Three is a crowd

My lil Miss MUA
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There was no escaping the truth anymore. The facts were indeed there. Both Yoon-gi and Jungkook had feelings for you. Your main concern now was someone might get hurt in the end....maybe both.

Lynn: "This place has the best food! Since my cousin works here we'll get a customer discount as well."

YOU: "Sounds good! This means I can eat even more haha."

Lynn: "That's my girl!" Lynn said as she swung her arm around your shoulders. "Oh, hang on; I think I see my cousin. I'll go say hi. Be right back, okay?"

YOU: "Alright, I'll go to the bathroom to wash my hands. Tell your cousin hi for me!"

Lynn: "Will do!" replied as she ran off to greet her.


The water was warm yet so soothing against your skin. You tried to act calm in front of Lynn but deep down you were feeling extremely anxious. You gazed upon your reflection in the mirror as water trickled down your cheeks right down to your chin.

You started reminiscing about the events that happen earlier in the day; unable to believe that you were literally falling for Jungkook. Every time you thought about him you felt butterflies in your stomach. But then you kept thinking about Yoon-gi. How did you miss those signs? You felt so stupid not to have notice that; he too had feelings for you.

Yoongi kept his distance while looking out for you, suddenly being so kind always asking if you were feeling better.

*Could it be I was so caught up with Jungkook that I neglected Yoongi's every move?*

You then remembered that Jungkook had texted you earlier in the waiting room before he stormed out. You took your phone from you bag and decided to finally view the messages he had sent.

"You look really pretty today."


"Did you cry again? Your eyes looked puffy earlier this Morning. Remember we need to meet later."


*Oh Jungkook...why are you like this all of a sudden?*

Gripping the phone tightly in your hand while letting out a heavy sigh, you decided to head back out to meet up with Lynn. You grabbed a piece of paper towel and began drying of your face. As soon as you opened the bathroom door your phone began ringing, and the person calling was none other than Jungkook himself. You turn back into the bathroom suddenly feeling nervous.

Your throat immediately felt dry, but your thumb still swiped right and answered the call.

YOU: "Hello...?"

Jungkook: "Hey...where are you right now?" He spoke in a very low tone that literally made your whole body shiver.

*Even his voice gets my heart racing*

YOU: "I'm actually getting something to eat with Lynn. How about you? And why are you whispering?"

Jungkook: "Same, I'm getting some food with my hyungs as well. And...I just wanted to talk to you without being disturbed. So I'm being discreet. Why? Does my whispering in your ear bother you?"

YOU: "No...I didn't say that."

Jungkook: "Then you like it."

You suddenly feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise up. There was no way you could answer that question.

YOU: "I-I didn't say that either!"

You could hear Jungkook chuckle over the phone. Your first thought was how his eyes lit up with that smile; the second one was how much you wish you had seen it.

 But right now you didn't feel settled; right now you have a lot to think about. You just wanted to have a peaceful meal with Lynn and then go home and get some rest.

Jungkook: "Oh, were at the restaurant already?"

YOU: "Um, Jungkook, Can I call you back later? I gotta go meet back with Lynn."

Jungkook: "Oh, okay. Sure. I'll text you then."

YOU: "O-okay."

The call ended as you rested your back against the bathroom wall. Pushing your phone in your back pocket you decided to head outside to meet back with Lynn.


*That's strange, I thought she'd be right out here.*

Y/N: "Hm, where did she go?"

Lynn: "Y/N! Over here!"

You turn around and your heart immediately sinks.

There stood Lynn beside the members of BTS.

You quickly spun around, turning your back to them.

*What the heck are they doing here?! *

Lynn walks over to you as you mentally start panicking. I mean after everything she said about Yoongi and Jungkook, why wouldn't you? Quite frankly, seeing both of them in the same room at that very moment; kind of felt like it was giving you heart failure.

*If only I could completely disappear right now!*

Lynn: "Hey! Are you just gonna stand there. You look like a statue." She stated.

You quickly grabbed Lynn by the shoulders.

YOU: "Lynn, let's leave. We can go get a burger. Some fried chicken?"

She simply chuckles while stretching her arm over your shoulders

Lynn: "Y/N, chill. Don't freak out on me. I'm right here." She spoke low enough just for you to hear.

YOU: "I didn't expect them to be here!"

Lynn: "Haha me either but Namjoon requested that we all eat together."

You looked at her.

YOU: "And, what did you say?"

She paused for a second and her eyes shifted to the left.

Lynn: "I...may have said yes."

YOU: "Lynn!"

Lynn: "Come on, it will be fun. I haven't eaten with them for a long time either. We've been really busy. It's good to catch up."

You took a deep breath and nodded

YOU: "Alright. Let's eat together."

Lynn: "Yes! Don't worry. Remember, I'm here."

You both walked over to the boys and greeted them

YOU: "Hey guys! I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Jin: "Neither did us. We were hungry so we decided to get something to eat."

Hoseok: "Finally, we get to eat together Y/N." he rests his hand on your head and rubs it.

Jungkook walks over to stand beside you. His shoulders broaden boasting his masculinity. You turn to look at him as he removes Hoseok's hand from your head.

Jungkook: "Ah, Hyung. She probably doesn't like that."

Jimin: "I don't think she minds. Right Noona?"

YOU: "Uh.... No, it's okay." You laughed nervously and looked back at Jungkook.

There was no denying it; Jungkook was the one that didn't like anyone touching you. He simply pressed his lips together and turned his head away.

*Please don't be like this. *

Namjoon: "Lynn! We got a private booth; you and Y/N can sit with us."

Lynn: "Awesome!" Lynn grabbed you by the arm following Namjoon and the others as the led the way.

The private booth arranged for you all was a circular setting. You were the first to enter sitting at the center of the table. Yoon-gi was also entering at the opposite side and you two somehow ended up sitting next to each other.

You slightly bowed while smiling at him although deep down you were somewhat panicking. You turned to your left and saw Jungkook taking the next available seat beside you. Your gaze instantly shifted towards Lynn who was now sitting in between Jungkook and Jin

* Lynn! What the hell?! *

She shrugged her shoulders and gave you an apologetic expression. She mouthed the word 'Breath' and you took a deep breath.

* Alright Y/N. Calm down. You can get through this. It's just a meal. *

Giving yourself the motivation you needed, you picked up your menu trying to figure out what to order.

Taehyung: "I need meat! Oh wait, can we get Pork belly?"

Jin: "I see around four things on the menu I want to order already."

Yoongi: "What are you getting?" he spoke directing his question to you.

YOU: "Me? Hmm, I don't know yet. It all looks good!"

* It really did! But I barley have much of an appetite now.*

Yoongi: "You should try this." He leans in slightly and turns the page of your menu.

You stopped breathing for a second seeing how close he was. It was the first time actually looking at him like this. The other times you were busy applying makeup on his face.

Yoongi: "This is good. I can order it and we can share."

You slowly nod agreeing with his request as he smiles at you.

Yoongi: "Good. I'll order it then."

*he's being really kind today. It's kind of making me nervous. *

Focusing back on your menu hoping to finally settle on what to order, you suddenly feel something warm on your thigh.

You turned looking at Jungkook seeing a smirk play across his lips. You couldn't believe it! How can he do something like this now?

He was scanning through the menu, but his hand was resting on your leg. He slowly brought it up and holds on to yours which was underneath the table. Your heart quickly started to pick up pace as he laced both yours and his fingers together. There was no way you could focus now. Your body was there but your mind was completely blank. The only sound that could be heard for you was your own heart thumping heavily in your chest.

(Thump thump, thump thump...)

Jin: "Y/N?......Y/N?"

YOU: "Huh? What is it?"

Jin: "The waitress is waiting for your order."

You peered forward and saw the waitress looking at you.

YOU: "I'm so sorry! I-I'll have the uh Gong Bao Chicken please." you spoke, ordering a dish randomly off the menu.

She smiled and nodded then went on to take everyone else's order at the table.

Your whole body was stiff, you tried to relax but Jungkook was still holding your hand und

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pinkypn #1
Chapter 8: She needs to sort out her feelings and make a decision. She needs to grow a backbone and confront the 2 cheaters not let them step all over her again
Liking the story so far! Can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens next!
livelife4you #3
Oh My Gosh! There were so many grammatical errors on chapter two that i literally hit myself. It seems like i didn't copy and paste my revision work. Instead i copied and paste the rough work. I apologize to anyone that had to go through reading it with so many mistakes. I know how annoying it can be to some people and for that i truly apologize :)
I will post chapter 3 soon! Thank you so much for all the positive feed back and support! Bless <3
btsejin97_ #4
Chapter 1: I don't know but, my heart keeps beating fast because of this story >< Oh my God! Jungkook, please stop with the teasing! You got me a heart attack! By the way, can't wait for the next chapter.. Keep up the good work, Author-nim! Fighting!
eloeole #5
Chapter 1: your doing good so far keep up the good fanfics!
btsejin97_ #6
Can't wait for the next chapter! ><