
Love Traingle || BTS

~Chapter 6~

I heard loud sounds, waking me up. I groaned. It was Saturday and I just wanted to sleep late.
Was that too much to ask for!?

I stood up, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I changed and went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm hun-...gry," my eyes widen when I saw all of my fellow trainees in my kitchen. Even Jonghyun and Youngjae were there.

"Uhm...hi? What are ya'll doing here?," I asked.

They stayed quiet for a bit.

Namjoon suddenly countdowned from ten to zero. "...3...2...1"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY!," everyone screamed- including my mom. Oh right, it was my birthday. I totally forgot.

"Th-Thank you..," I said, still shocked.

"Come and sit down!," Taehyung told me. 
( down gurl xD)

I sat down next to Taehyung. My mom came into the kitchen with a cake.

"Caaaaakeeee~," I got excited.

I cut the cake while everyone sung 'Happy Birthday' to me. I really didn't expect that. And I can't believe I forgot my own birthday!

We ate the cake and chatted.

Everyone suddenly stood up and grabbed something.

"We have preseeeeents!," Hoseok happily shouted.

"Guys, you really didn't have to," I said but I was really touched.

I opened the presents one by one. I got two Spa-tickets from Jonghyun and Youngjae and a pink phone case from Seokjin, altough I didn't like the color, I was happy to have it. Namjoon's present was sunglasses and Hoseok gave me a smiley pillow.

Jimin gave me like hundred packets of cookies and jams.

I scoffed, "You don't want it for yourself?"

"You're lucky that it's your birthday today," he smiled and looked like he would kill me anytime soon. "Besides, I actually wanted to give you sonething else but I didn't know what, so I just asked Namjoon," Jimin gave him a death glare and everyone started laughing.

Then, I opened Yoongi's present: It was a chain.

"It's swaggy right? 3 dollars," he joked and everyone laughed once again.

Jiyoon gave me a bracelet with an engraving on it: 'Seoyeon ∞ Jiyoon' "Aww~ thank you so much," I hugged her tightly.

It was Jungkook's turn. I opened the present impatiently. I couldn't believe what was in there: Two concert tickets for my favorite band SHINee.

I hugged Jungkook. "Thank you~" he cuckled and I let go of him because there was still one more present to unpack- Taehyung's

He handed me his present. I was really anxious. I unpacked the present and squealed. It was so cute. I hugged the stuffed bear which had a shirt that says 'Seoyeon'. "Thank you, Taehyung," I smiled and he grinned back.

I put all the presents on the dining table and we continued chatting.

"Mom? Can you make something to eat? Seokjin's hungry," I called out.

"How did you know?," he asked and I pointed at his left eye.

"We don't have enough ingredients," mom called back.

"No problem, we go buy something," Seokjin told my mom. She thanked him, gave him money and went to her room after congratulating me again.

"Sooo, who's going to stay here and who's gonna go buy the ingredients?," Namjoon asked.

"Not me. I don't want to," Yoongi said and lied down on our couch. "Lemme slep for a while."

"Excuse me Min-sshi but I don't think that this is your couch," I told him playfully.

"Like I would give a fu-...," I glared at him. "...fudge."

We decided to draw by lot who had to go shopping. Three had to go and the other eight could rest here.

The ones who had to go were Jungkook, Jiyoon and me. Lucky, I know. 
We took the money my mom gave to Seokjin just now and headed to the supermarket. We threw anything we needed in the basket, paid and came out of the market.

"Eotteokhae?," I asked. "He still treats me like his little sister."

We were heading home and talked about Taehyung. Jiyoon kept looking to Jungkook while I was talking. Did really something happen between these two? Well, I should ask Jungkook later.

"You never know, if he likes you or not," Jiyoon told me.

"I can't hold it in anymore!," I said frustrated.

"Then...are you going to confess?," Jungkook questioned me.

Do I want to confess? Do I even have the courage to?

"...I don't know...maybe," I answered unsure of what I should do.


We reached my home. I took out my keys and opened the door.

"We're baaaack~," Jiyoon called.

They were all sitting on the couch and watched TV.

"Who's going to cook?," I asked. Everyone pointed at Seokjin. "You can decide with who you want to cook," I said. "But not me," I whispered.

"Theeeen, Namjoon!," Namjoon groaned but didn't resist.

Seokjin and Namjoon entered the kitchen and started to cook.

"YOU HAVE TO HOLD THE KNIFE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!," we heard Seokjin scolding. "WAIT WAIT , TURN THE ONION TO THE FLAT SIDE BEFORE YOU CUT IT! Seriously, I'm going nuts," I chuckled. Why did he choose Namjoon then?

While Namjoon and Seokjin were cooking, we watched TV. After 45 minutes, they were done and brought the food to the living room and put it on the dining table. We thanked them for making us the food and we ate deliciously. After the meal we continued watching TV and Taehyung fell asleep.

I didn't realize how 4 hours went by.

"It's late. It's about time to head home," Namjoon said.

"But Taehyung's sleeping," I whispered.

"We'll go without him them. We're living next door anyway."

"Hmm, okay," I agreed.

Everyone hugged me and congratulated me again before I closed the door.

I sat down next to the sleeping Taehyung. Should I confess when he wakes up? I can't hold it in anymore.

I'm going to confess.

I can do it.

Taehyung suddenly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and asked where the others were.

"You were sleeping so we didn't want to wake you up," I explained and he nodded.

Confess. Confess! You can do it!

"...uhm," I started.

"I have to tell you something," Taehyung and I said at the same time. I chuckled. "You go first," I said.

"Okay, uhm...I don't know how I should say it. You could think I'm weird."

"I think you're weird already," I joked. "Just tell me."

He took a deep breath.

"I think I like Jiyoon."

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ReiHobi #1
Chapter 7: I choke myself after reading this. Crap! I didn't expect that. Pls continue