First Kiss

Love Traingle || BTS

~Chapter 4~
~First Kiss~

Taehyung and I stayed up the whole day and continued the song. We finished the lyrics and are working on the melody now. I played a few melodies on the piano.

"Wait. Play that again!," Taehyung requested and I did as he told me to. "That's good. That could be our intro. We just have to change a little bit."

I played the same music again and again and we changed it little by little until it sounded perfect for both of us. The song was almost done. We only needed a melody for the chorus now.

"I'm tired~," I yawned, "What time is it?"

Taehyung took his phone out of his pocket. "5am," he said after taking a look at his phone.

"Whaaat?" I was lucky that my parents allowed me to stay in the BigHit building tonight. I asked Bang SiHyuk CEO to convince them. 
Well, I can do anything as long as it's nothing criminal. My parents don't really care about such things like staying late. The only thing they care for is school- and luckily we didn't have school today.

"We're almost done. We just have to find a melody for the chorus now. The others are coming at 7am anyways," Taehyung said.

"Can we at least eat before continuing? I feel like dying," I begged. I didn't have had dinner yesterday.

Taehyung nodded and we went to the canteen together. The ahjummas who make the food for us trainees were already there, preparing everything. They work really hard and their food always tastes good.

"Oh, you are here already?," one of them asked us as she was walking out of the kitchen to get something.

"Yes, we were working on a song but we got hungry," Taehyung explained.

The ahjumma laughed and asked us what we wanted to eat. We told her that we only wanted plain rice since it was early.

She entered the kitchen and came out after a few minutes. She told us to sit down and that it would take like twenty minutes until the rice is cooked.

Taehyung and I chatted meanwhile. 
We talked about our song and about 'Bangtan Sonyeondan'. I asked him about the lesson with the dance tutor Mr. Son. He seems to be a good dancer and choreographer according to Taehyung's statement.

The ahjumma came out of the kitchen again but this time, she had two bowls in her hand. She put them on the dining table.

"Enjoy your meal, kids."

"Kamsahamnida~," Taehyung and I thanked her.

I took my chopsticks and we both started to eat. It wasn't much. Just plain rice after all, but I felt so much better. My tummy wasn't empty anymore.

"Seoyeon," Taehyung called out.

"Hfpsldb?," I answered with my mouth full of rice.

"Yah, don't talk with your stuffed mouth!," he scolded me and I quickly gulped everything down. "You have a rice corn there," he pointed at my lip.

"Where?," I asked.

"There," he pointed at my mouth again but I still didn't get it. "Geez, you little kid."

He took a napkin and wiped it gently away.

"...Y-yah, I could've done it myself," I said, looking away. I hoped he didn't see me blushing.

"I should have recorded how you were trying to get the rice corn just now," he laughed and I joined him awkwardly.

We finished our meal and put our bowls away. The ahjumma came out again to wipe the dining table.

"You two look good together," she suddenly said while she was cleaning the table. I looked away, not knowing what to answer.

"Haha, we're not dating," Taehyung told her. Ouch.

"Y-yeah." Well, I couldn't say we're dating, right?

"Oh, then, think of it. You look cute together."
Taehyung just laughed and I smiled at her. We said goodbye to her but before we left the canteen, I looked behind me and saw the ahjumma winking at me. She knows...

Taehyung and I headed to the studio room. We had more than one hour before the other trainees will arrive.

Taehyung started singing a few lines of the chorus. I just stared at him.

His voice.

"That could be the melody, right?," he looked at me after he stopped singing.

"Uh, uhm, what?," I snapped out of my daydream.

"I said: We could use that as the melody," he repeated.

I agreed with him and we put all the melodies together and changed some things, we weren't satisfied with which took us an whole hour. We finished the song. 
Only one thing was missing: The title.

"Since we already have the lyrics...we could name the song 'Hold Me Tight'," I suggested and he immediately agreed.

We were done.

I was so happy, I threw myself onto Taehyung. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. I didn't realize what I was doing. I was just so happy about the song.

We suddenly heard the door open and saw Jungkook there. Taehyung and I instantly let go of each other.

"Oh...hey Jungkook," I greeted my best friend.

"Uhm, I interrupting something?," he asked.

Taehyung laughed again. "Nope, you came just in time." Jungkook looked at him confused. "Nothing. Don't misunderstand what you just saw," he stood up and left the room.

What did just happen?

I turned to Jungkook. "What are you doing here so early anyway?," I wondered.

"What do you mean early? It's five past 7 already and I have vocal lessons now," he explained.

"It's this late already? Sorry Jungkook, gotta go!"

I quickly rushed to the second vocal practice room. Mrs. Han is the one who gives me vocal lessons. She's not only good in dancing but in singing too.

I knocked on the door and came in. I apologised for being late and my lesson began.

After the vocal practice, I had dance practice. Mrs. Han would come today again, so we just headed to the dance practice room together.

I danced my choreography again, without any mistakes, which gained me praise from  Mrs. Han.

"That was really good. The best dance I've ever seen from you. And you didn't make mistakes and looked like you had fun."

She then, left the room after telling me to keep it up.

I was really tired. It was evening already and I didn't sleep for many hours. I sat on the floor, leaning on the wall. 'Just five minutes' I thought and eventually fell asleep. 


{Jungkook's P.o.V}

I finished my vocal lessons and Mr. Jung, our vocal teacher, praised me. I had a 15-minutes break now and went to the canteen. I saw Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung. I suddenly tought of Taehyung and Seoyeon again. They were hugging each other this morning. Why were they here in the first place? Are they dating? But Taehyung told me to not misunderstand anything, so they aren't, right? I mean, they would tell me. They're my best friends.

I sat down where the other guys were, opposite to Taehyung.

"Hey," I said. Everyone greeted me back and I started eating.

"Taehyung?," I whispered.

"Yeah?," he asked.

"You and Seoyeon...aren't dating, right?"

"I told you to not misunderstand!," he reminded me.

" you like her?," I questioned him.

"No, she's like a little sister to me. How often do I have to say it, until you get that?"

"...Okay," I just said and continued eating.

"Ah, I almost forgot," Namjoon spoke up,
"Mr. Son told me, he would like to teach you all alone for now, so that he could see your individual dancing skills or so. Today, it's you Jungkook. Dance practice room 3 at 6pm."

I only had 20 minutes left. I finished up and made my way to the dance practice room. I walked past the dance practice room 1 but walked backwards back. I looked through the transparent door. I chuckled. I entered the room and found a sleeping Seoyeon.

She shouldn't be sleeping on the floor, or else she'd catch a cold. I took my jacket out of my bag and put it around her. I didn't want to wake her up. She looked so peaceful.

Did she stay up all night? She had big circles around her eyes.

"Pabo Seoyeonni~," I whispered. "Why don't you love me back? I love you, stupid Seoyeon."

Yes, I liked her. I hadn't had the courage to confess. She likes Taehyung anyway and that hurts. I even told her the other day that I fell in love but she kept thinking that it was Jiyoon. Tears started welling up in my eyes. 
Why Taehyung? Why not me? I like you since the first time I talked to you. My tears fell. They rolled down my cheeks until I wiped them away.

"How can I...make you fall in love with me?," I sobbed, knowing she doesn't hear any of this.

I stared at her beautiful face. I leaned closer to her face. My gaze dropped down to her lips. I know this isn't fair but I have to. I held it in for so long now.

"I love you, Seoyeon," I whispered against her lips until I gently pressed mine against hers.

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ReiHobi #1
Chapter 7: I choke myself after reading this. Crap! I didn't expect that. Pls continue