Hit and Run

A Shadow of Snow

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me.
The Carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality
~Emily Dickinson


A/N: the top ^^ it's a picture of Jae-Yup....and his coffee

I know the chapters are short right now, but they'll get better..



Taemin had been hit with a lot of things growing up. Of course, it was to be expected seeing as he was born a vampire hunter.

He’d been hit with milk cartons, wood, cups, books, chains, binders, shoes, fists, kicks, whips, and the occasional obsidian stake.

This, though, was the first time he’d ever been hit by a car.

He didn’t really remember much. He didn’t actually feel anything until later. Actually, all he really remembered were the sounds.

The beautiful patter of the rain against the ground as he stepped of the sidewalk. The music coming from his ear buds; 'So what if you can see..the darker side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become'... Three days grace.



Then, the sound of brakes and rubber grinding on pavement. A woman throwing herself out of the car to find a pale blonde lying completely still on the pavement with red liquid spattered on and around him. He heard her muttering, panicked, to herself, "Ohohoh, I killed her!"

He tried to open his mouth to correct the stupid woman, because he was definitely not a “her”…but he couldn’t seem to do anything but lie there in the rain.

Then he heard a lot of urgent footsteps, and a car door opening, closing, locking. A car starting and driving, gunning it, down the road. Did she just-?

And that’s when he finally felt the pain.


“Goddamit!!! Where the hell is that guy!?” Minho was starting to get edgy.

“Would you just shut up already?”  Jae-Yup groaned. He lifted his head up from its resting place on the table to take a large slurp of the frappuccino, the dark indigo beanie on his head falling over his eyes. “He’s probably wandering around day-dreaming. You know Taemin always does that.” He said reasonably as the adjusted the beanie, mussed his black hair, and pealed the gray hoodie off his arms, throwing it to the ground.

“God, why can’t you just put your crap away?” Minho sighed and picked the hoodie up. “I’m gonna go look for him.”

“Didn’t you guys fight yesterday over how over protective and creepy you are about him?” Jae-Yup pulled his glasses off and reclined back in the chair.

“I’m not over protective! Or creepy!!! He’s like my brother, kay? And he’d probably be dead by now if I wasn’t always helping him…So...Just…I’m going… Bye.”

“Seeya.” Jae-Yup saluted him, then took another sip of coffee with a satisfied smirk on his face.

Minho walked out the back door and onto the small path through the woods. It was cold, wet, and getting way too dark outside; Taemin should have been back by now.

“Aish! Where the hell are you, Taemin?” He really hoped Jae-Yup was right and the dumb blonde was just wandering like the airhead he was. But, he had a bad feeling in his gut that pushed him to walk faster and faster.



A/N: Sorry sorry sorry sorry..

I just killed Taemin :( 

It's okay, tho

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luvshinee5 #1
It's acutally pretty intresting XD ehehe key <3 :'D please update more!
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks~! ^_^
Update soon please(:
ukissmekevin16 #4
Omg that's a twist
4ever_kpop_love #5
He killed his mother...poor boy. He had no choice though, the hunger was just to strong :( On a happier note, he really is handsome
4ever_kpop_love #6
Great update :) Finally Key enters the story ^^
ukissmekevin16 #7
This is great update soon please!
4ever_kpop_love #8
I'm really liking this story^^<br />
Please update soon :)
Woah..This..kinda...interesting? XD is they vampire??<br />
Oh..spare some time and read my stories too~XD<br />
Update soon~!