Just A Tiny Drop

A Shadow of Snow



Quiet is the vampire,

Stealthy and unwell

Creeping in the forest

Finding only hell


If he wakes a new one

Time will only tell

Could he ever be saved

From the demon in himself?



A/N: Yes, the poetry is by me unless someone else is credited beneath/beside it

No, I haven't introduced Key or Onew yet.. but we'll see them soon enough

Yes, Jonghyun is a vampire and Taemin and Minho were/are vampire hunters

No, Taemin isn't dead...well, not completely anyway

Well then... ENJOY CHAPTER 3



Jonghyun POV:




My mind was screaming at me as I walked down the forest path, cold and wet. I remember clearly when I was younger  how much I hated the rain. How I would always whine about it being too cold and too wet and not sunny enough…But its not like I’m in a position to complain now. Rain means cloudy skies. Cloudy skies mean no sun. No sun means I won’t turn into an overcooked pile of ashes because, unlike when I was a kid, the sun means death. No happiness. No warmth. Just death.

Not that I should mind being dead. Certainly, if I didn’t end up in hell, it would be better than this.  This need to avoid speaking, singing, touching, dancing, walking with/to people. The only things I loved to do… replaced…and by what?

Wanting to rip the heads off every human that I walked near, that I could smell. Wanting to sink my fangs into their necks and drink until they fell limp and dead in my arms. No, even hell couldn’t be much worse, could it?

Things couldn’t get worse than this

As I walked, I heard a screech of tires and panicked yelling. "Ohohoh, I killed her!"

That’s when the smell hit. I almost fell over it was so powerful. So good. So delicious.  I ran faster than I though I could through the forest toward the scent, leaping, galloping, and flying forwards using the trees and any other things that might speed me ahead. I arrived just as a red minivan drove, as fast as it could, far away.

A small blonde was lying on the ground drenched in rain and his own blood. And, as much as I pitied him, my thirst compelled me forward. If he’s dead he doesn’t need the blood anyway, right? I reasoned with myself and knelt beside him.

His eyelids flutter and his lips twitched.

So...not dead then? But I couldn’t stop myself from lifting him up and tilting is head back. Just a small taste and I’ll go find him help. But I drank and drank and drank taking in every last drop with no intention of ever stopping.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! TAEMIN!!!!!!” An agonized cry rang out from in front of me as a black haired man ran toward us, obsidian stake poised, cheeks streaked with tears.


He threw the weapon and it barely grazed my cheek -drawing out blood- as I turned and ran, my blood landing on the blonde as I lifted him and carried him with me back through the forest.

Apparently, things could get worse.





Teamin POV:

When the vampires fangs came down on my neck I was actually relieved. Maybe the pain would end and I could finally sleep. Maybe he would end it all and I would be free of the agony I could feel everywhere.

Oh please, whoever you are… kill me. . .  It hurts.

His fangs cut my throat bringing more pain and I had a vague sense of struggling or screaming, but my body wasn’t interested. As he drank, I slowly felt myself slipping away and it was so very peaceful. I couldn’t feel anything anymore, couldn’t see anything, couldn’t smell anything…but I could still hear him comfortably humming and gulping as I fell deeper asleep. I though I heard Minho calling my name, but that couldn’t be right, could it?

Then came the taste.

A drop of cold, liquid, iron hit my tongue and found it way down my throat, scalding me from the inside out, bringing all the pain back for a few moments before the world went dark again.


I woke up slowly, opening my eyes and waiting as they adjusted to the complete darkness around me.

“I’m sorry.” A voice whispered from somewhere near my feet. “Oh, God…I -hhh-… I’m so sorry.” I heard a sob in the words and I sat up, wanting to comfort whoever was saying them. I found myself meeting eyes with a short but handsome male. His black hair stuck to his face with water and there were tear tracks all down his cheeks. His bangs hung just above his black eyes and his white shirt clung to him coldly.

That’s when I remembered the car, a gasp escaping from my lips as I stood up, quicker than I thought I could.

Where am I!? What the hell happened??? And who are you!?”

He took a deep breath, wiped the tears from his face and smiled sadly.

“Well , for starters…You’re at your new home and you’re dead…errrrr…You died." He paused. "Oh, and I’m Kim Jonghyun. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

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luvshinee5 #1
It's acutally pretty intresting XD ehehe key <3 :'D please update more!
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks~! ^_^
Update soon please(:
ukissmekevin16 #4
Omg that's a twist
4ever_kpop_love #5
He killed his mother...poor boy. He had no choice though, the hunger was just to strong :( On a happier note, he really is handsome
4ever_kpop_love #6
Great update :) Finally Key enters the story ^^
ukissmekevin16 #7
This is great update soon please!
4ever_kpop_love #8
I'm really liking this story^^<br />
Please update soon :)
Woah..This..kinda...interesting? XD is they vampire??<br />
Oh..spare some time and read my stories too~XD<br />
Update soon~!