Hunting For Bodies

A Shadow of Snow

The loss of blood is good, my sweet
Trust me, for I've tasted it before
I'm the devil so I would know
What it's like to be at death's door

 -Blair Clementine


Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?


A/N: ^^ A new character!!!!

I know, I know…why is there another character!?!?!? That’s because she’s important to the story… or she will be…probably.

Just put up with her for now…besides, she’s the first female vampire in the story… that ought to get her a little love, huh?


Oh, I see how it is.


Minho POV:

He showed up like a black fog, simply appearing in front of me. “He’s somewhere in the forest.” He purred while adjusting his glasses, then he stuck his hands in his pockets, and casually looked toward a tree. “But you already knew that didn’t you?” He chuckled. "You just don’t know where exactly…May I be of service?”


“And just who are you?”

“The good guy: Eui-Tae. Nice to meet you, little hunter.” He nodded to me in recognition.

“How do you know who I’m looking for?”

“The one that killed your friend, right? I saw the whole thing, but he was a newborn vampire so he’s stronger than me. There was nothing I could do. I’m very sorry for your loss” His sincere eyes met mine sadly. “But I do know he’s in a cave somewhere near the river…in the more swampy area. That’s all I can help you with…Oh, and a few other vampires are with him…they’re all the murderous, evil type.”

He gave me a slightly creepy feeling but, without a second thought, I turned and walked into the forest. I wasn’t that far from the swampy part. Maybe I could find him…and kill him. 

My legs started to tire from all the effort it took to get through the mud, trees, and underbrush. It was getting late.

The faintest glimmers of sunlight were revealing themselves on the horizon as I made my way through the swamp. Reeds crackled loudly around me as I crept through the shallow, murky water around me. The air was heavy and moist, filled with biting insects. Where are you? I clutched my weapon tightly and tried to calm my trembling hands. A rustle up ahead caused me to freeze. Sweat beaded on my brow as my eyes darted around, searching for any signs of movement.

Where are you?


No One’s POV:

“Which one?” The girl asked, pulling the gray hood away from her face, fangs out and ready. She was to kill one of them. “And the other?”

“The girl for now, I’ll take care of the other later.” Eui-Tae said, pulling the glasses off his face, a smirk set on his lips. “He can suffer for a while first.”

“She’s very pretty, but she looks familiar. Why?”

“Because, Aei-Yong , she’s our dear sweet cousin.”

She gasped. “Wha-? But that’s not possible! You said-!”

“I lied. Now go. Or are you going to disappoint your only brother?”

She turned her head toward them. “At least tell me their names.” She wanted to know desperately. They looked so happy walking together in the rain. The girl jumped in every puddle she could, splashing him, and laughed sweetly. Aei-Yong wanted to be parted of it.

“Yeunja and Jaeyup.”


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luvshinee5 #1
It's acutally pretty intresting XD ehehe key <3 :'D please update more!
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks~! ^_^
Update soon please(:
ukissmekevin16 #4
Omg that's a twist
4ever_kpop_love #5
He killed his mother...poor boy. He had no choice though, the hunger was just to strong :( On a happier note, he really is handsome
4ever_kpop_love #6
Great update :) Finally Key enters the story ^^
ukissmekevin16 #7
This is great update soon please!
4ever_kpop_love #8
I'm really liking this story^^<br />
Please update soon :)
Woah..This..kinda...interesting? XD is they vampire??<br />
Oh..spare some time and read my stories too~XD<br />
Update soon~!