Unwanted Coincidence And Finally Being Able To Start The Plan Right

Falling For My Saviour



     ~Author’s POV~

You were sitting on a bench next to Juri, both waiting for two pathetic Buffoons to arrive.  

You let out a sigh as you leaned back.

Juri glanced at you.

“What are we sitting here for exactly?”

You let out another sigh.

“We’re waiting for our death to come.”

Juri stared at you blankly.

“No I mean like seriously, what are we sitting here for.”

“It’s for me to know, and for you to find out my dear.”

Juri smacked your head.


You shot her a small glare.

“Just be patient will you??? We’re waiting for someone to arrive.”


“My long lost dog.”

“Wait, what?”

“Nothing. Just wait.”

Juri growled and crossed her arms.

“I hate you to the very core Jo ____.”

“Your love for me is appreciated.”

You gave her a smile before placing a hand on your heart.

She scowled before letting out a small chuckle.

You grinned before looking around again.

“But seriously he is late… SOOO late.”

Juri raised an eyebrow.

“It’s a HE???”

You placed your finger on your lips, signalling for her to keep quiet.

She frowned.

You simply chuckled in reply before looking ahead.

That was when your whole world stopped.

You felt as if everything crashed.

It felt like a thousand arrows had shot you in your heart and then it got run over by a red bull.

You stared ahead in shock and sorrow.

It made unwanted memories from the past replay themselves in your mind.

You blinked back unwanted tears before tearing your gaze from the sight.

It just hurt too much…

Juri saw your expressions.

She turned to the direction you were staring at and knew immediately.

It was him again.

Non-other than Choi Seunghyun aka T.O.P.

Once again he cuddles with another one of his toys.

Juri normally wouldn’t care about guys like T.O.P.

But knowing about the fact that her best friend was once heartbroken by him, she just felt like banishing him from the lands of earth.

Juri’s eyebrows immediately furrowed.

*This is not a good coincidence…*

It wasn’t until when T.O.P went out of her sight did she relax a little her eyebrows.

She turned to you with concerned eyes.

She could see the tears b in your eyes and she felt guilty.

Guilty for not being able to warn her better when she knew that there was something wrong about T.O.P when you and him were dating.

She took you in her arms before slowly comforting you.

You let out a sigh as you tried to keep strong.

It was all the past.

You had to keep strong

Not only for yourself but for everyone else.

You soon pulled away from Juri and let a small smile form on your lips.

Juri returned the smile.

“Are you ok?”

You nodded.

“I’m fine.”

“Then I’m glad. Forget about him and your stupid past. Let’s move on together arasso? I will be here for you and I forever will. OK?”

You nodded.

“Thank you Juri.”

Juri nodded.

“Remember that all of us love you, even me.”

You nodded.

“I understand. I’ll try, for the sake of everyone, even you.”

Both of you chuckled before Juri suddenly stopped, eyes wide..

She was staring at someone behind you in shock.

“I take back my words… I hate you sooo much.”

You frowned.


She didn’t answer but instead gulped.

You rolled your eyes before turning around.

You slowly smiled.

All understood.

“Why annyeong Taemin and Onew. Fancy seeing you being fashionably late.”

Taemin shrugged and grinned.

“Well, many things cope up back at home…”

Taemin scowls at the memory.

“ So… are we ready to go?”  

You nodded and turned to Juri.

“Let’s go~”

Juri simply shot you a glare.

“You didn’t tell me HE will be coming.”

You shrugged.

“You didn’t ask.”

“I DID ask you who was coming.”

“Oh well, you didn’t ask well enough. Now let’s go!!! No turning back now lady.”

You pulled Juri up before signalling to Taemin for all of you to head off.

Taemin nodded and roughly pulled an overly-shocked-and-speechless Onew with him.


Onew  glared at the younger male as they walked, you and Juri at the front while they strolled at the back.

“You will die once we get home.”

“Aww I know you will love me for this hyungie. Don’t deny.”

Onew shook his head with a frown at Taemin before turning to Juri.

His gaze softened at the sight of her laughing with you.

He sighed.

Taemin took a mental note of Onew’s behaviour before softly cackling evilly to himself.

Onew just kept staring at Juri while you and Juri chatted happily up front.

Taemin simply observed Onew with a few evil cackling from now and then.

It was only when you all were reaching the destination did Taemin feel something strange...

Strange in a way as if someone was watching their every move.

Strange in a way as if they were being stalked.

Taemin frowned and turned around.

No one.

He looked around cautiously but saw no sign of movement.

He suddenly felt a little afraid but he shrugged it off.

Maybe it was just an animal……










♔ I FEEL SO GUILTY... FOR NOT UPDATING ;m; But I hope this helped ^^;; Sorry if this chapter was boring.... My brain.... /fried/ And as for humour.. It . There wasn't humour at all... .-. But I hope you still enjoyed it(?) ^^ LOVEZ YOU GUYZ~ 


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Chapter 19: Ohhh i love minho in this its like the oly sing of ssanity in this story. Love this tory please update soon.
I love your story!
sauvignon #3
Chapter 15: I'm just imagining Taemin actually hitting a girl just to get out of the situation and then having "panic attack" then screaming running of with the girl in a drama ! xD
tinnew #4
Chapter 14: i love their codenames .. xD ..the pathetic tree of nothing cupid XD ...ahaha update please ^.^
finally updated =w=
shawolally #6
I'll try Beastlyyladyy
BeastlyyLadyy #7
Chapter 9: Okay, I actually read it now lol. Good job buddy ;D
Digested ball of chewed up noodles. HAHAHAHAH