Bobby/B.I - When We Dreamed Of Better Days

When Life Happens

Bobby pulled the headphones off, tossing them on the desk. “I wish we could do more tracks like this,” he whined, irritation b in his voice.

Hanbin couldn't help but feel a little attacked, though he knew that was likely due to having read too many criticisms of their half album, complaints that debut iKON sounded nothing like pre-debut iKON. He hadn't exactly been prepared to hear it from Bobby, although maybe he shouldn't be surprised. After all, Bobby had gotten to do exactly what he wanted last year, working with Illionaire. Hanbin should have expected that he wouldn't be content with their sound so far. “Well, feel free to take that up with Yang sajangnim, he's the one who's been directing this so far. You know if I had my way things would be different.”

Bobby looked at him, quiet for a moment before answering. “I wasn't criticizing.”

“Right,” Hanbin answered curtly, not buying it, “then what were you doing?”

“Fantasizing?” Bobby offered, a smile on his lips as Hanbin turned to look at him.

“Fantasizing?” Hanbin echoed, clearly annoyed with Bobby's answer, assuming he was being sarcastic.

Bobby just smiled, unfazed by Hanbin's attitude, reaching out to grab one of his hands. “I wasn't talking about the sound, Hanbin-ie,” he paused, threading their fingers together, “I meant that it was just us.”

“Oh,” Hanbin's eyes widened in surprise, but he was quick to smile. “We will, one day. I promise.”

Bobby let out an affectionate laugh and tugged on Hanbin, trying to move his rolling chair closer. “I know, I just wish we could do it now.” Hanbin laughed when their chairs bumped together, and he lifted his feet up to throw his legs over Bobby's. “Don't get me wrong, I love what we're doing with the group and I don't want that to stop; I just want more.”

Hanbin nodded. “I know, I'm trying.”

“You're doing a good job.” Bobby said.

Hanbin shrugged, looking down at their hands to start thumb wrestling Bobby. “I've done okay so far, I wouldn't say good.”

“You'll never be pleased with anything you do,” Bobby said, smiling as Hanbin played with his thumb. “That's why you're lucky you have me.”

“Why, are you supposed to be helping me or something?” Hanbin asked with a laugh.

“Nah, I meant because I'm easy to please.” Bobby answered, grinning when Hanbin shot him an annoyed look.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Hanbin asked, shaking his head.

“Absolutely! I mean, even though I'm easy to please, I still have high standards,” Bobby replied with a wink.

“I don't know, I wouldn't really put easy to please and high standards in the same class.” Hanbin said, looking down at their hands again.

“Maybe not, but I still maintain that I have the highest of high standards,” Bobby stated. “I chose you, didn't I?”

Hanbin stopped his thumb battle for the second time, looking up at Bobby with a smile. “You're an idiot.”

Bobby laughed before pulling Hanbin's hand to his mouth so he could kiss the back of it. “True, but I'm your idiot.”

“Mm, guess that means I'm the one with no standards, then.” Hanbin .

Bobby's mouth dropped open in shock at Hanbin's comment before scrunching his nose at him in mock irritation. “ you.”

Hanbin laughed. “Only if you buy me dinner on the way home first.”

“Deal,” Bobby answered.

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Badbeinggood #1
Chapter 9: Melted
whiteKitty #2
Chapter 3: Goddd I’m loving this so much!!
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 12: Waaaaahhhhh i love this doubleb stories......
Sooo cuteeeeee
yayaluna #4
Chapter 11: I love thisi iam sad when i read d latest chapter i dont want it to end ths fast.. Make more plis author nim thank you
TalkativeChibiko #5
Chapter 1: Jiwon seeking Hanbin's approval is so cute <3
panda_bunny #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhh this is too cute! I'm diying here ^///^
Chapter 10: Thank you for writing these drabbles,, it was so cute and fluffy and overall wonderful.. XD