify where everyone is:
- Jin is up against the wall
- Tae is on his lap/stomach
- Jimin is on Tae's legs
- Jungkook is laying Jin and Jimin's legs (he's on an angle)
- Next to them we have Joonie who is laying all the way down
- I'm next to him
- Hoseok is next to me 
- Yoongi just moved so he's laying on all of our stomachs 

A/N: (^^Does that^make sense^^)

Deciding we had been quiet long enough I start the conversation. 

"Tae said that it was one if the stylist that said those horrible things about him. What should we do?"

"We should tell our manager, and confront the stylist." Joonie replied. 

There was a murmur of agreement from all except Tae who was comfortably sleeping and snoring quietly. Who could blame him? He had a hard day.

"Did he say which stylist it was?" came the concerned voice of Jimin. 

"No, he didn't but we can ask when he gets up."

"We need to be calm when we confront her. We don't want to start an argument." Jin said. 

"So what should we say?" Kookie asked. 

"We should ask if she said those things." Hoseok answered 

"And why she said those things." Yoongi answered as well.

"Why would we ask her if she said those things? She could lie to us." I stepped In. 

"Because don't want to start things worth the wrong person." Jin said

"Who do we talk to first? Manager or the stylist?" Yoongi asked

"I say stylist because she will most likely make a commotion and we will have to explain ourselves anyway." Joonie answered. 

"Will manager be on our side? He won't try to say we can't fire the stylist because we need her?" Hoseok asked

"If he does than we can just go to Bang PD-nim." Jin answered. "He loves us an also might fire manager too, but probably not." he continued. 

"OK, for clarification, we find out from Tae who's the stylist was. We confront her, explain ourselves to manager and if he sides with her then we go to PD-nim. Deal?" Joonie had his leader voice coming out at this point.

"Deal!" The rest of us replied 

"Go to sleep everyone. We have a big moving day tomorrow." Jin said. He would say that because he is the mom of the group. 

We all did as instructed and went to sleep. 

-----Next Morning----- 

I got up and looked around. The blinds on my windows were still down so the room is dark, but it's light enough for me to make out what my wall clock says. 8:00 am.

I try to get up but then I realize that I have a boy on every limb. Literally. Like Hoseok is on my arm, Yoongi on my legs, and Jin on the opposite arm. How did that happen? 

I look over the boys trying to decide who is easier to move. When I see Jin I notice that he is already awake. 

"Jin. Help me. We should get up and make breakfast." I whispered

"Yes. I'll help." Jin replied quietly.

Our group was kinda separated from the other so he got up and then helped me pry Hoseok off, we replaced my body with a pillow. By then we had already indirectly moved Yoongi and we swiftly moved out of the room. 

"Good morning, Jin." once we were out of my office 

"Hey Victory. Can we buy breakfast instead? I think after last night and the day ahead of us it will be easier."

"I don't have a problem with that."

"Then let's go. Should we go to the usual place?"

Jin put on his shoes, sunglasses, and facemask. 

And off we went making sure to walk quietly lest the rest of the boys hear us. 

We went down the stairs and out the back door. We didn't know if the chaos was still going on but we didn't want to chance it. 

We walked to 'cafe coffee' in a very rare and nice companionable silence. You know they say you know when you have good friends when you don't feel awkward in silence. 

We reach 'cafe coffee' and order the usual. 

"Hi welcome to 'cafe coffee'! What can I get for you?"

"We'd like to speak to your manager please. You've done nothing wrong." I said. We have a running tab here but only the managers know. 

"what have I said about needing me whe- oh Mrs. Victory do you want the usual?"

"Yes please."

"How many would you like?"

"8 please."

"OK, give us 30 minutes please."

"No problem."

Now you guys might be wondering why Jin didn't talk. Believe it or not people can recognize him by his voice. 

"Mrs. Victory?"


"Here's your food." The cashier lady said. "Please come again soon." she gave us our food in a little backpack. Something that we get all the time because we order often and we get a lot of food. It goes on my back. 

"We will. Thank you."

Jin and I bowed and walked out.

On the way back I really wanted a pig back ride, like I'm craving it. Hmmmmm

"Hey Jin!" I said breaking the silence between us. 


"Can I get a piggyback ride?"

"Why do you want one?"

"Because I'm craving one and I'm being a little bit lazy."

We stop. He takes a moment to decide. 

"Yes I guess I could give you a piggy back ride."


He lowered himself and I jumped on. We continued our walk in peace with me playing with his hair sometimes. 

We once again enter through GA h the back and go up the stairs. Instead of the 2nd door down we head to the 4th door down. That's where we have our kitchen/dining room. 

"Do you want to wake up the boys? Or should I?" I ask while he sets me back in the ground. 

"It doesn't matter to me, but let's get coffee and tea started first." he started pulling down coffee beans, tea bags and the coffee maker. 

"How about we have Taehyung wake them up!" I started to boil the water for tea. 

Then I went into my office and found Tae who somehow ended up in the fetal position by himself in the time that Jin and I left. Well it makes it easier for me so I'm not com

"Taehyung." I whispered while shaking him. 

"Huh? Victory what are you doi- yawn- ing here." he was tired and still had drowsiness in his eyes.

"Well yesterday you ran away because I people insulted you. While you were sleeping we made a plan to confront her." I briefly and quietly explained to him. "I woke you up because Jin and I need you to wake up the other boys so that we can eat and put the plan into action."

"I get to wake them up?!" if I hadn't done it myself I wouldn't have thought that he just woke up. 

"Yes, you can wake them up. Tell them to come to the dining room."

"Okay!!" he wasn't even trying to be quiet anymore. And he was back to his energetic self. 

I left the room and went to the kitchen. 


The response were hilarious from what we heard which wasn't really any actual words. Just lots of screams. 

Coffee and tea had been made. The drinks and food had been placed at everyone's appropriate laces at the table. 

Tae comes running behind me 

"Victory I think I woke then up wrong!" he was laughing while hiding be hind me. 

Everyone else came in running aiming for The but then they saw food. 

We all sat down and started eating. 

"Taehyung, who was the stylist who said something to you?"

"Her name is Young Areum Hye."

With that conversation was null. We did tell Taehyung the plan but he would stay back. 

We finished breakfast, brushed teeth and all got ready to head downstairs, after making sure everyone including myself changed our underwear. Don't be too surprised I am a backup stylist (and I've known them from the beginning) of course I know their underwear size and style


We continued on our way downstairs with me entering the used-to-be chaotic room first. 

"O THANK THE LORD BANGTAN IS WITH YOU!" a stylist said. The rest of them breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Of course they are with me. First I found Taehyung, and second if you ever think that I'm going to let the boys be in the care of the people who are supposed to keep them organize when they aren't the answer is NO! The boys don't need nor do they deserve to worry about that when they have other things and better things to do!" My face was slightly red. My throat slightly raw and my hands as white as Yoongi from clenching too hard. Was I slight over the top? 

"OK. Since you guys are about 3 hours late looks like tonight will be a very late night. I need-"

"Stop right there." Namjoon stepped in. 

"We have to deal with a certain situation first then we can get started." Jin continued. 

"If you guys weren't so ignorant things wouldn't have gotten so far." Yoongi added. 

"Far enough for it to have affected the group as a whole." Jungkook said. 

"Furthermore, today's schedule will end as planned because they need their sleep and rest. Doctor's orders. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." I gave my 2 cents in the conversation.

"Areum Hye we would like to speak with you." Jimin stepped in. 

She steps forward and we all group around her. 

"Were you the one that said Tae was too weird to belong in Bangtan?" Hoseok questioned. I kinda forgot he was here because he was so quiet and he scared me when he spoke. 

"What if I was?" she has that spoiled attitude that I wanna punch out of her. Somehow knowing my thoughts, Joonie put his hands on my waist, to keep both of us in check from hitting her. 

"Why did you say those things to Taehyung?" Jimin jumped in. 

"Because he really is too weird. Everyone else in the group has those moments, and that's OK but with V, his whole life is acting really really weird with no sense. He doesn't fit with the group dynamics anywhere, so, he needs to leave. Best he leave now too."

"Are you new here?!" Jin asked immediate after she finished. 

"No. I have been here for a while."

"Well if you had you would've seen the we need him just as much as he needs us we go together."Hoseok added. 

"Taehyung is a nuisance that doesn't deserve to be in Bangtan. He is annoying crazy and you guys just don't need him. He cause more trouble than help."

"Not Taehyung is not a nuisance. He is happy little alien that brighten up Bangtan!" Namjoon says. 

"He has a special special relationship with the rest of the members!"

"Try to take that away from us and see what happens!" Jungkook continued.

"Why are you ganging up on me? At least 1 of you have to agree with me." she tried to reason. 

"Yeah we all agree." this was Yoongi.

"Really?!" she asks with a hopeful voice.

"No. We all agree that Taehyung can be a little weird. But so can the rest of Bangtan. He fits on just fine and if anybody tries to change that then they have to get through all 7 of us." He continued. 

We all walked away ready to continue practice for our upcoming concerts. Starting in Busan. 

Practice continued as usual it was fun. We ignored that stylist and she pretty much ignored us. 

We all thought it was over because although everyone in the room at the time heard what we said, she didn't escalate it. But manager just walked in. So that might change. 

"Manager, they started a fight with me."

"Who is they? Why did they start the fight?"

"BTS and their doctor."

"Let me step in here for a second of the conversation. We didn't fight. We talked like adults. And the person in front of you told Taehyung that he was too weird and Bangtan didn't need him. We don't allow that so we talked about it and told her. We didn't fight." this was all me. The boys needed all the time practicing they could get of they wanted to end on time and still feel productive.

"Well Miss, I'm sorry to say but you're fired."

"What why?!"

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Actually you did. You see I have known and trust Miss. Kim, and the boys more than you. I want you out of the building in 10 minutes, because I know you don't have a lot of stuff."

"Ah-bu-sh-it-ult." she couldn't even get out a full sentence, let alone words. 

"I'll also let security know that you aren't allowed back. And remember if you do tell about BigHit's secret then we can and will sue you for a legend amount of money."

She quickly grabbed her stuff and left. Manger turned to me

"Thank you Ms. Kim for protecting the boys."

"No problem Manager."

We ended the conversation. I went back to my section of the floor and continuing my planning of when the boys are going to sleep, rest, and drink when we get to Busan. Along with a little surprise I have planned. 

The important things are sticking up for your family. Because without them we aren't anything right? They are apart of us just as we are apart of them. The importance relies on love, trust, and relationships.

A/N: this by far is probably the longest chapter. As I'm finishing this we are at 1352 words not including this note. I'm still typing the story as I write this. And I am very tempted to leave you guys at another cliffhanger as I was going to do originally (when I was planning it out) but I know since 10 is a big number, we are going to have a lot happen in chapter 10, and I don't wanna ruin that plan. 

Don't you guys love me? 

A/N: (Part 2)
5 days later after chapter 3 was published I have just posted a chapter with 4000 words just because I didn't want to mess up where things were going to go. I hope you guys really like this chapter. 

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Loue365 #1
Chapter 10: As always loveing it and can't wait for the next chapter
Loue365 #2
Chapter 9: I love it so much. Saw some grammatical mistakes. But on the hole it's very good and can't wait for the next chapter
Loue365 #3
Chapter 8: Loved it. Can't wait until next chapter
Loue365 #4
Chapter 7: Don't worry :) take your time
Loue365 #5
Chapter 6: When will the next chapter be released?
Loue365 #6
Chapter 6: I'm totally squealing right know