Not talking


Kiss. A lot types of kiss does exist.

Kiss. Can be just a light and soft touch of two people's lips.

Kiss. Can be a rough press of lips against each other.

Kiss. Can be full of pasion.

Kiss. Can be just a small innocent peck on the other's lips.

Kiss. Can be one of the best things in someone's life. This kiss can be between two people which just got engage or it can be between the groom and bride at the altar.

Kiss. Can be the worst if you kiss someone you shouldn't or did not want to.

Kiss. The best and most important kiss in life is the first kiss with the person you love.
This first kiss is perfect because you're having it with the love of your life, it is unique because it's the couple's first and it lasts forever, you will never forget your first kiss with the one you love.

And the last two definitions are perfect to describe the kiss that was just happening between Jackson and Mark.
It was almost a half minute from the time their lips connected when they slowly pulled away. They were just sitting there looking at each other. Both of them were so surprised by what just happened they weren't able to do anything. They had no idea why, how or what actually just happened.

Mark got back to his senses a little. He stood up and quickly walked to his bed, lied down and didn't look at Jackson. Not even with the corner of his eye. Jackson also laid down and both of them fell asleep as quickly as possible just to don't have to think or talk about that kiss.

The only thing they were thinking about was that they shouldn't have ever let this happen, it will only mess everything up.
Jackson woke up while Mark was still sleeping so he was glad he had some time to make up his mind.
Well he wasn't sure how to do that and he totally understand why Mark didn't talked to him yesterday, he wouldn't do that either. He also didn't want to look at Mark or talk to him or even be in the same room with him.
They had some photoshoot on their schedule today and most of the photos were supposed to be singly so he didn't had to do it most of the day.

It was already time for breakfast when Mark opened his eyes. He looked across the room from the habit but when he saw Jackson he blushed slightly red and quickly turned his head to the other side.

Both of them got breakfast without looking at each other and obviously nobody noticed that. It wasn't that unusual coz they sometimes had fights which caused them not to talk to each other for a day or two even if it wasn't serious.

They were living next to each other physically but mentally they lived in their own worlds. In the evenenig they just lied in their beds with their phones and turned off the lights. That was it. The whole day without any contact.

It was about 11 pm the usual time they were turning their phones off and Jackson did so but Mark didn't. It was like he didn't even notice Jackson's there. He was watching something seemingly more important to him than Jackson and their habits.

Jackson knew why he did so and he didn't mind. Well why would he?
Jackson thought it was his fault. He was blaming himself from not stopping Mark before the kiss.

'How could I let it happen. It is all my fault we are not talking to each other. Why did I kissed him back. He was drunk it wasn't his fault he didn't know what he was doing I was the one who kissed him back. I need to fix it. I should maybe leave, it would be better we'd not have to see one another.
But I still want to see him and I want to stay with Got7 coz I love them and it's really fun here.
Okay I need to think of something other to do. I want us to be friends as before I really do I miss that but what should I do.'

It was what Jackson was thinking about before falling asleep.

After Jackson dropped off Mark finally turned off his phone. And tried to sleep too.
But even tho he was trying he wasn't able to sleep. His head was full of thoughts about Jackson.
'I know it was wrong but damn his lips were so delicious. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had.~~ Yah it's not a friendship I am sure, it is a lot more than that.
I think I should talk to him tommorow. I hope we will find some solution.'

Mark decided it will be the best and finally calmly fell asleep.

Mark woke up sooner than usual. It wasn't even 6 am yet. And for his surprise Jackson was also awake and he was looking at him.

"Good morning Mark. Did you sleep well?" Jackson unexpectedly asked.
Mark smiled a little happy Jackson is talking to him.
"Good morning. Yeah I slept well." Mark answered and after small pause he said:
"Look, I know it's been weird between us last few days and I think you are as confused as I am in cause of that. I want to figure it out somehow."
Jackson looked to Mark's eyes and agreed with it only by nodding his head.

"Yeah I am not sure what to do and I will tell you something now that you can't tell anyone, okay?"
Mark asked and Jackson nodded his head again.

"I don't want to loose you as friend but I think I may love you or something like that. I'm not sure how exactly I feel about you. I love beeing friends with you but that isn't enough. Also I don't think I strightly love you. It is something between that." Mark's voice was trembling a little from the nervousness of saying this to Jackson.

Jackson only sat there on his bad eyes fixed on Mark's one. His face was without any expression, it was like stone and he wasn't saying a word.

Just sitting and staring.




(Author's note: I am sorry if it doesn't make a much sense sometimes and btw I wanted to upload yesterday but that damn wifi wasn't working well.)

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Chapter 8: i love it
markson_15 #2
Chapter 8: that was so short! if you made it longer it would have been perfect! cuz your writing became better!
angelicabq #3
Chapter 7: Omg yugyeom knows, he ing knoooowwwwssss
markson_15 #4
Chapter 7: oh yug yeom, you are so mean! what will mark say? ahhh i can't wait!
markson_15 #5
Chapter 6: awww sweetie sweet, markson or never!
i will sure support you, need any help? i am always here (grins)...jb-oppa you helping markson! i could imagine him in real life doing that! nice chapter! update soon! :)
markson_15 #6
Chapter 5: what the hell? don't tell me jackson don't love mark back?? noooo, that can't happen! maybe he is shocked??? he can't believe himself, right? right? it have to be like this~~ anyway thank you for the update! and update sooon~~
markson_15 #7
Chapter 4: nice chapter~~ thanks for the update..update soon :)
angelicabq #8
Chapter 1: I just want to said in this chapter that everything is awesome but males don't call oppa to others males, only as a joke. Also Mark is the eldest of the group so he doesn't have hyungs, the meaning of hyung it's big brother, the meaning of oppa it's the same but it's only use by females.
markson_15 #9
Chapter 2: it's really amazing, lovely mark crying! jackson angry! this is so good, it made my day..thank you~
markson_15 #10
Chapter 1: good work, keep on working~ thank you. :)