But, He's Sweet.

Walking into my apartment after a rough week in the hospital felt beyond good, the familiar air surrounding me with a homey scent as opposed to that of thick sterile.

"Welcome home!" Clare jumped up to give me a hug, I frowned before hugging her back.

Clare had spent everyday in the hospital with me so I sent her home to sleep, not wait for me.

"Where are the boys?" I asked, my voice hoarse from thirst. All I had for liquid in my system was IV fluids so a glass of water sounded nice.

AS if reading my mind Clare handed me a bottle of water, which I chugged very quickly. 

"They had to go sort stuff out with the big guy, Yuichi texted me and said they'll be here in an hour. They're bringing all of KAT-TUN and some of NEWS. Apparently Kame and Tegoshi freaked when Koki told them." I nodded and hugged her again.

"I'm going to nap, you should too. I sent you home to sleep anyways." I told her, she nodded and I shuffled to my room. Exactly how I left it, the black silk bedding lay in the same nest-like shape bundled at one of the corners. The red brick on my walls looking grunge, all of my jackets and jeans hanging on my pipes neatly.

I walked over and collapsed onto my cold sheets, the faint chill belt nice on my sticky skin.

***Two hours later.***

"Mari, wake up." I heard Koki's voice, bringing me out of my sleep.

"What?" I rolled over, closer to him now.

"Please come show Kame and Tego-kun you're still alive before they kill me!" He whined child-like, I giggled and stretched my limbs like a cat.

"Why would they kill you?" I asked looking up at him with still half-lidded eyes.

"Kame said that it was my that got us into this mess and Tego-kun thinks I need to keep my in my pants." He put his hand on my stomach, rubbing it and messing with my belly button piercing through my tank top. I giggled again and sat up wrapping my ahnds around his shoulders.

"But I like your ." I whispered in his ear before kissing his jaw, undoubtedly the facial feature I enjoyed most. (other than his lips of course.)

"Hmm, so you have to help me keep it." He whispered low and hoarse before kissing me. A knock on my doorframe made us both seperate.

"You two lovebirds done yet?" Kame asked with a knowing look on his face. Tegoshi appeared behind him with a pout. 

"Hey! No trying again until we leave!" He pouted, I giggled and shot up to hug them both as Tegoshi's pout turned into a smile he hugged me back.

"Guys!" Koki appeared behind me whining. "She's my girlfriend!" He placed his hand on the small of my back. I released the two other men and turned around to wrap my arms around his torso. His piercing bumbing into mine.

"Party's out here!" I heard a grumpy voice and immediately ran out of the room to see Ryo on the couch with his arms crossed and feet on the coffee table.

"RYO!" I ran to hug him. Koki had introduced me to Ryo a while ago and we somewhat clicked. It could be our poison tongues (Koki swears it is.) or maybe that we're alike. Either way, Ryo was like my brother and I always felt like I didn't see him enough.


I sat on Yuichi's lap across from Ryo and giggled when I saw Mari tackling him into a bear hug. Yuichi nuzzled his head into my neck, my hair falling over his face as he groaned tiredly.

"Remind me to tell you something later." He mumbled into my shirt.

I reached my hand up to pat his head before turning to face him wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me once on the lips, a tiny little peck. I kissed his head before he rested it on my chest and faded off to sleep.


"What did you have to tell me?" I asked Yuichi while sitting on his lower back, massaging his knotted back muscles. He grunted something in response but I didn't hear it so I leaned over until his skin and gently bit his earlobe and tugged.

"That's it!" He got up and turned around to tackle and tickle me, I giggled and squirmed underneath him.

"You've been working out." I stated after he finished tickling my sides.

"Gotta look good so people believe you're actually my girlfriend." He blushed.

"Is this about what the guys said at Tackey's wedding?" I asked recalling how glum Yuichi looked when the guys thought he paid me to be his date.

"No, Massu got me out of that..." I looked at him questioningly "He pulled me aside and told me he was happy for me and that I deserved a girl like you, da-da-da-da-da..." I giggled and rose up to kiss him once, he hummed happily and nuzzled his head in my neck again.

"You just love my neck don't you?" I giggled. He nodded. "What did you have to tell me?" I asked hugging him before rolling to the side so he wasn't squishing me anymore.

"Oh, right." 

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i know i probably should've prolonged the fight i just couldnt stand it.


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IsaSweetsin #1
ohkay good, i didn't want to make myself look stupid. and yeaah they are back together, i fought long and hard on whether i should prolong the fight but there is more important stuff in the storyline than them fighting.
Oh, poor Mari. I would be crying too. You got it right. If your tubes are tied a female can get pregnant and they can come untied. Glad that Clare and Yuichi are back together :)
Yeah!! You're back!! I missed you! Its been crazy! I was really excited to see this. Yes! Koki's parents love Mari. GRRR YUichi, you are in so much trouble. You better go explain fast. I cannot, cannot, cannot wait for the next update!!
Oh Clare is going to meet his parents!! SCARY!!!
Hey!! Long time no see!!! I like the lastest update, that was so cute I want more!
IsaSweetsin #6
yeaah, Mari is modeled a lot after me (well not her backstory you know that) yeaah she is kind of a bepressing person.
This was sad!! Poor Mari :(
IsaSweetsin #8
ahahah thanks ! and yeaah i know me too... its B-A-D bad !!!!
***Sorry guys if you wanna know what happened here, due to all my rated fics i'm trying to keep some clean. (although this one is quite dirty in a censored way.) so i won't put the content in this one but there will a chapter entitled 'But He's Sweet outtakes' so for now please bear with me and use your imaginations with this part! (p.s. she ends up giving him a . sorry for the spoiler!)***

Why do I feel REALLY giddy right now!! Ugh I have to get this addiction under control LOL

This was a really good chapter!! Again Good Job!!
Cute but not long enough I want more *pouts* waits for next update!