Who is He?

Dance With Me

The first time she saw him, he was alone in one of the studios dancing.

It was already late one night when she suddenly decided to practice on her own. She wasn't expecting anyone until she heard music coming out from one of the small studios. She got curious on who's still practicing so she secretly peeked inside the room.

There she saw him, alone, so focused on his dancing that she even thought that he won't notice her even if she break a glass. She noticed that he's good, he's really good. His movements look so natural like he already started dancing when he was still in his mom's womb. She also realized that she can't seem to take her eyes off of him. Just then she realized that the song is about to end so she tried to really take off her eyes off of him and close the door.

She felt her heart beating fast.  She can't believe she's attracted to this guy since this is her first time seeing him. She doesn't know how long she was standing there still thinking about him when suddenly the door to the studio opened and he came out. She immediately composed herself then their eyes met. "Oh my!" She thought when she saw his face up close. He's not only a good dancer, he's also good looking, as expected with FNC trainees and artists. He then saw her and like a good junior that he is, he immediately bowed to her when he saw her and said, "Good evening sunbaenim."

She nodded her head and said, "Good evening too. Are you done practicing?" She can't help but ask.

He looked at her quite confused why she's talking to him, "Yes and no, I wasn't practicing, I was just dancing out of whim." Then it became awkward so he bowed again and said, "I'll be going now sunbaenim. Good night." And then he was gone.

She then opened the door to the studio where he was just dancing. She noticed that moist that formed on the mirrors, proof of how hard he was dancing earlier. "Dancing on a whim." She thought and smiled. She put her bags down, stretched her body and put on the music. Soon enough, she too got lost in her own world, dancing her heart out.


Now every time she goes to the company, she would always look around, looking for a certain boy that caught her attention. But for some reason she can't seem to find him. She even came to a point that she thought that he was just an intruder who used their studios to dance but that was impossible for security is very tight in that particular part of the company.

Then one day, Jimin invited her to go to a street dance performance. At first she declined since she wasn't in the mood that day. Then she got bored so she called Jimin and told her that she's coming and Jimin was so happy that she even provided her disguise.

"Unnie, why do you want to go to this dance performance? What happens if we get caught?" She asked.

"Just come with me okay. I made a bet with this hoobae. He dared me to attend. He said he'll feed me if I come. So I'm taking on his challenge. He's gonna feed us very expensive food today. And don't worry, their crew is really good. I've seen them dance before and they are really good. He's their leader and he creates their dance routine. He's also a trainee in our company. He's in the rap class with me and Chanmi."

"All of this for a hoobae. You like him unnie?" She asked Jimin.

"Me liking this goofball? No way. He's just a good friend. And you know me, I don't like younger guys."


When they arrived at the place, she was amazed on how many people have gathered there.

"Why so many people unnie?" She asked.

"Coz their crew is really good. They have fans you know."

Just then music started to play and people began to cheer. "But where are the dancers?" She asked Jimin.

"You'll see. Just wait."

Then one by one, the dancers entered and she got to admit they were really good. Suddenly her heart began to race. She saw a familiar figure dancing. She recognized the dance. She recognized the dancer. It's him. But she needs to make sure for he's wearing a hat that covers half of his face. Like before, he caught her attention and she can't take off her off him. Everyone around her was shouting and cheering, but she was mesmerized.

After the performance, Jimin pulled her and brought her to a restaurant. She still can't collect her thoughts. She badly needs to know who he is.

Just then like there was a fairy godmother who heard her thoughts, he suddenly appeared and he was walking towards them. He stopped at their table, took off his hat, her heart began to race again. He then smiled and she realized his eyes are so adorable when he smiles.

Jimin then stood up and hugged him. He hugged her back. "Noona, you really chose an expensive restaurant."

Jimin laughed, "Of course, I'm a celebrity remember and I know you can afford this." He then laughed.

"I don't think the two of you have met." Jimin then said including her in the conversation.

"We've met actually." He said, "I met her in the company. She caught me sneaking out in one of the studios." He then looked adorably embarrassed.

"You snuck in again?" Jimin then hit him hard. "You do know that there are CCTV's in all the practice rooms right?"

"Of course I do. But no one called me for it. Maybe they thought I was just practicing." He then laughed.

"Oh I forgot my manners." Jimin then said. "Let me introduce you guys. You do know her right?" Jimin asked  him. "Of course I do. Who wouldn't know her? She's AOA. Sunbaenim, nice to meet you." He then bowed to her again.

"Oh don't be too formal." Jimin said, "You're just the same age. You're both born in 93." Jimin the looked at her.

"Hyejeong meet Kim Youngbin. Our company's new recruit."


A/N: I know, I know this is a new story. This scene just keeps on popping in my head since Christmas eve. I just had to write this down.

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alisondario #1
Chapter 5: I highkey ship Chanmi and Juho doe.they have lots of moments together.Btw,thank you for the update :)))))))
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 4: Wow wow wait...was that like stealing his kiss now. Like a very weird indirect kiss?? Hahaha omg Hyejeong's so freaking obvious, i can't even!! XD
cupcaketree123 #3
Chapter 3: Omg, they're totally playin that push and pull game! XD
alisondario #4
Chapter 1: i cannot wait!Fighting !