New hairstyles and Wedding in Japan

Magics (New girl's group)

“I’m going to murder that maknae” Shouting I walked into my room and slammed the door shut and laid down on my bed. What would you expect if you were sabotaged by that demon. I never really minded her pranking. it was usually funny that is until she turned to prank on me now that’s going too far. I sat up once I heard the door being open by none other than Lily.


“Rocky what is wrong with you screaming at this time of day?” Hissing she close the door and step inside my room going to sit on one of the chairs. Didn’t she see this mess on top of my head, was she that blind. I stared at her in astonishment was she for real?


“Lily I have just been notified that you need an optometrist” She widen her eyes and it took me all my power not to laugh at her.


“I need glasses. I- that can’t be true. I have 20/20 vision.” She stammered out I could tell she was thinking about the consequences of glasses. A minute later she perked back up. Aren’t her mood swings the best?


“No problem I know I can work glasses if not I could always get eye contacts.” Why do I still get surprised when I’m around her and her crazyness? One day I know I’m going to question my sanity and ask myself why did I join this group I know it.


“That maknae dyed my hair blond. What do you think you moron.” Not meaning to call her that I just feel as if sometimes she’s completely lost it, well to me other not so much. She only rolled her eyes at me.


“It’s not that bad I thought you did that yourself and maknae which of the maknaes. The prank princess went to Japan for her cousins wedding yesterday morning.” She looked at me as if I had two heads which I didn't. Now I finally get why it was so boring yesterday the mood maker left for the evening and probably the next two mornings.


“If you’d like I can fix it because the stylist Unnis are one big no no.” She told me shaking her head as she said no two times. I could only shudder at all the creepy hair styles they would give me. I thought about letting Lily do my hair. I mean what can be worst that stylist Unni.


“Yeah what could be worse than what those Unnis could do, right?” She jumped up and proceeded to drag me to the bathroom. All I could do is sit there helpless as all my hair was cut short. After about 10 minutes I was through.


“What do you think?” Lily said before shoving a mirror into my hand. Truthfully it was a lot better than what the stylist could ever do \ and that’s just what I said.


“It’s a lot better than what the stylist could ever do” I said feeling glad I had a somewhat decent looking hairstyle. I could just feel her radiating with happiness.


“I know leader Unni has to at least keep some peace within the children.” She said walking off now that I think about it I didn’t wash my hair yesterday so it could have been that maknae trying to prank me yesterday.


In Japan


I walked to the guest room that I would now be sharing with my younger cousin and looked though my suite case. Coming upon a bottle I took it out.


“Time to turn the bride blond” I laughed evilly under my breathe before giving out a big sneeze. God this has been happening all morning either I’m getting a cold or someone’s talking about me. Thinking about the possible people to I came across Roxi. That was impossible Rocky would have been bad mouthing me yesterday if she tried the shampoo so I’m probably just getting a cold. Walking outside I went snuck inside my cousin’s room. 'Time for the fun to begin'. I thought before an evil smile came upon my face. Changmin, Kyu, and Kry  changed me to much.


I decided to make side stories each time two member were showed hope you like it

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saludlang #1
i love shinee <3 <3
...... where's me?
anyway... host a show!! I can't wait... :)
aww bunny XDD
I'm playing umma right now^^
YAY awesome we're gonna host a show
can't wait for the next chapter!!
creolediva3 #4
wait...for the club scene who's point of view is that?
wow I'm wise XDD<br />
oh noo poor Eunhyuk!!
LOL!! this chapter is soooo.... great! <br />
eunhyuk is beaten by a door! LOL
tobiwan #7
Hahaha poor Hyukkie~ dead on the floor xD<br />
Is it just me or did I not see Marill in here at all? My eyes must be playing tricks on me o_o
creolediva3 #8
OMG that was hilarious XD lol monkey bastard XD
tobiwan #9
LOL the update was so long...I practically forgot what happened! Um...something about water baloons, pranking and Hyukjae right? Mehhh I'm sorry I couldn't comment on your first update! I was practicing for my Confirmation (I'm Catholic)
junhyung-lover #10
AIYO hyuk so evil>< water balloon fighttt!