Bobby/B.I - When I Was Bored

When Life Happens

They're doing another Japanese interview (Bobby honestly can't remember who this one is for, they've had so many in the past week) but they're sitting around a table, and he's got his hands in his lap, trying to keep up with Jinhwan's Japanese. But Bobby's terrible at paying attention when he can't understand the language perfectly, finds it far too easy to get distracted.

Hanbin calls him on it all the time, and honestly Bobby's not even sure how Hanbin knows but he always does. Bobby's got his head in the clouds and Hanbin is always watching him and taking notes. Bobby never takes the censure personally because watching them all like a hawk is Hanbin's job, it's something that comes with the territory of being the leader.

But sometimes Bobby notices that Hanbin's not exactly switched on either. Today is one of those days. Hanbin might be staring at Jinhwan and nodding, but Bobby can see his hands. Hanbin's playing with the threads on his jeans, twisting them and pulling at them and honestly Bobby thinks it's the cutest thing ever. Hanbin can't sit still with no outlet for his fingers. He always wants to be playing with something or pulling at something, and half the time that something ends up belonging to Bobby (whether it's his clothes, accessories, hair, or, if Bobby's lucky, his hands).

Bobby's sitting next to Hanbin and their chairs are close (closer than they need to be, and maybe it makes the space between Bobby and Junhoe look even bigger) and Bobby doesn't want to be off in fantasy land on his own. He reaches his hand over and lays it against Hanbin's thigh, an offer that Hanbin immediately takes. Bobby smiles as he feels Hanbin lacing their fingers together, feels himself calm down.

Bobby can't help but stare at Hanbin, trying his best not to smile too much. Hanbin won't look at him, though, still has his eyes focused on Jinhwan, but Bobby knows that Hanbin gets like that sometimes. Touch is enough for him. Sight would throw him off his game too much, and Bobby has too much respect for his position of leadership to steer him wrong.

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Badbeinggood #1
Chapter 9: Melted
whiteKitty #2
Chapter 3: Goddd I’m loving this so much!!
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 12: Waaaaahhhhh i love this doubleb stories......
Sooo cuteeeeee
yayaluna #4
Chapter 11: I love thisi iam sad when i read d latest chapter i dont want it to end ths fast.. Make more plis author nim thank you
TalkativeChibiko #5
Chapter 1: Jiwon seeking Hanbin's approval is so cute <3
panda_bunny #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhh this is too cute! I'm diying here ^///^
Chapter 10: Thank you for writing these drabbles,, it was so cute and fluffy and overall wonderful.. XD