
When True Love Spreads

“YAH! Come on Deuli~ We wanna go as soon as possible!”  Jinyoung yelled.

*Pabo Jinyoung, I don’t even want to go to a stupid amusement park. We all know what’s gunna happen anyways* Sandeul thought to himself when finishing getting ready. “I’m all ready now... happy?” The leader gave him a nasty glare before heading out of the house. 

All the members got into the car and sat in their usual seats. Sandeul sat up front, CNU and Baro sat in the middle, while Gongchan and Jinyoung sat in the back. When they arrived at the amusement park Gongchan nearly trampled over CNU to get out of the car.

“We’re here! Ahh~ I wanna go on that one, and that one! Come on Jinyoungie~!“

“You mean all the kiddie rides?” CNU pointed out.

“Me and Gongchan aren’t really good with big rides.” Jinyoung confessed with a sheepish smile.

Baro and CNU looked at each other and started laughing “We are NOT riding all the baby rides!” Baro said wiping a tear from his eye.

Jinyoung and Gongchan just stood there pouting with their arms crossed.

“Why don’t we just split up then?” suggested CNU.

“Yeah yeah! Let’s do that! Me and Jinyoung, then CNU-Hyung, Baro-Hyung, and Sand— Wait.. where did Sandeul-Hyung go?”

The members looked around, only to realize that he was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh well, I’m pretty sure we’ll find him sooner or later” Jinyoung said. They all nodded in agreement and walked in different directions. *This is going to be a good day* Baro thought in his head while looking up at the sky.

     *Wow, I can’t believe it was that easy to get away from those guys* Sandeul thought to himself as he passed multiple un-amusing rides. *Pabo members probably don’t even realize I disappeared, their all too busy falling in love with each other. Sigh, I just wish that CNU would all ready leave so I can—WAIT, WHAT AM I SAYING!? Aish~ Why is it that I feel this way when their together?*

At that moment Baro and CNU noticed someone familiar ruffling their hair in confusion.

“Hey look its Sandeul-Hyung!” Baro said pointing to the familiar figure.

Sandeul looked up from hearing his name *Oh great* he thought when he saw the two together

. “Where did you go?” CNU asked not sounding interested.

*I wanted to get away from you* “I-I just wanted to look around, see all the rides you know?”

“Why don’t you come with us then Deuli~” Baro said innocently, biting his lower lip. CNU noticed Baro’s flirtatious nature around Sandeul.

They continued throughout the park until they got to the kiddie rides. There they found Gongchan and Jinyoung having the times of their lives on one of the parks roller coasters. They themselves decided to ride it, seeing the amusement emanating from the other members.

“I’m kinda hungry,” said Baro.

CNU treated them both to ice cream.

“Baro-ah, you have Ice Cream on your nose~” says CNU with smiling eyes.

Baro could feel his cheeks getting warmer.

“Yah! Why are you blushing?!?” the jealous Sandeul shouts.

“Wuhh~” Baro placed his hand on his cheek and turned nervously towards Sandeul.

“Aish, why are you like this?” Sandeul pounded his fists on the table and left the two alone.

“Hyung!” Baro called after Sandeul.

As Baro stood up wanting to go chase after his Hyung, CNU grabbed Baro’s wrist. “He’ll be fine.”

The two stood up and walked around the park for awhile. The bright lights from all the rides began shining as the sun faded away. CNU caught a glimpse of Baro staring at the tall Ferris wheel in front of them.

“You wanna ride that?” CNU asked tugging at Baro’s hand.

“Sorta” Baro confessed rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

Minutes later they went into the cart sharing a seat. CNU broke a long awkward silence by saying “…B-baro?”

“Yes Huyng?”  Baro looked at him waiting to hear what he had to say. “Are you ok hyung? Your face is getting red. Are you sick?”

CNU looked down and noticed for the first time throughout the whole ride that their hands were still together. He looked back up at Baro who was now only inches away from his face.

“Hyun—? “ Before Baro could finish what he was going to say CNU’s lips were locked onto his. Baro’s eyes widened while CNU broke the kiss.

“H-HY-HYUNG?!” Baro said scooting back confused.

“I-I’m sorry” CNU said looking down embarrassed.

They both looked down not knowing what to do.

“When.” “Huh?” “Since when?”

CNU finally took his eyes off the floor and looked at the ceiling of the Ferris wheel cart.

“I-I’m not sure.” He said truthfully.  

He felt something warm on his sleeve, tilting his head he saw Baro crying on him.

“I don’t want you to leave Hyung...”

The next morning when Baro woke up he turned to face where CNU’S bed lay. The bed was neatly made with a little sticky note on the blanket at the end of the bed. Baro got up and took the note then read it aloud:

“Good Bye…”


Tis is a long one ehh,?? keke.. we will work on making the chapters longer..but for now please except the length~~

Is it interesting yet? :3 Hopfully we can make these faster and better for the people who are reading it! *If there is anyone* ^^'

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />