Lee Sang Eun

Unexpected Love

My routine was simple as far as anyone knew. Get up and help make breakfast, making sure the family ate. Then  go to my job, teaching at Hanyang University.

Of course we all can have little secrets. Mine entails going out at night, helping others. Yet I get called names like i'm some sort of hoodlum. I'm not a hoodlum. I'm a dreamer who can't seem to sleep at night, so I use my time to help others. Nothing wrong with that, right?

I take a walk, especially near Han River, when I'm done helping people who need it. I sit by the water and think and write. I let my mind go and create a world of my own.

It can be dangerous since you don't know who is lurking in the shadows of the night. But i've always stayed away from the trouble. Well not all the time. Once or twice i've ran into not so friendly people. In the end though I got away from them and went home, got cleaned up, and tried to get some sleep. I'll get a few hours of sleep, wake up and do it all over again.

Today is no different. I groaned as the light shown through the curtains onto my face, but I still stretched out my body and got up. I took a quick shower and got dressed to go downstairs. The closer I got to the kitchen, the more I smelled my mom cooking breakfast.

"Smells good mom." I said once I got into the kitchen.

Mom smiled, her beautiful smile. "Thanks dear. Sit down. It will be done shortly."

"Let me help..." I started to say, but got interrupted by my dad. 

"No sit. You should relax every once in a while."

"I know, but who else would make sure you eat before you go to work?" I teased.

Mom giggled. "She does make sure we eat dear."

Dad nodded and laughed. "That she does."

My sister walked into the kitchen. "Well someone has to or else everyone will run off without eating."

"See! There is a point to my madness!" I pointed out.

We all laughed and ate breakfast, just like any other day.  Then just like any other day, we went off to do what we always do. My sister and dad went to work. Mom stayed home. I went to Hanyang University to teach a couple classes then go back home, change and eat dinner. After everyone goes to bed, me, Lee Sang Eun, begins her night as what seems like another person. In reality I am me, day and night. I am Lee Sang Eun, daughter, sister, teacher, friend, dreamer.

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