21st Century Girls

We Meet Again

Hey there dyo1999, kacey101, LuvU658, Yayi2014, Jjangsone_999, fiction10, liningstar, Dhanashree, aftperput01! Thank you for subscribing!^^

All my ladies~ put your hands up~



Ch 25. 21st Century Girl

Yeo Jin


There was no more joy of going to school ever since the girls stopped talking to me. The only thing that pushed me was my dream of finishing and getting a degree. 


I exited the lecture hall and went to put my books in my locker. 


“Hi Yeo Jin.” a person said behind me.


I turned around to see who it was. To my surprise, the voice came from Sun Ae sunbae.


I looked around, wondering if there was another Yeo Jin she was referring to.


She sighed and cleared .


“Listen, I know we didn’t get along in the past but please let me make up for it.” she said.


I stood there a bit dumbfounded.


I wanted to believe her but why would she do that out of the blue?


It was difficult to believe that she was truly sorry. But maybe I should hear her out. I did believed that people deserved second chances.


“How about we grab something to eat?” I suggested.



We headed to the canteen to get our lunch. 


We got a few stares from the people around us. I assumed that everyone else was equally surprised that the two of us are hanging out. 


“Ignore them.” she said in her assertive tone.


Sun Ae shot them a death glare at them and they looked away immediately. 

She stood there strong and proud. She carried that strong aura around her that made people tremble in fear.


I looked at her quite impressed. 


“I wished I could do that.” I laughed.


“Just something I’ve picked up over time.” she admitted.


I realised something people never noticed before. There was a tone of sorrow in her voice.


It made me curious, was there more to her than the popular and rich girl in Busan College?



We sat down with a tray full of food.


I was glad that I finally had some company.


“I was going to give this to you.” she said, breaking the ice.


She gave me a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.


I looked at her in confusion.


“It’s not my birthday.” I told her.


“No, but I thought you might need it.” she said.


I unwrapped her gift carefully and opened the box.

To my surprise, it was a phone. 


“Don’t worry, it’s new.” she told me.


I looked at her in shock. 


“How did you know I needed a phone?” I said, a bit alarmed.


I thought only Nayeon, Sana, Dahyun, Jungkook and my mum knew that I lost my phone. 


“Please don’t get the wrong idea. I found your old phone in Minah’s car a few days ago.” she explained.


A lot of things were running in my head. I knew that some girls have been targeting me a few days ago.

Those same girls used my phone to trick Jungkook to come to Busan.


I began to feel nervous, wondering if they were the ones behind this all along. 


“I followed up from there and realised what they have done. I’m really sorry for what they have done to you.” she said. 


My mind was in a mess right now.


“But it’s not your fault. Why are you apologising?” I asked.


“I know how scared you must have felt.” she looked at me in concern.


She looked down.


“I don’t like to tell this to other people but I think you deserve to know.” 


I listened attentively to what she was going to share. 



“I dated a guy when I was fifteen. He was really nice to me and told me he loved me. He was nineteen at that time, so I thought he was much more mature than other guys. He took care of me, he listened to my problems and told me that I was beautiful.” she smiled. 


“At that time, it was more than enough for me to fall head over heels for him. I trusted him and I loved him.”


“But one day, he called and told me that he found my dad in an accident. He said that my dad was losing a lot of blood and needed surgery immediately. He asked me to transfer 5 million won to his account so he could pay for my dad’s surgery.”


“It was a lot of money but I knew that surgery wasn’t cheap. I panicked because I thought that my dad was going to die so I did what he said.”


“After that, I called my mum and found out that my dad was fine. Only then I realised that he wasn’t such a gentlemen after all. My boyfriend had tricked me.” 


“I confronted him but he refused to give me the money back. He threatened me saying he would hurt my parents if I spoke a word about this to anybody.” 


“I didn’t want anything bad to happen to my parents so I kept quiet and just broke up with him.”


“But he never left me alone. He continued to send me threats and demanded more money. I tried to ignore him but he kept following me wherever I went. He stalked me and even kept tabs on who I called. He knew my every move.”


“I was terrified at that time but I had no choice.”


“My parents were furious at me because they thought I spent all that money for myself. But I didn't tell them because thought I was protecting them.”


“It continued for almost a year. I even started to work in the burger restaurant near school to pay for the all money I gave to my ex-boyfriend. But he continued pestering me.”


“It got really bad to the point my dad’s company was losing a lot of his shares. My dad’s company would have already went bankrupt if Minhyuk, Jonghyun and Minah’s parents didn’t help. I felt terrible for letting this happen so I gathered up the courage to report him to the police.”


This reminded me of something Minhyuk told me in the past. Minhyuk told me the reason he stayed close to his friends was because his father was afraid someone would trick him. I didn’t imagine it was because this happened to Sun Ae. 


I looked at Sun Ae who was close to being in tears.


“I was so scared my ex-boyfriend would find out and get to my parents faster than the police. Luckily, the police caught him before he was able to do anything. He’s in jail now and he returned the money.”


“My dad’s company survived but I still cannot forget what my ex-boyfriend did to me.” 


“I was really angry at Minah for doing that to you and Jungkook. She knew how traumatised I was from that experience. I thought she understood.”


“It’s okay. I understand.” I said, holding her hand. 


“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done in the past. I was a bit jealous when Minhyuk showed interest in you. I liked him since we started going to college together but I guess I’m not his type.”


“But I did all of that because I was paranoid that you would have tricked him like my ex-boyfriend tricked me. I was planning to scare you enough so that you won’t think of doing anything bad to him.”


“I guess it worked.” I said.


She laughed.


“I’m sorry that I’ve been harsh on you. I was only trying to protect him. I don’t want him to go through what I’ve went through. I don’t wish that to happen to anybody.” she explained.


“I hope you can forgive me.”


Author's note:

Now you know Sun Ae's back story :)

Well done to you if you guessed it!^^~

Do you think Yeo Jin should forgive her?

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A warm welcome to baeksar, Krista1122, PrinceExoSehunie, SongsofSiren, midastoxch, laurenLC, Sohyeon10, sisnaqz, mylittlemonster, sherry1188 and hanani96 :D And a huge thank you to all of you who stayed subscribed <3


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Chapter 43: Ohhhhh i really enjoyed this update! Looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 1: I'm reading this again <3
Chapter 42: yay! the comeback was very beautiful, much agree XD soooo glad they aren't breaking up :D good luck! glad you're updating regularly now~
pham_vivian #4
Chapter 42: Woohoo~ YeoJung didn't break up. Hopefully, they can actually work it out because they really are an OTP! Sun Ae and Min Hyuk are so caring, it's sad that they are moving to Seoul so early, but, it sounds good that they graduated! Sometimes, I wish I could graduate early from high school, but ehhh it's too much work to do that and I probably wouldn't be able to handle the workload XD
Chapter 42: YeoJung forevahh okay, never break this ship up =.= XD Aww, Sun Ae and Minhyuk are so caring ❤ Yes, Bangtan slays tho. ❤ Not Today and Spring Day is life. ❤ XD
Chapter 42: oh they're graduating early..TT
Chapter 41: Don't break this ship omgggggg