

Jackson's eyes were widen like he had just seen a ghost. And the room was as silent as the place where just a well known and feared murderer came in.

'Wait what? Did just Mark say what I think he did. Did he just confessed that he loves me? I can't believe it. It can't be true. I should say something.'
This was happening in Jackson's mind while he was just sitting and staring at Mark which made Mark feel afraid what Jackson thinks.

'I can't open my mouth oh no I can't move my lips, it is impossible. I can't even move my hand. I can't move by any part of my body but why!? I want to say it to Mark.'

"Jackson? Please say something. This silence is killing me. Please say that you don't hate me. Please."
The last word was so desperate and Mark had tears in his eyes.

"I~I" Jackson was paralyzed by the surprise but tried to fight with it and finally won.
"I think I you know like I feel as you. I think I~love you."

Mark's heart was beating so fast when Jackson was saying it and the moment he said the last word Mark stand up and almost ran to Jackson. He jumped on the bed next to Jackson and pulled him into a kiss for a sec and then to a tight hug.

"I am so glad you said that Jacks."

"Me too." They both stayed like that for a few minutes both smiling like idiots not knowing it can bring a lot of complicated problems to their lifes. In this moment they were just happy.


The new couple was sitting on Jackson's bed.

"Mark can I call you Lollipop?"

"Why would you want to call me like that?"

"Because you are so sweet."

"That is really nice but why exactly Lollipop there is a lot of other sweet things."

"Coz when you hold lollipop in your hand you get stick to it and I can't get away from you, well I don't want to." Jackson giggled a little.

"Oh I didn't think you actually have so mindfull reason." Mark laughed.

"Don't laugh at me Markie I'm not kidding."

"Okay sorry, of course you can call me Lollipop if you want to." He put a pack on Jackson's cheek.

"Thanks Lollipop." Jackson playfully hit Mark's arm.

"Listen Jacks what are we going to do? Will we tell it everyone or just to the group or to the Jyp company or to nobody?"
Mark realized they have to decide these things as soon as possible.

"I'm not sure but I think that if we'd want to tell it I would start only with Got7 members." He didn't seemed to care that much as Mark.

"And do we want them to know right tomorrow? Well we are debuting in a week and it may be a complication."
This question made Jackson think.

"Well I have made a decision but if you will agree with it you can't blame me if it turns out as a bad idea. Okay?"

"Okay Jackson. I don't think I am able to make the choice. I believe you have the best solution." Mark took Jackson's hand in his.

"Alright then. I think the best would be to tell to JB he will understand coz I know his cousin Lucy is a lesbian and that he supports her so I believe he will be supporting us too and that he will help us with other decisions."

Mark pressed their lips together for a few secs.
"I knew you'd make up the best, honey."

"So you agree with it Lollipop?"

"Yeah of course."

"We don't have anything to do until tommorow's afternoon so will we tell him in the morning?"

"Sure. But I need to go to sleep now it's about midnight already."

Mark put a last soft kiss on Jacksons lips before going to his bed and falling asleep.

This was the first night after almost a week when both of them slept well.


"Good morning Jacks."

"Good morning Markie. You know I got a beautiful dream about us."

"Yeah, what was it about?"

"It was the Valentine's day and we were in LA visiting your parents and we told them we are dating and they gladly were okay with it. Then we went on a date to your favorite restaurant for a dinner and it was lovely. There were candles, flovers and so on you know very romantic date."

"Nice dream. I wish I'd have some like that too. Let's have a breakfast now and then talk to Jae bum."

Youngjae and JB were sharing the room but he wasn't there bacouse Jinyoung took the maknae line to the mall.

JB was reading a book in his room when somebody knocked on the door.
"Come in."
Mark and Jackson entered his room and sat on Youngjae's bed.

"Hi hyung. Can we talk to you?" Jackson asked.

"You sound serious Jackson, that's rare, it must be important. What is it?"

"Um you probably noticed we were acting a little weird around each other last few days."

"Yeah I did Mark. So what was it about. Don't say you want to leave!"

"No hyung we don't want to leave. Yeah I was thinking about that but then the last night, those things solved."

"Okay I am going to pass that you wanted to leave for now. Just get to the point guys."

Mark and Jackson told him about that almost kiss. Then about Mark's dream, about the kiss and the whole last night.

"...and we are a couple now and we hope you will help us Jae Bum."
Mark ended the story.

"Wow I um I don't know what to say. Um I wasn't expecting this but~congrats I am really happy for you. Does anybody else know?"
Jb said a little confused.

"No you are the first coz we thought you'd understand and help us with deciding what to do next."
Jacksons glared at Jb with eyes full of hope.

"Of course I will help you but I am shocked right now so just give me some time and don't tell anyone else for now it could be a mistake. You may tell it to the wrong person. You can never be sure who will understand you."

"Okay, thank you so much for your support. Bye"

Mark responded and they left Jb alone again. 




(Author's note: I was thinking of making Jackson hate Mark and so but I didn't wanted to hurt even just a 'Story Mark' so I wrote it like this.

Please support me as Jb supports Markson couple.)


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Chapter 8: i love it
markson_15 #2
Chapter 8: that was so short! if you made it longer it would have been perfect! cuz your writing became better!
angelicabq #3
Chapter 7: Omg yugyeom knows, he ing knoooowwwwssss
markson_15 #4
Chapter 7: oh yug yeom, you are so mean! what will mark say? ahhh i can't wait!
markson_15 #5
Chapter 6: awww sweetie sweet, markson or never!
i will sure support you, need any help? i am always here (grins)...jb-oppa you helping markson! i could imagine him in real life doing that! nice chapter! update soon! :)
markson_15 #6
Chapter 5: what the hell? don't tell me jackson don't love mark back?? noooo, that can't happen! maybe he is shocked??? he can't believe himself, right? right? it have to be like this~~ anyway thank you for the update! and update sooon~~
markson_15 #7
Chapter 4: nice chapter~~ thanks for the update..update soon :)
angelicabq #8
Chapter 1: I just want to said in this chapter that everything is awesome but males don't call oppa to others males, only as a joke. Also Mark is the eldest of the group so he doesn't have hyungs, the meaning of hyung it's big brother, the meaning of oppa it's the same but it's only use by females.
markson_15 #9
Chapter 2: it's really amazing, lovely mark crying! jackson angry! this is so good, it made my day..thank you~
markson_15 #10
Chapter 1: good work, keep on working~ thank you. :)