I screwd up...again...

Opposites attract

"Soonyoung?!" I don't know why but my whole body started to run around the house in search of Soonyoung. "Soonyoung?!" What was so important that I just had to see him? Couldn't I wait till later? "Soony-" I turned a corner not realising Soonyoung was standing there and I feel right on top of him. 

"Jihoon?" He looked confused. Is he that deaf? 

"Yes Jihoon! Couldn't you hear me calling you?! I called you like fifty times!" He just laughed and rolled me off him. 

"I know. I heard, I just didn't listen" He stuck his tongue out at me and stood up putting a hand out for me. I didn't take it, if he wanted to tease me I'll . Fair right? 

"I don't need YOUR help!" Soonyoung looked a little hurt but smiled it off. 

"What did you want anyway?" His eyes full of hope that I would confess or something. Why not play with him for a bit? Yeah let's do that. 

"Umm...you forgot to do the dishes again! Jeez your old enough to clean up after yourself. I hope you don't expect all us other members to take your responsibility for you mess. If so your dead wrong young ma-" He used his hand to cover my mouth and rolled his eyes at me. 

"And here I thought you were going to say something worth my time" Worth his time?! This may be a joke but still, he should start learning to clean up after himself. 

"Worth your time? WORTH YOUR TIME?!" I pulled his hand away and went to kick him but he dodged. "If you may know I did come here for a good reason but I guess its not worth your time isn't it?!" I went to walk away but Soonyoung grabbed my arm spun me around and yet again I felt his lips pressed against mine. This time wasn't as bad but he caught me in the wrong mood. I immediately pulled away and without controlling it, I felt myself slap him. "How dare you?! Telling me what I've got to say is not worth your time then going and do that?! Disgusting!" I stormed out the room and I could see Soonyoung's devistated expression in the back of my mind. What the hell did I just do? He can forgive me right? I opened the door up just a little. "S-Soonyou-" I was interrupted by one of his shoes hitting my face. 

"Get the hell out! And don't expect me to chase after you anymore Jihoon! I'm done!" No, Soonyoung please you can't be done. Not when I just realised how I really feel...is what I wanted to say but nothing would come out. All I could do was stand outside his room and silently cry...

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Chapter 13: I found this story and its really good >< fighting jihoonie. Soon will back you ><
kamoi_mac #2
Chapter 13: Hoonie Fighting!!!
Chapter 11: O___O Jihoon....FIGHTING!!!
chunsa1001 #4
Chapter 9: It's sooo good!!!!! Keep up the good work Author-nim!!!!!