Selfish Trust


its in our nature


i think alot of times, we complicate the simplest of things.

we take things for granted and always wonder about what 'i' want,

what and how 'it' should be.


we always want things to go 'my' way.

never content with what we have,

always searching for more



all for ourselves.

for 'my own benefit'.








always thinking that we deserve the good things

that we don't deserve the bad times.

holding on tightly to temporary, empty things.

when things go wrong, its never 'me',

always 'you', because 'i' amd never wrong.




stop being selfish.

stop complicating things.


not once have we ever stopped to wonder about what He wants

or what and how He planned it to be.

never realising that He already has a way.

never seeing the luxuries, the love, the abundant of blessings we already have.

all of it.

right in front of us.


we don't see that good things have been happening every single second

we dont see the grace and mercy around us.

how our lives have been spared. how we're alive when we shouldn't be.

we dont see the sacrifices made for us

to breathe

to live

for our hearts to beat.


we never understand that is it only through tough times

that we truly see how ugly we are.

that it is only through tough times where we see.


and there will be growth.

there will be flourishing.

there will be good things.


all we need to do is to trust and keep moving forward.

the simplest act of all.


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