
Broken Halos and Mended hearts

Tao's POV;- What had I done? I'd nearly killed the only girl that actually truly cared for me.
'I'm so sorry Sya' I hung my head.
'Shhh' she soothed 'It's alright, I'm still here'
'But-' she out her finger on my lips.
'No buts, it's all okay Tao' she smiled.
I didn't deserve her and I just kept thinking that she was going to disappear, that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. A cruel and twisted joke.
But it wasn't a joke, she was real and she was really here in front of me.
God I loved her so much.
'You could have died' I said with tears in my eyes.
She kissed me 'but I didn't and even if I did, I'd gladly die for you Tao' that comment sent a chill down my spine 'but I think now, I desreve an explanation' I sighed, she was right of course.
'I think it might be better if I showed you' I said as I stood up and turned around, removing my shirt as I did so.
She gasped when she saw what was underneath

'Tao...what is this?' I ran my fingers over the marks on Tao's back and he flinched 'sorry' I said.
'It's fine, it didn't hurt' he said quietly 'just a reaction'
'What happened to you?' I asked eventhough I could guess after what I'd seen, but I had to be sure.
'They're my scars' he said 'from when I fell'
I heard people call the ones they love angels before but Tao was the real deal, well he had been at some point and my guess was that whatever had tried to kill me was the reason for his fall.
'There's nothing you can do' he said, apparently reading my mind 'that thing is part of me, my other half'
'There must be something'
He shook his head sadly 'I've tried and never found anything'
'But wait, if this thing is part of you why have I never seen you before'
'I kept being given chances seeing as I can control my other half' he paused 'most of the time'
I looked back at his scars as he put his shirt back on, no wonder they looked fresh, he'd only just fallen.
I couldn't imagine the pain he would have had to go through when they'd been removed. I shivered at the thought.
But wait...
'If your wings were removed, how did you have black ones before? And how will you get them back? I assume you can't just stick them back on'
He srhrugged 'I have no idea' he admitted.
I gave him a small smile.
'I'm going to help you Tao. Whatever it takes, I'm with you' I told him and wrapped my arms around his wasit 'I love you' I whispered in his ear

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Chapter 2: I am loving it so far keep up the good work :)
Hope to read more soon :) x