

Mark was lying in his bed knowing that he has to film it tomorrow. He don't want to disappoint them and he also don't want to leave Got7. He decided to try to fall asleep and don't think about it for now.


„Mark wake up it's your wedding day.“ Bambam was standing above his bed. Mark couldn't believe what he just heard. His wedding day? He wasn't even dating anyone, unless he didn't know about that.
„Bambam, who am I going to marry?“ he knew it had to sound weird to not even know who will he marry.
„Looks like you are a little out of your senses coz of the stress around wedding.“ Bambam chuckeled. „You are marrying Jackson you silly.“

I will marry Jackson? But I am not gay. Well I don't have any problem with gays but I've never wanted to be one. Maybe they are trying to prank me, I think they are going to pretend I'm dreaming and I will marry him. I am not going to tell them I know I'll just pretend I don't know and let them enjoy it. Mark smiled.

He took a shower, while Bambam prepared the suit for him and then he was helping Mark with his hair. He was forcing Mark to put on some make up but he wanted to look natural on his wedding day.

Mark was so sure it is all made up and he was curious how far will they let it go. But he doubted if it is not a little much when he entered a small church filled with Got7's members, their producer and few other friends. Jackson was standing at the altar handsome as always, even more.

Everybody in the room stood up as the music began and the door in front of Mark opened.
Bambam was Mark's best man. He led him to Jackson and then sat on his spot in the front line.

Mark thought it's just enough for the prank and supposed thay they will laught any moment but everybody was quiet. He wasn't listening for a while so he missed the beginning of ministers speach. He paid attention to him again when
Jackson took his soft hands into his.
"...to celebrate the union of Jackson and Mark in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, and so they've decided to live together as husband and husband.” the minister said.

Mark stopped listening for a while again coz he was thinkink that Jackson was looking at him like he is the only one for him. It didn't seemed like a joke anymore. He was afraid it's real. When he got out of his thoughts Jackson was just saying:"I do."

This time the question was headed to Mark:
"Do you Mark Tuan take Jackson to be your husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?"

Mark didn't know what to do he still wasn't sure if it is for real or not. He decided to continue in the ceremony.
"I do." He said and tried to stay calm.

Mark's heart began to beat faster as Jackson's best man Jinyoung handed him the ring.
"I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and with all that I am." Jackson said and put the ring on Mark's finger.

Mark was getting afraid but he and Jackson have always been very close so even if they would get actually married it wouldn't be the worst thing ever. Well he just didn't want to kiss him. He've never kissed a man before.

Mark took a deep breath.
"With this ring, I thee wed."
He said simply. He wasn't able to think of anything better now.

The minister continued:
" In the presence of this good company, by the power of your love, because you have exchanged vows of commitment, we recognize you as married.
You may now kiss."

Mark felt like somebody stopped the time around him. His heart was beating as fast as never before.
He knew it isn't prank Jackson wouldn't do that either. Well I know it's reality but this have to be some really messed up reality I don't understand how can this possibly be happening. He wasn't able to think about it, the only thing he could think about were Jackson's lips. They looked so tasty and so soft that he wanted to know what is it like to kiss them but he still didn't want to kiss a man.

He heard some voice calling his name somewhere far away. He tried to response to it. He was shouted but instead of shout even softer and more silent sound than usually came out of his mouth.

The time got its speed back and Jackson was slowly getting closer and closer to Mark which decided to try those beautiful pink lips. They looked so tasty even though he was the same genders.

Two more seconds and he would found out how does those lips tastes but something suddenly slaped his cheek.


Mark woke up with Youngjae standing next to his bed and lightly slaping his face.
"Ugh Youngjae. Why are you slaping my face?" Mark said sleepily.
"I was trying to wake you up for a really long time. You had so deep sleep it is almost a miracle I woke you up." Youngjae chuckled and then left the room so Mark could get up peacable and dress up without someone's distrubutions.





(Authors note: I hope that I didn´t make too many mistakes and that you like it.

And thanks for that comment about hyung and oppa stuff. I didn't know that. I will try to write it right next time. Plus I was writing it in school so...)

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Chapter 8: i love it
markson_15 #2
Chapter 8: that was so short! if you made it longer it would have been perfect! cuz your writing became better!
angelicabq #3
Chapter 7: Omg yugyeom knows, he ing knoooowwwwssss
markson_15 #4
Chapter 7: oh yug yeom, you are so mean! what will mark say? ahhh i can't wait!
markson_15 #5
Chapter 6: awww sweetie sweet, markson or never!
i will sure support you, need any help? i am always here (grins)...jb-oppa you helping markson! i could imagine him in real life doing that! nice chapter! update soon! :)
markson_15 #6
Chapter 5: what the hell? don't tell me jackson don't love mark back?? noooo, that can't happen! maybe he is shocked??? he can't believe himself, right? right? it have to be like this~~ anyway thank you for the update! and update sooon~~
markson_15 #7
Chapter 4: nice chapter~~ thanks for the update..update soon :)
angelicabq #8
Chapter 1: I just want to said in this chapter that everything is awesome but males don't call oppa to others males, only as a joke. Also Mark is the eldest of the group so he doesn't have hyungs, the meaning of hyung it's big brother, the meaning of oppa it's the same but it's only use by females.
markson_15 #9
Chapter 2: it's really amazing, lovely mark crying! jackson angry! this is so good, it made my day..thank you~
markson_15 #10
Chapter 1: good work, keep on working~ thank you. :)