But, He's Sweet.

Yuichi's arm was laying over my waist in a comfortable way, warmth from him spreading to me. His steady warm breaths on my neck, his intoxicating scent wafting into my nose. This was comfortable.

"Yuichi, wake up. You have to get ready for work babe." I touched his arm gently, he jumped slightly under my touch. Shocked by my cold hands.

He moaned and rolled onto his back.

"Don't want..." He stretched his still sleep stricken body. "To go to work..." I giggled at his voice as it cracked in the middle of his sentence.

"I know, but you have too." I gently shook him again, he rolled off the bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I giggled again whe he ran into the doorframe.

***At work, the jimusho***

"Yuichi, when are you gonna bring your pretty girlfriend around again?" Tegoshi asked, Yuichi blushed at the mention of Clare being his girlfriend.

"Leave him alone, Yuya. He'll bring her around once he stops being shy!" Massu quickly came to his defense, leaving a blushing Yuichi still unable to speak due to the embarrasment.

"Why don't you bring her to the business dinner tomorrow?" Kazuya walked in and sat down next to Yuichi, joining in on the conversation as if he was apart of it from the start.

"Good idea!" Both Tegoshi and Massu joined in on that idea, still blushing like mad he nodded his head 'yes' just hoping she would agree...


***At dinner, later that night***

"Yuichi, what's wrong?" I asked him, seeing how nervous he was acting.

"Do you like me?" He asked, still stirring his food around.

"What are talking about? Of course I like you! I'm dating you aren't I?" I felt somewhat offended at his question, did he not like me anymore? "Are you trying to break up with me?"

"NO! Of course not, you're like the best thing that's ever happen to me. I was wondering if maybe you would want to come to a company dinner with me?" I smiled from ear to ear.

"I'd love to! Why were so nervous to ask me?"

"Because my parents will be there..."





A/N GOMEN! I AM SO SORRY and lazy I PROMISE TO UPDATE REGULARLY FROM NOW ON even though i probably won't

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i know i probably should've prolonged the fight i just couldnt stand it.


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IsaSweetsin #1
ohkay good, i didn't want to make myself look stupid. and yeaah they are back together, i fought long and hard on whether i should prolong the fight but there is more important stuff in the storyline than them fighting.
Oh, poor Mari. I would be crying too. You got it right. If your tubes are tied a female can get pregnant and they can come untied. Glad that Clare and Yuichi are back together :)
Yeah!! You're back!! I missed you! Its been crazy! I was really excited to see this. Yes! Koki's parents love Mari. GRRR YUichi, you are in so much trouble. You better go explain fast. I cannot, cannot, cannot wait for the next update!!
Oh Clare is going to meet his parents!! SCARY!!!
Hey!! Long time no see!!! I like the lastest update, that was so cute I want more!
IsaSweetsin #6
yeaah, Mari is modeled a lot after me (well not her backstory you know that) yeaah she is kind of a bepressing person.
This was sad!! Poor Mari :(
IsaSweetsin #8
ahahah thanks ! and yeaah i know me too... its B-A-D bad !!!!
***Sorry guys if you wanna know what happened here, due to all my rated fics i'm trying to keep some clean. (although this one is quite dirty in a censored way.) so i won't put the content in this one but there will a chapter entitled 'But He's Sweet outtakes' so for now please bear with me and use your imaginations with this part! (p.s. she ends up giving him a . sorry for the spoiler!)***

Why do I feel REALLY giddy right now!! Ugh I have to get this addiction under control LOL

This was a really good chapter!! Again Good Job!!
Cute but not long enough I want more *pouts* waits for next update!