Two Worlds


There's a feeling that exist in this world.

A feeling so incredible and addictive, yet blurry and confusing.


The feeling you get when you're on a long bus ride home.

With just the right number of passengers. 

With soothing music playing gently in your ear,

The setting sun, golden and warm.

The scene that passes, serene.

When you get this feeling, 

It is as if you are not of this world,

But of one filled with so much peace and serenity.

You enter a world full of unfamiliar faces and strange discoveries. 

And yet, these things bring you comfort,

As though you are finally home. 

You suddenly feel at ease and as if.

As if there aren't any worries.


In this feeling,  there is an absence of time.

Everything becomes slow and you start to appreciate the little things around you,

All the tiny flaws inside of you.

Life seeems beautiful once more and you become so calm that you'd want to dwell in it forever.

You'd never want to go back into the ugly world,

Into reality.

You'd want more. 

And you will seek, until you find the peace you sought after, once more.


I guess this is why the feeling is incredible and yet,

Confusing and dangerous.

Because how can one see the beautiful parts of life and not see the negatives as well.

And how can one only see the negatives in life but never the goodness of it. 

How can such beauty exist in such an ugly place?

How can two such extremes coexist in life itself? 




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