Asc part3

He doesnt remember me ?!

ASc , I neded you`era:

I wanted to talk or say hello but I feel that jhope would be busy with his schedule
  They are becoming more and more famous .

After so much that we have talked, j hope and I ..
Well I'm here in the room with eric oppa playing as always hehe.
To not kill us how boring it is to be in the waiting room ..
But I'm excited to see Bts for the second time ..
What a thrill..!!!!
I've seen theirs songs from I need you, the song  is so incredible and interesting that every time makes me crazy for their music .. They are very good but Jhope oppa my oppa aish , I have no words to say ...
He is perfect .. ALL THAT IS .... Perfect ..
My BTs oppas are very good at everything, but I have never noticed that they have changed since they debuted, they have become very good, they enjoy the music a lot ...
I also enjoy the music that I would love to do for myself!
I've made my debut with the song hopeless love, When I show them eric and kevin oppa, they felt happy for my debut and  loves the mv ..
Although always say absurd things see how eric oppa acted always treats me as his youngest daughter or his baby , while kevin oppa always asks me if I wear swimsuit in mv hahha
We are very inseparable, crazy we are but with affection we have among us as a family ..
But kevin oppa did not show up, we're just eric and I ..
But I will do the incredible show as I always said ;)

Although I'm a bit bad is that I was injected when I made the shoot of my mv`hopeless Love , but I'm good and full of energy for the incredible rice cake ;)
I am invincible..

Hhahahha just kidding, but I'm ready to see them but I want to see Hoseok oppa  more ..

in the car  to get to ASC studio ..:

I'm nervous but at the same time happy to see my fans and also my jaminie ...
  I do not know what to say normal act as I always was, but I've been worried about her because I've seen her mv, looks beautiful and has changed a lot since I saw her and she is about 18 or 19 almost the age of our maknae ..
She has become beautiful every day. each night..
I always see ASC with my hyungs in the room of our apartment ..
I love her way of being, I admire her a lot.
Because she's crazy but beautiful, kind and I can not describe her ..
I'm in love with what she really is ,,,
I've noticed since I saw her, I've never stopped thinking about her.
But we are already arriving at the waiting room of ASC to be able to see it
Watch your beautiful jaminie smile ..
I saw her very happy, playful as always with eric hyung
Every time I see her with other guys, it makes me feel irritating ..
I do not like her being with others other than me ..

I know they are friends and I also admire eric hyung but I do not like being with her ..
  I will try to think like this ...
I do not want to look like a bad person ... with her.

I love that they both have fun but ... it annoys me ... .

So much that I see them makes me feel something in my heart something heavy in me
But I'm not like that..I
will try to think like this, I will show a smile that will not suspect anything ..
I have seen that Suga sees Jaminie a lot
Does he like her too? Or is he worried about something ???
Mmm I've seen hoseok looks annoying when he sees them together , I know kid me too.  it annoys me...

i look like I'm acting like an overprotective older brother for her .. , but I'm worried about jaminie,  I've seen that she has received many threats from our fans, I hope to see it with my own eyes if it's ok ..
She is like a cute sister to me ..
She is part of us as a family, apart from her having the same age as jungkook.
I'm worried ,  I want to see her like this.
I know eric hyung and ASC members know how much she suffered while we did not ..
I know a fans get over the ing line. But seriously, do not be like that with her.
We are very fascinated with her for what she really is.
We love to make her blush, play with her, see her reactions ..
She is so cute ... very adorable ..for us ..

Who would not love our jaminie?

Who would not love our jaminie? Know that she always smiles despite everything, I always see her show a beautiful smile and she always looks happy and showing her funny side of her ..
It makes me think she's brave and strong ..
I admire that part of her, she does not give a damn what they tell  about her.
She shows what she really is .. Her true personality ..
That part of her made Hoseok sii fall in love
Although that idiot still does not know or is made that he likes or is really in love with her ..
But ..

That's why I understand everyone who loves her ....   For THAT I LIKE to protect her and take care of her ..
It's that feeling I've never felt with uri jaminie


Meanwhile, we
Me and eric
We are about to air on the air to introduce BTS
The best group..
Bts is life ..
When we introduced them in the intro, eric oppa kept asking me if I got a song from them.
I Sing Wars of hormones  song from them.
When I dance and sing.
Everyone laughed at me , eric and bts oppas
But until Hoseok ..
Aishhhh what a shame !!!
What a shame .. I could not look at them, I looked down because of the shame I felt Blush ..
. Asih eric oppa why you do this to me ... !!

Already with BTS:
They have seen much of their fans their questions, reactions and even the jokes that made and had a lot of fun, that made me happy ..
But almost Jin oppa was going to fall when they danced I need you ..
For the small space that had ...
Shouted no no no no aigoooo
We went and tried to help him and protect him from falling, Thank God ..
Sorry jin oppa ...
But all the time in the air Suga oppa never stopped looking at me and I thought maybe I had something in my face, but I tried to relax and pretend I did not see it ... I felt uncomfortable until all of BTS oppas looked at me a lot until hoseok. ..

While a fans asked BTS to say I love you in another language Jungkook looked at me and I said I love you and I did not know that he said it to me or the fan xD, I felt strange and I looked down, I said oh my God .. I was blushing
Hoseok looked at me a lot and smiled whenever I  did something, I could not calm down but aigooo.

When Hoseok oppa said how frustrating he was, encourage him by saying
Work hard baby ,
V oppa laughed, maybe  a little funny for him, maybe ..
But until suddenly
Suga oppa asked for a dance fight for me and jimin oppa for Bts ..
The two jimins but I was in shock, I did not know what to say ... !!
But I did not know the 
choreography ...
I got up and saw that V oppa gives me his wreath, how sweet it is !!!
When the music begins, I saw eric and jimin oppas dancing  while me !!!!
I was in shock
I was OMO , I did not know what to do I asked Namjoon oppa if he could dance or teach me a step, but he did not want and apologize ..
I said damn it ...
I wanted to escape but eric oppa told me to dance aishhh ..
But namjoon oppa tells hoseok to help me ..
I stayed aigooo how cute he is !!! thanks :3
It helped me but its 
choreography was difficult, but I did what jin towards .....
I did not know which to choose but I chose the one of jin oppa ..
It was easy for me but I ended up doing it funny and cute  hahaha
They laughed and said how cute you are jaminie ..
I could not look at their faces.
It was embarrassing until Hoseok oppa told me that i was cute...

The show was over and I went to jin oppa's side to take the pictures but when I went there, I saw that hoseok and v were angry it seemed that they wanted me to be with them at their side for the photo.
But more HOseok seemed jealous or I imagine things ..,
Hoseok's pov
When I saw eric, I approach him but hard to stay here, do not go with my jaminie.
  she is mine..
I wanted to try not to look like a bad person, but I was very irritated to see the two of them together ...
It was very irritating, I could not control myself ...
Every time I see them together I get angry and irritated.
Always try to smile for ARMYS and for members even for my jaminie.
Every time they talk, they play or whatever.
It irritated me
Even my hyungs were looking at her, talking to her or whatever .....
I was irritated more and more, for God's sake !!!
I did not know how to behave .. !!

Every time I wanted to tell jaminie what the hell !!
I do not want to be bad but it irritates me ...
I've always tried to calm myself but my limit already comes!
I'm madly in love with her
I can not anymore
I want to confess with her ...
RIgth now !!!
Aishh man .......

I worry that it happened to hoseok always looked smiling at the shoot but when we were behind cameras it seemed annoying ...
I was wondering ? he'll be fine ??
Maybe I'll talk to him on the phone and tell him if he's okay or not ...



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Chapter 2: Hello everybody, sorry for not be here, I was busy, but don't worry, Thanks for read my history's Fanfics. God bless you and happy new year.