The Clinger

You're Our Baby Girl : Where It All Started


“Well, isn’t that just adorable?” Sungjong said as he and Hoya looked upon you, L and Dongwoo. The night before, they had built up a wall of pillows around you to make sure neither Dongwoo or L could invade your space while you were sleeping but that didn’t work. The pillows were straddled everywhere while Dongwoo and L had an arm and leg over your blanket covered body.

“She’s going to get a freight when she wakes up you realize.” Hoya looked at Sungjong with a look of concern but Sungjong grabbed the camera off the camera guy and went in for a closer shot. You looked like a baby in between your parents. Your eyes started to flutter open.

“Ah, she’s awake.” Hoya said making a ‘O’ shape with his mouth. Sungjong zoomed in on your face.

“Good Morning My Baby Girl!” Sungjong whispered loudly as you became more with it. When you saw the camera, you instantly hid under the blanket to the diappointment of Sungjong the cameraman.

“She still hasn’t noticed.” Hoya said pointing out of the obvious. You popped your head out of the blanket.

“Notice what?” Hoya pointed the two guys clinging onto you. Your eyes widened and you tried to wiggle out of their grip. Dongwoo let go right away but Myungsoo on the other hand had other plans. His hand gripped around you tighter and pulled you in closer. ‘I’m so dead after this airs on TV,’ You thought as he snuggled his head in your head. You cringed as his hot breath trickled down your head. You looked up at Sungjong and mouthed ‘Help Me SunSun Appa’.


“Yah! Appa, why are you still clinging onto me for?!” You yelled at L while eating your breakfast. L had to be pulled off you by force but after you got for school and everything he decided to re-cling onto you again.

“I think he’s fallen asleep.” Sunggyu said pointing at the sleeping prince with his chopstick. You looked at him and saw that his eyes had closed. Even his eyes were closed you could tell that he was tired. When you looked around the table, you could tell that they were all tired. You watched as poor Sungyeol started to pour his coffee but in the end it ended up on his plate. Woohyun hair was like a bird nest but he some how ended up looking good.

‘Do these guys ever get a break?’


Text Messaging Corner: Sleep, that's an order!


To: Baby Girl

From: DongDong Appa

_________-ah, I hope you are studying hard! :P


To: DongDong Appa

From: Baby Girl

Well, I can’t if you are texting me now can I :P


To: Baby Girl

From: DongDong Appa

I’m sorry >_<


To: DongDong Appa

From: Baby Girl

It’s okay. I needed a break anyways. What are you up to? :)


To: Baby Girl

From: DongDong Appa

Having a break from dance practice. How’s your first day of school going?


To: DongDong Appa

From: Baby Girl

It’s going okay so far, I guess. You shouldn’t be texting me on your break. Go have a sleep.


To: Baby Girl

From: DongDong Appa

Don’t you want to talk to me? :(


To: DongDong Appa

From: Baby Girl

Of course I do but I know you guys won’t be back home until late. Even then I’ve been told you guys like practice until the early morning. Sleep, that’s an order.


To: Baby Girl

From: DongDong Appa

Since you’re my daughter, I’m going to listen to you. Be good okay! :P


Author Note 

To My Dear Reader, Good Morning

It's currently 1:53am where i am, and here i am posting this. Sorry if its a bit y but yeah. 

Comment, Share the love <3

Peace Out while i go crash on my bed! 

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Smileonce133 #1
yeoljong <333
This is just too cute! Please update soon!!
welcome back :D and update soon ><
Byungkwanglove #4
Please update soon^^
hhahahahah...<br />
i wish i can see their in crossdress in realife...XD
Sooyong #7
hi! new reader here. . <br />
nice fic. . . i love it. . <br />
please update soon..
new reader here..<br />
just awsme fic..<br />
i wish ill be hug by L like a tedy bear..huhuu..<br />
jinnja grandpa gyu has tounge pierced..<br />
i dont mind if he had...he look kind a hot one...kkeke<br />
update soon..
-ily_4ever #9
Please update soon! Ooh I wonder if the noona will actually make them dress up as girls later!! :]
LoL. 'The Dark Hell Hole' xD