Sadness Comes With a Question

Red String

A click was heard echoing off the walls of the empty streets with every step I took. I looked to my left to darkness. I looked to my right to darkness. There was no light. There was no red.

That doesn't mean there was no string. 

All around me I'd see people with cut strings. People paying to see a dirty dance. People paying to give a dirty dance. People lying on the ground with nowhere to go. 

It wasn't that all these people had been born with no end. To me, it was obvious which had once had a chance at fate and which never did. It hurts me to say that many of the people I witness when I walk down these roads once had a chance at fate.

"Here to check on us again?" One of the cut strings spoke to me. I nodded.

"How's business?" Smoke puffed from as she spoke.

"Why ask me the same question everytime only to receive the same answer?" I wonder.

"Any newcomers?" A shake of the head followed by silence. Nothing was said but so much was heard. So many questions were being asked back and forth, all of them being heard even without our eyes meeting. I finally spoke. "Why?" A sharp glance shot its way towards me. Her string flickered. What?

"What do you mean, why? Why what?" I shot a sharp glance right back at her. You know what I mean. She wanted me to say it out loud.

"Why did you do it?" Frustration was shown growing in her tired eyes. I glanced down at her now fisted hands. Her string flickered again. Her voice remained calm.

"Do what?" Her cut string taunted me. Say it. Say it out loud. Say it loud enough for everyone to hear. I dare you. My eyes stung.

"Why did you choose this path?" Anger was visible in her furrowed brows, frustration deep in her pupils, sadness dripping out of her biting lip.

"You speak as if I had a choice." I looked deep into her black orbs, searching for an answer.

"You did."

"I didn't." I wanted to grab her frail shoulders. I wanted to shake her body with vigor, screaming, shouting, burning my lungs with cries, telling her yes you did have a choice! Instead, I silently stood in front of her.

"Hey baby, how does $10 sound for 30 minutes?" She gave me a final look before walking away with the interrupting man. I grabbed her arm to stop her, and looked straight into her weary eyes, my own on the verge of creating great salty rivers flowing down my cheeks. I spoke with a rough voice so as to hide my vulnerable state.

"You don't have to do this." She smiled. How could she smile when her life is being thrown away like this?

"I don't have a choice." And with that she walked away, money in one hand and dirty flesh in the other. I fell to my knees, unable to hold my tears in any longer. So many questions filled my head, pushing to come out of my mouth but the only thing that could bear to come out was a cry. A cry for answers. A cry for hope. And maybe, just maybe, a cry for ignorance. What have I done to be cursed with this knowledge?

People say ignorance is bliss, and people just might be right.

Sadness comes with a question, and happiness is not always the answer.

















I took awhile to give another update. I didn't know how to continue the story. (which is funny cus I know exactly how I want this story to end. #imdumb)

When I was updating this chapter I originally started this chapter with a happy beginning. I was going to make this chapter a more detailed date with Eunji and Sungjae. I was writing and I began to think (because even then I had decided to name this chapter 'Sadness Comes With a Question') because if this story starts happy, how can I make it end with the title making sense? I thought about it, and then I remembered that I had no original intent to make this story a fluffy story since I came up with the idea. (sorry not sorry guys) Besides, in the only world we know that we call Earth, everyone knows that not everything is sugar, spice, and everything nice. Eunji can not just walk around this living world witnessing only the sorry strings of divorced people and weebs. Because as shown before in chapter 4, not all cut strings are born cut. So, Eunji and Sungjae's next date would have to wait. It's time to show the readers the bitter side of this gift(curse?). What may seem like a gift to others may seem like a curse. And what may seem like a curse to others may seem like a gift.

Now, I myself have never actually seen a e before and I'm sure I inevitably will. Although I've never seen one, I like to believe I've watched enough movies and read enough stories to get a good idea of what they're like and what their life is like. I also like to believe that not every e became one because they had no other choice. I believe that many, if not all, actually have a chance to fix themselves up(as does Eunji, apparently. How would I know, it's not like I'm writing Eunji's thoughts or anything amirite? #stopk.o2k17) Neeways, moral of the story, the good thing about reaching rock bottom is you have nowhere to go but UP!

I hope this chapter made an impact on you guys. :3

Thank you for the comments and subscriptions! Every comment I receive gives me more motivation to continue this story! I love you all and I hope my chapters never disappoint!


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Bomi's letter to Eunji hnnng this was really intense for me to write hope you guys enjoy 04/27


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Chapter 9: Recently, I've been absorbed in the idea of seeing red strings. So I searched and found this fanfic (thank goodness it's an Eunji fanfic). And wow. It's beautifully described here. This is really awesome.
Chapter 15: He..He..Your writing style and how you come up with this story and the process ..Is genius but funny..Love it..Please don't hybernate..Or dissapear too long...You have the skill as talented writer... I'm envy you..Keep the good job!!
Chapter 14: Holy mama Actually this is quite d*pressing but omg hoorah for you for completing this story with a great ending!! ;_; also i got kind of /mindblown/ with your a/n lmao this is too great i swear
Chapter 14: It's wonderful story..And how you make each title as main title...And each member represent here..It's smart..
The end is tragic but it's your story..And you know the best...I will assume she got save in the end.
Chapter 13: I think Eunji can't see her own string..That's why she assume she wasn't fate with anyone.
It's my guess..He.he..But..You are very good writer..I love this story.
I'm not familiar with BTOB members..But I know they are fun group.
Maribella #6
Chapter 13: Ooh... so it will be an end
It seems like Eunji lived in complicated life...
This question come across my mind...... is english your 1st language???
Chapter 13: I almost can't believe my eyes when I read 'the next chapter will be the last chapter' jsjdhjshd why did you do this to me I obviously didn't get enough ;__; lmao jk i love your story so much
Chapter 11: This story very smart and unusual..You did a great job..It's must be a burden for her to see all the mess up string..She will lost hope in love..
Chapter 10: Two updates in less than 24 hours ;_; I just want you to know I'm beyond happy!! ;; aww flustered sungjae had no idea with the sudden emotions outbreak and poor eunji she had a lot of things going on inside her head huhu let me just wait for the continuation of their date~
Chapter 9: Great meaningful chapter