
A Shadow of Snow

"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell." (Oscar Wilde)


 Jonghyun POV:

I could smell them, smell their blood, hear the fast tik-tak-tik-tak of their hearts in their chests. I waited, running my tongue cautiously over my sharp fangs. I could almost taste them; hot, salty, coppery, and just perfect. My jaw ached with need and my stomach clenched with hunger.

“I can see you.” The girl sing-songed.

Stretching ever so silently, I flexed my muscles like a cat. Ready to pounce on them from my perch in the tree.

“I can see you too.” The boy laughed breathily.

I coiled in anticipation and flicked the slightly over grown bangs out of my eyes, the glossy black strands finally out of my field of vision then I checked my left thigh. The wound had already turned to a pale red line on my skin; it would be gone in a few minutes. Just part of the package; I heal fast. I would have healed a lot faster if the knife he used hadn’t have been pure obsidian. Damn hunter.

 “Your jacket please… Come onnnnn.” Her whining tone grated against me like nails on a chalkboard. “Joonho, it’s cold! You goootta give me it.”

Lifting my chin, I inhaled drawing the human scent deep into my body. Completely enthralled; I hissed -lips pulled back- and sprung.

She looked up as I came down at them, mouth falling open as she saw me. One second and the boy was on the ground unconscious underneath me. My gaze shifted to the girl as she stepped backwards and fell to the dirt; utterly paralyzed. She had only made it about two meters away from me.

I smirked and made my way over slowly, savoring every moment. She didn’t move as I crouched beside her. Terrified.

Reaching out my index finger delicately, I the blue vein under her jaw -her pulse jumped- then pushed her dirty, gold waves of hair back. The skin covering her neck was porcelain, smooth, unmarked. My gut spasmed right as a tear fell on my wrist.

I stood, inhuman quick, and snatched my hand away with a small gasp, eyes un-dilating.

She had nothing I needed.

And everything I thirsted for.

So I ran, her sobs chasing me through the night.


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luvshinee5 #1
It's acutally pretty intresting XD ehehe key <3 :'D please update more!
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks~! ^_^
Update soon please(:
ukissmekevin16 #4
Omg that's a twist
4ever_kpop_love #5
He killed his mother...poor boy. He had no choice though, the hunger was just to strong :( On a happier note, he really is handsome
4ever_kpop_love #6
Great update :) Finally Key enters the story ^^
ukissmekevin16 #7
This is great update soon please!
4ever_kpop_love #8
I'm really liking this story^^<br />
Please update soon :)
Woah..This..kinda...interesting? XD is they vampire??<br />
Oh..spare some time and read my stories too~XD<br />
Update soon~!